The Dasherberg Group


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Foundation Member
The Dasherberg Group - Meeting nº1

T’was a rainy Tuesday afternoon. March the 24th, 2015. Precisely 24 hours before the official rebrand, and 3 was the count of conspirators. Plotting for world domination, the location was meticulously chosen, far and away of prying eyes and tuned-in ears.

The meeting began by with a quick verification of identities. The public key had been previously sent (phone number), the secret handshake was performed, and a byzantine consensus achieved. The meeting point, ironically, at the footsteps of a major competitor’s headquarters. The huge albino bitten pome fruit did nothing to deter the procedures.

Off they went, the 3 knights, meandering the streets, anonymously mingling with the crowd. They entered a local half-lit tavern, heading straight to the most inconspicuous darkened corner.

Talk began soft as soft was the drink. And with drink came the food, and with food the more talk. And were it not for the hot of the food, the more the soft drink and the more the hot talk. Quite literally, food and drink, for thought.

Maps of vast treasures were drawn and plans sung like songs. Many tales of slayed trolls with strong laughter were told. The 3 knights spoke feverously of the past, the present and future. Particularly the future, as little in the present was left to hash, and the past buried deep as the roots of a Markle tree.

Like hot wallets they sprung and an instant transaction was made, leaving the tavern at bay. The 3 knights now with shields headed fearless into the night. A new bond was now made with a pledge to maintain.

Time was running scarce while the knights still engaged. A secret pact was formed, firmed with a toast hailing the devs. A vow to a world in need of a change.

As secretly they came, obfuscated they left. And so the 3 knights wondered into the dark. Thus parting their ways, each in a carriage without horses. Headstrong and ready on the next adventure embark. Their mission was set, clear objectives aligned.

Thus endeth the tale of such glorious knights. An astounding success, filled with noble delights.

May this tale of 3 knights inspire fellow Dashers to conspire…


toknormal aleix


Amazing night with 2 amazing fellow members of our community.

We need to do it more often!!

Fuck internet, real life is always better.

+100 A night to remember and perfectly done justice to by Ghostplayer !
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guys that rocks. i think we should all have Dasherberg group meetings. You 3 have inspired me to do thus in Canada! great prose too!

So Barcelona is a current DASH's european capital?
Which language did you speak - Catalonian? :smile:

(I have to prepare myself for bright future meetings and conferences. :) )
Did you mean a bite out of a pome fruit? Citrus are oranges, grapefruit, lemon.... Who takes a bite out of a citrus?

I have a trench coat, can I come next time? I can get a fedora as well, if you'll approve me. Damn, if you were speaking Spanish (which I'm pretty much incapable of learning despite all my friends trying to teach me) I'll have to bring my husband to interpret :{ Back at school, the Hispanic club was the best club, so of course I joined, but didn't/couldn't learn anything!

Seriously, that sounds like it was awesome! Congrats on having the first DASH meeting (though you kind of cheated. going early like ya did ;P)
Did you mean a bite out of a pome fruit? Citrus are oranges, grapefruit, lemon.... Who takes a bite out of a citrus?

I have a trench coat, can I come next time? I can get a fedora as well, if you'll approve me. Damn, if you were speaking Spanish (which I'm pretty much incapable of learning despite all my friends trying to teach me) I'll have to bring my husband to interpret :{ Back at school, the Hispanic club was the best club, so of course I joined, but didn't/couldn't learn anything!

Seriously, that sounds like it was awesome! Congrats on having the first DASH meeting (though you kind of cheated. going early like ya did ;P)

I though apples were citrus :what: lol ... editing OP for accuracy, thanks Tante

Anyway, yes, indeed, it was a "pre-mined" meet-up :tongue:

Damn did I miss a good party? Barcelona is one of the only cities in Spain I have every been to, I had a great night one time sleeping rough in the park when I was riding around Europe on a bike as a young whipper snapper :cool:
Did you mean a bite out of a pome fruit? Citrus are oranges, grapefruit, lemon.... Who takes a bite out of a citrus?
Damn, if you were speaking Spanish (which I'm pretty much incapable of learning despite all my friends trying to teach me)

Can't be a bad as my Spanish, I only know 'Que?' :grin:
