Stratis announces first incentivized Master Nodes



Coinmarketcap ranking for Stratis is now 15th from 34th and they implemented a full bitcoin node in C# and .NETStandard 1.3 which will allow global .Net and C# blockchain developer contribute to Stratis and bitcoin full node. not all are well versed in C++. I was talking to Chris Trew, the CEO of Stratis and he said he is looking at implementing the Dash' Governance, treasury and incentivized masternode but all in C# and dotNet. Chris hired the services and expertise of bitcoin Core collaborator Nicolas Dorier, NBitcoin lead developer and CTO at Metaco SA
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"The BTC in reserves will need to be in a wallet on the node, as it is required to sign the transactions when processing the tumbler transactions."
我感觉Stratis平台的开发人员还不够,钱包还是黑币的钱包,而基于C#的开发现在主要是Nicolas Dorier 在弄,这离真正开发出替换黑币钱包的.Net Stratis钱包还有一段距离。.
"The BTC in reserves will need to be in a wallet on the node, as it is required to sign the transactions when processing the tumbler transactions."

each "masternode" (of theirs) needs 250k STRAT + 5 BTC ;)
Stratis would never be my preferred token because I'm severely allergic to Microsoft. But I'm happy trading it for a quick buck.