The genius behind MasterNodes


The buck stops here.
In seven months time, the amount of Bitcoin nodes have gone down by 100,000. source
Did a little more digging and had a conversation in the Bitcoin IRC channel. Current Bitcoin node count is actually closer to 7000. source
Which means, just going on Masternodes alone, Darkcoin has already 10% of Bitcoin's node count in a six month time window. That is incredible. source

Reason being, is that there is absolutely zero incentive to operate a full fledged node for regular users. The Bitcoin blockchain takes days to sync from a clean install and is extremely large in size.

Darkcoin is still in it's infancy. The node count is only 4% of Bitcoins 10% of Bitcoin's. source Yet it has the opportunity to address a serious issue with Bitcoin. With the genius of MasterNodes or MN's, there is now a guaranteed list of reliable full featured nodes for optimal and reliable syncing of the blockchain.

In the future, it may be possible to create lightweight wallets specifically relying on the MN's for blockchain information. This is unprecedented in any cryptocurrency. A proof of service. Node operators are creating a strong and healthy network, while being rewarded for it. As darkcoin grows, so will the node count. Genious to offer an incentive. One more problem of Bitcoin's solved with Darkcoin.

Bonus: Cool 3d map of Cryptocurrency Nodes.
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Absolutely agree. Having a reliable and decentralized network of hundreds of servers (657 at last check) has incredible value for the coin. Devs can count on them and design new features like nobody else can.
Completely agree with what you say. We wouldn't have anywhere near 600 is it wasn't for this reward.

Awesome 3d map btw, love that is also shows Darknodes. Need one of these for masternodes!
Stop thinking US centric. That's annoying.
I'm not thinking US centric. But East coast and west coast expressions are very American. I'm from England, south east. But saying south east isn't really known globally.

I have a masternodes all over the place. And when I tibnk of Dark, I don't think of it as a US thing, that goes for all cryptos........minus the silly "geo" coins.
I'm watching the logs on our pool (just updated to 9.11.6) and I am seeing the MasterNode payments going out. This is really sweet!