Take Dash's flag to the top of Mt EVEREST

Hey guys!

I would like for you to detail a little better what would be benefits for the community besides getting the flag up there, maybe some marketing? I believe with the right media exposure this has great potential. Maybe needs better detailing.

Wish you luck!

Hi all. Most of the comments agree that if it had good news coverage, it could be good for Dash. Does anyone know how can I get in contact with the company that does marketing or Dash? I would like to ask them if they are interested in marketing such a content (A picture and a video of Dash's flag on the top of the world).
I agree with what others have said. Up the price a little to cover professional help with filming and publicity.
Hi, thanks for your anser. Does Dash already have a company that I should contact for the publicity, or should I look for one and hire my own?

Yeah, we have ogilvy and mather but probably better to organize it yourself because this mountaineering stuff is a specialist matter.
Maybe you should.
@criptoanarquist you didnt got me.
I mean I prefer someone to organise the cleaning of the death zone and bring the dead bodies back to their families, and I find reasonable to sponsor this.
This is much better than sponsoring someone for just climbing everest.
Anyway, I am not a masternode owner, so dont take my opinion into account.
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Hello Alejandro, so far I know that Dash does not have a exclusive marketing company. As you know, this is a descentralized community and marketing proposals hire different publicity companies, it depends on the proposal owner. Look for a good marketing company that could help in your project and ask them for a good PR plan. I agree when people say that this proposal could bring value but it depends 100% on the marketing campaign
Hi Alejandro,

Interesting proposal. Taking a flag to the top of Everest has a good 'YOLO' vibe to it, but at the same time your proposal currently looks too much 'pay for my cool trip that I was going to do anyway'.

I think the idea of expanding the marketing around the event is not such a bad one - at least you will produce some extra material for the community.

As people have said, you will probably have to find and approach the right people to help you with that one, and give you a decent and accurate quote on what it would cost to produce that kind of material. I'm sure if you have the drive to get to the top of Everest, you have the drive to do some research on that topic too.
