Hey Tao,

I have trying to update from 10.15.16. to 10.16.16. but when i do a masternode list my IP is not showing up at all.

When I try and do a masternode start from the local wallet i get the error message: 'inbound port is not open. Please open it and try again.'

Any ideas?
What version is your local wallet?
You're most welcome! Remember to help out others if you get the chance...

Most certainly will be helping others out.

I have a question I want to ask without sounding like an idiot, maybe a few of you guys could help answer .

1) from the wiki page under "What happens if a masternode is hacked", it says "Do NOT allow root ssh access" - So don't login to the server using SSH with the root user right? Or am I reading this wrong?

2) from this guide under Part 1.2 "Disable Root Login and sudo to root" - the command is 'sudo passwd -l root' (this locks the root password), when you do this it makes it so that you can not login with the root user using the password, and considering you did not give root ssh access it would presumably make it so that the root account has no access to the server. My question is, before you do this is it necessary to give the 2nd user we created sudo powers?

3) Is it a good idea to set up google authenticator for 2fa server access, I saw two guides written about this and was wondering if that would be cool.

4) Should we disable the 2nd user password also, since this user can login using ssh?

One last thing, TAO, would you care if I took your guide and turned it into a easy to read html page? I can give you 100% full credit, and maybe it can go up on the darkcoin website. Lemme know if you would like that.
Most certainly will be helping others out.

I have a question I want to ask without sounding like an idiot, maybe a few of you guys could help answer .

1) from the wiki page under "What happens if a masternode is hacked", it says "Do NOT allow root ssh access" - So don't login to the server using SSH with the root user right? Or am I reading this wrong?

2) from this guide under Part 1.2 "Disable Root Login and sudo to root" - the command is 'sudo passwd -l root' (this locks the root password), when you do this it makes it so that you can not login with the root user using the password, and considering you did not give root ssh access it would presumably make it so that the root account has no access to the server. My question is, before you do this is it necessary to give the 2nd user we created sudo powers?

3) Is it a good idea to set up google authenticator for 2fa server access, I saw two guides written about this and was wondering if that would be cool.

4) Should we disable the 2nd user password also, since this user can login using ssh?

One last thing, TAO, would you care if I took your guide and turned it into a easy to read html page? I can give you 100% full credit, and maybe it can go up on the darkcoin website. Lemme know if you would like that.

1) That is correct, use your personal user.

2) Yes, that is correct as well.

3) I don't have experience with that, let me know how it turns out!

4) No, as a potential attacker wouldn't know your personalized user. EVERY VPS comes with the Root user.

One last thing) HELL YEAH! I would like it all to be together in one SUPERGUIDE. (All of my guide posts together, so no need to click or search the thread. I would also like to post a copy on Get Into The Dark! when it's ready.


Please consider this my blessing to proceed!

Hope this helps.

What version is your local wallet?

10.16.16 as well.

I have also tried a masternode genkey to geneater a new master node private key and mandated both of my conf files. Still no success. Do u know if have to setup a new wallet with a new address?
Hey TAo!

I have a problem when i try to install joe (I did this before, so the problem is new)

I follow the guide to the letter, and then i type:

apt-get install joe

And this message appears:

E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied)
E: Unble to lock the administration directory var/lib/dpkg/ - open (13:permission denied)

Can you help me? Tnks a lot!
Hey TAo!

I have a problem when i try to install joe (I did this before, so the problem is new)

I follow the guide to the letter, and then i type:

apt-get install joe

And this message appears:

E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied)
E: Unble to lock the administration directory var/lib/dpkg/ - open (13:permission denied)

Can you help me? Tnks a lot!
you need root permissions to execute this, smth like that
Once you see a command prompt, you're going to visit good old ROOT again, :wink:, by entering the following command:

su -

Enter ROOT's :wink: password which you created before.
Don't you need to run "Masternode Debug" on the remote before doing "Masternode start" on the local?
grep HotCold .darkcoin/debug.log

You should see a line with "Enabled" in the string. This means your Linux Masternode is enabled, AND will continue to operate on your VPS even when your local Windows wallet is safely shut down and offline!

What do i do, when the "Enabled" message is not showing up?
What can i do to make sure my Masternode is running all the time?

I must have missed something... :-(

grep HotCold .darkcoin/debug.log

You should see a line with "Enabled" in the string. This means your Linux Masternode is enabled, AND will continue to operate on your VPS even when your local Windows wallet is safely shut down and offline!

What do i do, when the "Enabled" message is not showing up?
What can i do to make sure my Masternode is running all the time?

I must have missed something... :-(

Without having gone through this process since the update to Bitcoin 0.9.3, I will ask flare, vertoe, or UdjinM6: Is this line still valid when setting up a node? Or has it changed?

If not, I would say retrace your steps carefully to see what you missed.
Hey Tao
somebody just commented on Instagram, asking if you could update (or do a 2nd version) for start many out of one Wallet ?!?