yam M8a released, it supports faster X11 CPU mining (reaching up to 1 MH/s on i7 4770 CPUs).
Builds for 32- and 64-bit Windows, Linux and FreeBSD available, as well as 64-bit MacOS X.
Download links can be found in yvg1900 Twitter.
you also have been building these pts and xpm miners, did you? i think i remeber you form bitsharestalk.
yvg1900, post: 41580, member: 2417"]For machines with Windows 7 64-bit and 8 Gb RAM or more consider enabling HugePages (if you are not on Win7 Home Edition)
You will have to assign the "Lock pages in memory" privilege to any user that runs your application. This includes administrators
Select Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Local Security Policy
Select Local Policies -> User Rights Assignment
Double click "Lock pages in memory", add users and/or groups
Reboot the machine
On Windows Vista you need also make sure that the application is run as Administrator (by right-clicking on the application or the shell and choosing "Run as adminstrator").
In addition, it helps to have a freshly booted machine since the large pages can "run out" due to fragmentation of the heap.
Alternatively, you can reach Local Security Policy by "start secpol.msc".
https://www.dashpay.io/binaries/dash- everybody,
Where is the link for the sources ? On Twitter ?
Have somebody a binary for Unbuntu 14.04 ? Or a compilation guide ?