Subscription model idea for Evolution


Active member
There are many businesses/services that run under a subscription model

The current subscription model works by you giving companies the power to withdraw funds from your debit and credit accounts at set dates each month. Many of these models enable you to pay monthly but tie you in to an annual contract and if you want to leave that contract part way through they have the power to withdraw the remaining months funds from your account, which means you're trapped into a contract even if the company is delivering a bad service.

This model is difficult to implement in crypto because companies don't have direct access to your money.

DASH is in a perfect position to offer a subscription feature for merchants in which the following takes place.

  1. The customer signs up to a subscription service (the company could offer a special rate for new customers)
  2. The customer agrees that the company can send them a payment request via push notification to their wallet on a specific day each month/week for the following months/weeks subscription (no yearly tie in). A message can also be sent with the request e.g. "Important: You will not receive the discounted price if you leave and rejoin"
  3. The customer has 24 - 48 hours to respond to the payment request
  4. When the customer receives the payment request they simply press the "Pay Now" or "Don't Pay (Unsubscribe)" button and that's it.

This method puts the customer back in control and enables a subscription model with DASH.
Uh - but - what am I subscribing too?
Where does this service live?
On a random server?
or on a MN server?

so many questions.....
could be cool and easy to use
I never subscribe to anything (do not wanna get spammed )
am not sure about security , somebody hijacks that email list , redirects payments , you ping "yes pay" and bye bye Coins ?
Needs to be customer initiated before you can receive messages, otherwise it will lead to spam and phishing.

Maybe, I can issue a spending key with programmable rules, that would be super useful for many situations!
GrandMasterDash As in point 2 I agree it certainly needs to be customer initiated.

MangledBlue The system should live in T2 and T3. Masternodes will store (DASHDrive) the timing information, message, DASH amount, payment address and public keys to encrypt the notifications and push out the requests to the T3 wallets that hold the private keys to verify the message did come from the subscription system. Then every 6 hours the system will check for any notifications that need to be sent out similar to a cron job. I'm sure Evan and the team could come up with a much more secure method :)

tungfa Spamming should not be possible because the merchant will only be allowed to message you once at the same set time every month/week. With this system email and other personal details will not need to be collected by the merchant because everything could be done anonymously through the DASH Subscription system.

It's basically how the system works but with anonymous reminders through the DASH system instead of through email and requires only one click for payment that month instead of copying and pasting addresses etc
Needs to be customer initiated before you can receive messages, otherwise it will lead to spam and phishing.

Maybe, I can issue a spending key with programmable rules, that would be super useful for many situations!

I think the idea of a spending key with programmable rules sounds great.. Are we're starting to enter the realm of autonomous contracts? I think somebody was looking to integrate Ethereum into DASH but I can't remember who it was.
$obj = new spendingKey();

$obj.loadDash = "200";
$obj.expire = "31 Mar 2016";
$obj.dailySpendLimit = "20 dash";
$obj.monthlySpendLimit = "300 USD";

Lets face it, automatic payments for subscription and bills etc. would be considered by both customer and business (admittedly not all) as a core requirement for commerce.

Agreed, it would bring us closer to the "be your own bank" motto.

Maybe it can be one of the social wallet functions.