starting an already-started masternode

Chris Muller

New member

I *think* I have a new masternode running fine:

dash-cli masternode status // says "Masternode successfully started"
dash-cli mnsync status // says "IsSynced": true"
dashninja // shows my IP in green and says "Active"
dashwhale // shows thumbs up status

The only problem is in my Dash wallet Masternodes tab it says, "NEW_START_REQUIRED".

A couple of Google searches others having the same issue basically said it fixed itself, however, its been more than 24 hours and mine is still stuck there. The "last seen" was "Never" and "Active" is at all 0's.

With that message on the wallet GUI about the status possibly being incorrect -- should I risk trying out the new "Start alias" button? Does starting an already-started masternode cause it to lose its position in the queue? Or, is it harmless if it's already started?

OTOH, if this NEW_START_REQUIRED means it really does need started, then I guess I should start it..?

So much mental toil whether to push that button.. :) Thanks for any added clarity..
Ah, thanks for the link.

Since it'd only been 24 hours, plus the fact we're still in the "spork" transition period with the masternode selection being totally random, I assume there's no queue to get knocked to the back of, I decided there was little risk to try the new Start Alias button of the Masternodes tab.

It gave me a success message, status went to PRE_ENABLED for a few minutes, during which I got a warning email from dashwhale. After a few minutes, it went to "ENABLED" status and "Ok" on dashwhale.
Ok, but if maternodes tab is going to be stuck, like my wallet, you now know why.
Devs are working on it.
I just found mine in the same situation... I hope restarting doesn't put me back in the queue. but I think it does.....

now they are all WATCHDOG_EXPIRED

hoping for the best.. when will we do the switch to update required?
I just found mine in the same situation... I hope restarting doesn't put me back in the queue. but I think it does.....

now they are all WATCHDOG_EXPIRED

hoping for the best.. when will we do the switch to update required?
WATCHDOG_EXPIRED means your sentinel is not running properly, check instructions again and make sure that
1) it gives you no errors on sentinel setup steps
2) you configured cron correctly
WATCHDOG_EXPIRED means your sentinel is not running properly, check instructions again and make sure that
1) it gives you no errors on sentinel setup steps
2) you configured cron correctly
I think I left out the cron... arrgggg. Thank you sir.
WATCHDOG_EXPIRED means your sentinel is not running properly, check instructions again and make sure that
1) it gives you no errors on sentinel setup steps
2) you configured cron correctly

I was under the assumption that the sentinel was a nice to have, not a must have... is sentinel required for MN to run properly??
Can someone also confirm an assumption that i have ,,,

so if dashd is restarted on the server either manually or using a restart script then providing the restart happens within 10 min's then there is no need to restart MN from local wallet and the MN will not drop off payment Que ?

Ok one more question on successful restarts ,,
yesterday I manually updated from 12.1 to 12.1.1
so I stopped dashd
./dash-cli stop
replace dashd and dash-cli with the new ones made exicutable and started dashd

it then took several hours to achieve
dash-cli mnsync status "IsSynced": true"
by that time dash ninja and dash central were showing red and inactive !!
why would this take so long and does that mean I dropped off the list ?
Dunno if they dropped in that case, time will tell you.
If your net connection is slow, it could take hours to sync,
if your blockchain is already in the disk, in normal case sync take about 10-15 min.