Eltito & Team,
Do you feel as though yourself and the development team have a good grasp on how Darkcoin is viewed by the community right now? I am not asking this question with a smart ass slant nor am I attempting to get a specific answer. I am asking this question in the hopes that you will noodle a little harder and question your own premises and those of the dev team in an effort to deeper grasp what the TRUE NEEDS of your PR campaign actually are as determined by your sense of the outside climate. Wait...first you must understand that what you are doing is in fact an PR campaign. If you don't then you have other work to do. The needs of a PR campaign for a politician are different from that of a large gas station chain, different from pet supply store, different from Dogecoin even. Further, PR campaigns need a format. All good ones had 3 things in common (think Apple.) What, why, and when. What, why, and when includes 'what happened, what's going to happen, when it happened, and why it happened.'
Drilling down a little farther
In the paragraph above I ended a sentence with "....as determined by your sense of the outside climate". I want you to consider.... 'as determined by someone else's sense that is INSIDE the climate and is NOT a dev, coder, et al.' Climate being miners and investors etc. NOT development personnel. I'm going to guess that you believe you know what that is based on the all the posts on bitcointalk and the price movement. I am asking that you question that premise.
In my experience all creatives have one thing in common. They lack an ability to explain things in a concise set of terms that makes it possible for an 8th grade dropout to understand what's going on. Please know, without doubt, that you have the entire spectrum of education and sytles of thinking investing and mining your coin. You cannot know what's inside a full garbage can unless you go all the way to the bottom. Accept this and the rest will be easier.
First, marry all the outlets that release news (and I know you are working on this.) They must be hand in hand. The original post on bitcointalk is as you know sad. Every miner from the beginning of BTC has used the OP as a source. The dev team and yourself know this. People should not be having wallet issues this late in the game. Second (and in my view more important than anything I've said here), solicit a news article from 3 different persons THAT ARE NOT PART OF YOUR TEAM IN ANY WAY. These people must be completely disconnected from the dev team. Eltito this step will tell you if your own premises about Darkcoin and the way it's viewed is spot on or space bound. Three people, or as many as you can tolerate, write fake news articles about the state of Darkcoin. They attempt to describe enforcement, masternodes, RC3 content, RC4 content..etc. This will tell you the extent of what's not understood. If time permits I will write one for you this weekend. This is the equivalent of sticking a giant digital thermometer up the large ass of Darkcoin. You will know it's temperature. Again just to reemphasize....I am asking you to test your view against that of the community. This is the tap root essence of what PR is. Seems like a lot of extra work but it's not. All you have to do is read them.
All of you (dev team et al) know Darkcoin is going to be big if you pull this off. Treat it as though it's big RIGHT NOW. It'll be easier when it's does become big. This needs to be treated as though it's an IPO on the New York Stock Exchange NOW....not later.
Do you feel as though yourself and the development team have a good grasp on how Darkcoin is viewed by the community right now? I am not asking this question with a smart ass slant nor am I attempting to get a specific answer. I am asking this question in the hopes that you will noodle a little harder and question your own premises and those of the dev team in an effort to deeper grasp what the TRUE NEEDS of your PR campaign actually are as determined by your sense of the outside climate. Wait...first you must understand that what you are doing is in fact an PR campaign. If you don't then you have other work to do. The needs of a PR campaign for a politician are different from that of a large gas station chain, different from pet supply store, different from Dogecoin even. Further, PR campaigns need a format. All good ones had 3 things in common (think Apple.) What, why, and when. What, why, and when includes 'what happened, what's going to happen, when it happened, and why it happened.'
Drilling down a little farther
In the paragraph above I ended a sentence with "....as determined by your sense of the outside climate". I want you to consider.... 'as determined by someone else's sense that is INSIDE the climate and is NOT a dev, coder, et al.' Climate being miners and investors etc. NOT development personnel. I'm going to guess that you believe you know what that is based on the all the posts on bitcointalk and the price movement. I am asking that you question that premise.
In my experience all creatives have one thing in common. They lack an ability to explain things in a concise set of terms that makes it possible for an 8th grade dropout to understand what's going on. Please know, without doubt, that you have the entire spectrum of education and sytles of thinking investing and mining your coin. You cannot know what's inside a full garbage can unless you go all the way to the bottom. Accept this and the rest will be easier.
First, marry all the outlets that release news (and I know you are working on this.) They must be hand in hand. The original post on bitcointalk is as you know sad. Every miner from the beginning of BTC has used the OP as a source. The dev team and yourself know this. People should not be having wallet issues this late in the game. Second (and in my view more important than anything I've said here), solicit a news article from 3 different persons THAT ARE NOT PART OF YOUR TEAM IN ANY WAY. These people must be completely disconnected from the dev team. Eltito this step will tell you if your own premises about Darkcoin and the way it's viewed is spot on or space bound. Three people, or as many as you can tolerate, write fake news articles about the state of Darkcoin. They attempt to describe enforcement, masternodes, RC3 content, RC4 content..etc. This will tell you the extent of what's not understood. If time permits I will write one for you this weekend. This is the equivalent of sticking a giant digital thermometer up the large ass of Darkcoin. You will know it's temperature. Again just to reemphasize....I am asking you to test your view against that of the community. This is the tap root essence of what PR is. Seems like a lot of extra work but it's not. All you have to do is read them.
All of you (dev team et al) know Darkcoin is going to be big if you pull this off. Treat it as though it's big RIGHT NOW. It'll be easier when it's does become big. This needs to be treated as though it's an IPO on the New York Stock Exchange NOW....not later.