Yeah is getting little too much and seriously running into spam territory. pinging Propulsion for moderation
what do u want? i up my topic ONCE A WEEK ONLY. Is it spam? - No, it is businessYeah is getting little too much and seriously running into spam territory. pinging Propulsion for moderation
sorry but English is not my native, what is speedlost?Looks like a nice VPN service is there speedlost if I download files ?
No problem so is mine If i normaly download a file at 2mb/s will i loose some speed when im using your VPN service ? like 1.5mb/s insteed ?
it is my test RU3-FR1 chain
my test without VPN:
Download: 5.48 Mbit/s
Upload: 2.84 Mbit/s
voucher from high castle: bp4m0cl7493
click to voucher -> sing in/sign up -> activate voucher -> go to subscribes page -> download configs -> connecting to VPNI'm sorry but - what are the vouchers for??
voucher is a way to add money to balance to test our service for freeThank for letting me know how to use the voucher(s) but....
Let me rephrase the: question - 'what' are the vouchers for???
Agreed, warned. Bump once every two weeks.Congratulations, you're the first Merchant-Troll in existence.
How about instead of clockwork post bumping and free voucher spreading, and ignoring mods and users here, you actually engage the community in a more fruitful, less cartoonish manner? Maybe get a couple of your Dash customers to come here for reviews?
I for one think your approach is totally unprofessional, and quite frankly some images are plain offensive. Speaking for myself, I would not trust your service based on your demeanour.
hey guys
i can not find any Dash listing on your page ?!
only BTC , LTC