You should get your payment after 6 days and a couple of hours... patience zoro1 will be paid ;)
I am afraid because i see some other random addresses and they all have been payed the same day from dashd and from blocks
for example:
Balance1,005.826 DASH
Last Paid (from dashd)7/4/2016, 6:30:33 μ.μ. (3 hours 31 minutes 52 seconds ago)
Last Paid (from blocks)7/4/2016, 6:29:08 μ.μ. (3 hours 33 minutes 17 seconds ago) on block 449189
When you cast masternode start or when was your last payment?
When you cast masternode start or when was your last payment?

These are my stats
StatusActive (100%)
Port Check StatusOpen
Port Check Next Try20 seconds
Daemon Version0.12.0.56 (Protocol=70103)
Balance1,000.000 DASH
Last Paid (from dashd)2/4/2016, 10:07:12 μ.μ. (5 days 17 hours 51 minutes 7 seconds ago)
Last Paid (from blocks)Never/Unknown
Total Paid (Last month)0.000 DASH (0 times / 0 missed / 0 hijacked)
Active Duration1 week 5 days 6 hours 33 minutes 44 seconds
Last Seen8/4/2016, 3:53:42 μ.μ. (4 minutes 37 seconds ago)
Last Paid (from dashd)2/4/2016, 10:07:12 μ.μ. (5 days 17 hours 51 minutes 7 seconds ago)

You should be paid within ~10 hours

Please do not start the node from local agaij, leave it as it is.... it needs to be online a bit more then 6 days before the payment arrives.... just wait a bit more :)
Then i am expecting 2 payments since on Sunday i will have my wallet running for 2 weeks straight!


Balance1,002.333 DASH
Last Paid (from dashd)10/4/2016, 2:37:52 π.μ. (7 hours 11 minutes 28 seconds ago)
Last Paid (from blocks)10/4/2016, 2:37:00 π.μ. (7 hours 12 minutes 20 seconds ago) on block 450465
Total Paid (Last month)2.333 DASH (1 times / 0 missed / 0 hijacked)
Active Duration2 weeks 23 minutes 38 seconds

it is confirmed i lost the first payment and i can't understand why!
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I have just set up one MN and it seems to work fine. I was running it for around 1 day and I had restart my Mac and then after about another 6 days I got 1.95 DASH which is great. As I am new to MNs I have a couple of questions that I haven't found a straight answer to:

1. If my remote server (on VULTR) is running and my local DASH wallet goes down because I have to restart or because of a crash of some sort and it's been up for 5 days, does the MN time start at zero and I have lost the 5 days I was already up? or does it take that into account?

2. I want to set up another MN and do I need a separate VULTR remote server instance or can I run two MN from the same remote server. Does each MN need a unique IP? My understanding is that I only need to update the local masternode.conf with the details of the new MN?
I have just set up one MN and it seems to work fine. I was running it for around 1 day and I had restart my Mac and then after about another 6 days I got 1.95 DASH which is great. As I am new to MNs I have a couple of questions that I haven't found a straight answer to:

1. If my remote server (on VULTR) is running and my local DASH wallet goes down because I have to restart or because of a crash of some sort and it's been up for 5 days, does the MN time start at zero and I have lost the 5 days I was already up? or does it take that into account?

2. I want to set up another MN and do I need a separate VULTR remote server instance or can I run two MN from the same remote server. Does each MN need a unique IP? My understanding is that I only need to update the local masternode.conf with the details of the new MN?
1. If your hot node is running fine, what happens to your collateral wallet will not affect it, unless you remove your collateral. Your cold wallet can be started at any time to issue the Masternode start command.

2. It is recommended to start a new instance. Update your Masternode.conf with the info from the new VPS and addresses.
So, I closed down my local DASH wallet and set up another instance on VULTR (cloned the first MN) and updated the .conf files and started the second MN and then started the local DASH wallet and started the MNs again from my wallet. This is the status of MN01 before I closed the local DASH wallet:


It's showing 'Active Duration' as 1 week 23 hours 10 minutes 9 seconds

This is the same MN after I restarted my local DASH wallet:

So now it looks like its been active for only 5 minutes? So does that mean that from the networks point of view it will take longer for me to get the next reward? You said before that it doesn't matter if the local wallet is running but it does affect the "Active Duration" time?

Can I close my local DASH wallet when the hot wallets are running?
Thank you. I am trying to understand this so why do you need to run the 'masternode start-all' at the local wallet if it doesn't affect the remote MN? Also, the 'Active Duration' as above is affected by the local DASH wallet being started and stopped. I have now closed the local DASH wallet to see what happens. I hope you are right...
Thank you. I am trying to understand this so why do you need to run the 'masternode start-all' at the local wallet if it doesn't affect the remote MN? Also, the 'Active Duration' as above is affected by the local DASH wallet being started and stopped. I have now closed the local DASH wallet to see what happens. I hope you are right...
You're good. Don't worry, young Padawan...
Thank you. I am trying to understand this so why do you need to run the 'masternode start-all' at the local wallet if it doesn't affect the remote MN? Also, the 'Active Duration' as above is affected by the local DASH wallet being started and stopped. I have now closed the local DASH wallet to see what happens. I hope you are right...
I guess you are using local dash.conf (not masternode.conf) to setup your masternode, right?
If you have "masternode=1" in your local dash.conf - remove it or make it "masternode=0" once you're done setting up/starting your remote MN otherwise it will restart your remote MN every time you run your local wallet. Make it "masternode=1" again only when you need to restart remote MN.
And in this case I would also suggest to change you local config to use masternode.conf instead of "masternode*" params in dash.conf even if you have only 1 masternode to avoid such confusion.
My dash.conf is:


My masternode.conf is:

# Masternode config file
# Format: alias IP:port masternodeprivkey collateral_output_txid collateral_output_index
# Example: mn1 93HaYBVUC.....xiqgX.....DQL8Xg 2bcd3c84c84f87eaa.....7f9e18718810b92e0d0324456a67c 0
MN01 7sEkLk1cZ3x9U2......gLmWTa....vkx 4f850922a06c465d.....d95c8834acad87712fd275a27dd5 1
MN02 7rDX8ZsACR1......BFoB......52CE 9c13364e6420d3eef18.....a69457eea16ed04749ba6987 1
MN03 7qqTzxZhgy5zr.....RxEV9u.....1udARXMo 7483f0caf338974c4bf70..............3b833eebde66147e56564755c 1

This is all set up according to guides on this forum. (dots inserted her obviously and not in the real .conf file)

Is there anything wrong here?

My three remote MNs are now running fine and I have closed my local DASH wallet and it all seems fine now (until one of the servers goes down).

Should I change anything
My dash.conf is:


My masternode.conf is:

# Masternode config file
# Format: alias IP:port masternodeprivkey collateral_output_txid collateral_output_index
# Example: mn1 93HaYBVUC.....xiqgX.....DQL8Xg 2bcd3c84c84f87eaa.....7f9e18718810b92e0d0324456a67c 0
MN01 7sEkLk1cZ3x9U2......gLmWTa....vkx 4f850922a06c465d.....d95c8834acad87712fd275a27dd5 1
MN02 7rDX8ZsACR1......BFoB......52CE 9c13364e6420d3eef18.....a69457eea16ed04749ba6987 1
MN03 7qqTzxZhgy5zr.....RxEV9u.....1udARXMo 7483f0caf338974c4bf70..............3b833eebde66147e56564755c 1

This is all set up according to guides on this forum. (dots inserted her obviously and not in the real .conf file)

Is there anything wrong here?

My three remote MNs are now running fine and I have closed my local DASH wallet and it all seems fine now (until one of the servers goes down).

Should I change anything
oh, so you are using masternode.conf - should be good then
Thank you, still can someone explain the "Active duration" and if this is reset then it all starts over and if this is reset to 0 after 6 days you will need to run it for another 6 days to get a stake?
Thank you, still can someone explain the "Active duration" and if this is reset then it all starts over and if this is reset to 0 after 6 days you will need to run it for another 6 days to get a stake?
Yes, every time you start your MN active duration is reset and you get to the end of the queue. This however shouldn't be triggered by any (local or remote) wallet restart in hot/cold setup.
However if you had 1 MN in your masternode.conf and it was up and running already and then you added second one and issued "masternode start-all" then first MN will be reset too. You should use another command "masternode start-alias MN02" to start only a single masternode from the list (the one with the alias "MN02" in this example).
Yes, every time you start your MN active duration is reset and you get to the end of the queue. This however shouldn't be triggered by any (local or remote) wallet restart in hot/cold setup.
However if you had 1 MN in your masternode.conf and it was up and running already and then you added second one and issued "masternode start-all" then first MN will be reset too. You should use another command "masternode start-alias MN02" to start only a single masternode from the list (the one with the alias "MN02" in this example).

Thank you for that, I think I am getting there. I initially misunderstood and as I restarted my local wallet I thought I had to issue the masternode start again but now I understand that this is not the case as the remote server is already running.

My three MNs have been up now for just over a day so I am waiting. Thank you for all your help...
