Split the Budget Proposal discussion into 2 sections !

Great move. This will enable us to understand the threads better no mixture of content.

that is the idea
now I wonder if I need to go throw the whole pre proposal threads and move or not to approved and such o_O
that is the idea
now I wonder if I need to go throw the whole pre proposal threads and move or not to approved and such o_O

Dear Moderator,

I suggest you create another thread on the preproposal thread to instruct the community to move their old thread to the appropriate thread and new post should avoid mistakes.

Hope you are enjoying your day!
Dear Moderator,

I suggest you create another thread on the preproposal thread to instruct the community to move their old thread to the appropriate thread and new post should avoid mistakes.

Hope you are enjoying your day!
They can't move threads, only mods can. We will move them once they start to pop up with some updates. Or you can ask us to move some approved proposal thread from pre-proposal section ahead of time, just post a link here.
Hey all
to simplify and keep this thread clean we split the
Pre + Budget Proposal Discussions
into 2 sections
Pre + Budget Proposal Discussions
Approved Proposals / Updates + News

Hope this helps

  1. Could you please REQUIRE those who create a thread in the approved proposals section, to mention it in the title of the thread by using the EXACT name by which it is mentioned into the governance system? For example everybody should begin the tittle of the thread with <PROPOSAL:the_Proposal_name_as mentioned_in_the_budget>. This could be selected also from a dropdownlist.
  2. Could you please REQUIRE for the approved proposals thread creators to add at least 2 preselected tags along with at least 2 free ones? The 2 indispensable preselected tags could be selected from a dropdown list -->(dash related, dash unrelated, advertising, development, documentation, meeting, government decision...etc whatever else it could be commonly used). The 2 free tags will be open for the creator of the thread to add whaever he likes, and in case a tag becomes popular (used for at least lets say 10 times) it may also be added to the dropdown list.

This will facilitate the search and the classification of the proposals.
I could help develop this thing, if you dont mind.
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Not sure about requiring tags (they can be just some random text, there is no way hardcode any rules for tags afaik) or specific title but I like the idea of having some predefined list of categories specifically for proposal threads, smth similar to WTB/WTS/WTT for Marketplace subforum.

Any idea if that is possible to implement without breaking anything? :rolleyes: @fernando @tungfa
Not sure about requiring tags (they can be just some random text, there is no way hardcode any rules for tags afaik) or specific title but I like the idea of having some predefined list of categories specifically for proposal threads, smth similar to WTB/WTS/WTT for Marketplace subforum.

Any idea if that is possible to implement without breaking anything? :rolleyes: @fernando @tungfa

People should not be allowed to post a new thread in the "Approved Proposals / Updates + News" section, unless they mention in the title the EXACT name of the proposal, as mentioned in the governance system. Additionaly only one thread should be allowed for every approved proposal. This is very easy to implement. And the result will be awesome, in terms of effective proposal watching.

But for what reason @tungfa and @fernando to do the above, as long as there is some other people who are asking a lot of money, in order to do something that will have similar results and benefits?

@paragon is using his talent in order to serve the masternode elites, and the elites are blessing him. While some other people are using their similar talent against the elites, thats why they are cursed.
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