Thailand and SE Asia Youtube Video/Marketing


New member
I have been involved with Bitcoin since Spring of 2013.

I have traveled through south east Asia and I keep meeting and networking with many people in many various walks of life, some are in big business, others are social media musicians, entertainers, bloggers who are Thai, Korean, Japanese.

After being in a few face to face bitcoin trades and not getting confirmations in hours, or days about a year ago I was informed of Dash. I now try to use Dash in place of Bitcoin whenever possible. I suggest people can convert the dash I send them to bitcoin if they want but I no longer want to be responsible for long confirmation times and I dont want to pay high fees.

I keep networking with new people all the time and I now want to create youtube content/videos in the local language. I could get thousands of views within hours of a video being published by posting on various people's sites I have networked with.

I have met and used the local Thai Bitcoin exchange BX. Which does buy/sell Dash!

Some of the first issues I see is Bitcoin is an unusable currency in Thailand where the avg income is about $4/day. Thats now less than the fee required. Whereas Dash just upgraded to 12.2 making Dash the real coin ready for adoption.

It will be slow going at first, but I know people who would love to get paid Thai content and would create a loyalty to the outreach project.

I have always enjoyed marketing. I live and breathe crypto. It is my passion. And I have a personal investment in seeing Dash succeed globally. So any coin sent my way would be spent with the main goal of bringing new users into the coin.

I have always been quite entrepreneurial and successful at it.

I do not know exactly how much money I need, or how much is the correct amount to ask for.

This is a loosely crafted proposal so far that I hope to get some more direction from other MNO's but I could see over time this turning into a long term project that matures very nice over the next 3, 6, 12, 18, 24 months and so on that will gain steam and momentum if given the opportunity to work and promote for Dash.

I have in many cases helped many people open wallets, I will send them my own funds and I am happy to do so, but I have also been very interested in the possibilities of what more funding could grow into if I were to form a business and project around this coin.

Thank you for your time,
I am the Lorax, I speak for the coin for the coin has no tongue!
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This sounds interesting.

I'll be in Bangkok for a few days in early December. Would you like to meet up? We can do an interview for my YouTube channel to help promote yourself and this proposal. Send me a private message!
Hey Lorax, greeting from same region as yours.

It seems like you have the same exact vision as mine. Well, what if we can provide such solution in the region exclusively for Dash?

Mind to Private Message me to elaborate more what we can do to encourage people using Dash with providing an adequate system or flow for buying and selling Dash.

Hi Amzar,

After some more thought after typing this up. I would need to focus on Thailand first and only Thailand. The main goal is to find serious actors and English/Thai speakers. Fortunately Thai's have a great work ethic and if paid accordingly they can produce a lot of content without much prodding.

Down the road I would like to take my experiences gained from the Thai based project and expand into other countries such as S.Korea and Japan.

Marketing(events and commercials), tutorials are the main focus initially. If done properly this would help gain a lot of awareness which would then become self feeding.

As for providing adequate systems for buying and selling, I will leave that to the exchange operators, bitcoin traders, and for the market to mature organically whether people want to trade face to face or through banks. I've been involved in this aspect in my past and I believe between and Thai BX are going to be the best in/out of crypto in the short term.

Getting fiat gateways for Dash in Thailand is going to take time and likely a much higher price tag on Dash. When you get to the lower levels of the economy, its still quite a physical cash based economy and this is good in some ways (as it does work well for the Thais, is a secure, free, instant means of transferring value peer 2 peer, and the Bhat is getting strong, for now.)

The big changes I see for Thailand and crypto's are still 2-3 years off, but now is the time to begin with the marketing and creating those networks.
I do agree by using a public figure to make things faster grow and really helpful to create awareness.

As for LBTC, yes they are providing a great service for trading Bitcoin but for me it is bound alone for Bitcoin only.

Take an example for Dash Miner here, they have to exchange their Dash to BTC first. Then, they can convert to local fiat.

Such situation create double exchange that may shrink the value of their earning.

There's party here go for ETH but no one go for Dash yet. I'm thinking why not go for next Dash-local currency then.
I dont recommend others to do this, or if they do, do at their own risk, But I find reputable people on, I do a couple bitcoin trades, and then go direct, keep it small amounts. My last transaction was direct and Dash was used.

You can meet a trader face to face and ask to buy or sell Dash instead of BTC... regardless, this is not the area I personally want to focus. If people want crypto, they will figure out how to go about getting it.

The mission is get people to know about crypto, want it, and also get them to want dash, not bitcoin or other alts.

So marketing/education is my main goal.
Hello, you can start a Dash community in Thailand as well, just like in Venezuela and Ghana. You can organize conferences for people, first small and then scale up. Please visit the Dash Caracas pre proposal, you can get many ideas! Start is the most difficult, bus also the most important. You count with my support. Also you can visit our pre proposal for a DASH Customer Support Center, it also will be needed! Check it out and give your feedback.