Spies in Core Team, Censorship etc

Watch out, they'll soon disable comments for this forum as well... that should set off some alarm bells.

And they'll mark posts as "trolling" in the hope that critical comments are not easily seen.
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Watch out, they'll soon disable comments for this forum as well... that should set off some alarm bells
That other section has no replies because the idea is that someone who doesn't want to spend a lot time researching for information will be able to go there and check everything fast without diving into discussions. One thread per project with just updates by whoever is responsible for that project. Replies won't be disabled in any other part of the forum.
That other section has no replies because the idea is that someone who doesn't want to spend a lot time researching for information will be able to go there and check everything fast without diving into discussions. One thread per project with just updates by whoever is responsible for that project..

The latest news of a project can appear by editing the first message of the thread.
Disabling the comments is a really bad practice, and such a tactic will result the end of dash.
Nobody respects the censors, and the community will disappear.
The latest news of a project can appear by editing the first message of the thread.
Disabling the comments is a really bad practice, and such a tactic will result the end of dash.
Nobody respects the censors, and the community will disappear.
I don't like to disable replies, but in this case it is done with a reason. I don't like your idea either because editing posts can make replies unintelligible.
I don't like to disable replies, but in this case it is done with a reason. I don't like your idea either because editing posts can make replies unintelligible.

There is no reason to disable replies. No reason at all. It is tottaly irrational. Everyone who refuses to hear or to respect the alternative opinions, he comes to a bad end.

If you want intelligible replies, you can use a forum that supports a 100% threaded discussion (like reddit) instead of a flat discussion like this one. In this case, below the project announcement there is not a flat discussion, but more than one threaded-replies. And this makes the discussion intelligible whatever edits may be done in the first post. Additionaly, in some well designed forums all the messages (including the first one) may support wiki funcionalities and edit history, so everything that is edited can be transparent.
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There is no reason to disable replies. No reason at all. It is tottaly irrational. Everyone who refuses to hear or to respect the alternative opinions, he comes to a bad end.

If you want intelligible replies, you can use a forum that supports a 100% threaded discussion (like reddit) instead of a flat discussion like this one. In this case, below the project announcement there is not a flat discussion, but more than one threaded-replies. And this makes the discussion intelligible whatever edits may be done in the first post. Additionaly, in some well designed forums all the messages (including the first one) may support wiki funcionalities and edit history, so everything that is edited can be transparent.

Congrats Dude!! you just volunteered yourself to develop the new Dash.org forum... All you have to do is submit an 'intelligible proposal' to the Dash community and I'm sure the Masternode Operators will vote it through... All it'll cost is 5 Dash... Can I count you in??!


Congrats Dude!! you just volunteered yourself to develop the new Dash.org forum... All you have to do is submit an 'intelligible proposal' to the Dash community and I'm sure the Masternode Operators will vote it through... All it'll cost is 5 Dash... Can I count you in??!



No .

As long as I am OFFERING to the community and I am not spending for nothing the community's money like some others are doing (lamassu, employees, marketeers, advertisers. laywers e.t.c), I expect my proposals to be able to enter into the budget system for FREE.

So, No again.

I am not giving you a penny, not even 5 dash. It is already TOO MUCH that I am talking to you and trying to enlighten you and make you clever.
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It is obvious that Walter doesnt understand that the rules of the game are decided by the community, and can change whenever the community decides. And this is the only rule.

If you point a gun whenever they decide to change the rules, then the community will leave, and you will be alone.
Wtf does any of this have to do with the 12.1 announcement or even development news and information? Please delete off-topic posts.
Wtf does any of this have to do with the 12.1 announcement or even development news and information? Please delete off-topic posts.

Or does your complain has something to do with the 12.1 announcement?

Instead of complaining, you should ask the forum admins to add an "off-topic" type rating. The community should rate the off-topic comments, and then you should ask again the forum admins to add filter capabilities to every thread so that everyone who is annoyed can filter the off-topic posts.

But you dont like this elegant solution, because you are a censor. If something is deleted, you dont know what has been told! Together with the off-topic posts, the alternative opinion is also deleted, and nobody can prove that it was an alternative opinion and not something irrelevant. This obfuscation is exactly what the censors desire, in order to legalize the blind deletes and thus to promote their agenda and mislead the community.
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or just move them to the off topic sub forum ?
or create a troll-box sub forum, where these can be moved into ?

You butter the bread of the censors.

This can also be used as a pretext in order to perform censorship. By following this tactic, the censors move not only the off-topics, but also the alternative opinion in order to bury it with tons of irrelevant things. But the alternative opinion has value only nearby the opinion, and not in a separate place.

If you want to move the off-topics, and you dont like to filter them (although filtering is a better solution as long as not only the alternative opinion but also the offtopics have value in the place where they have been originaly posted) then you should ask for a "move" type rating. And then let the community to rate and decide whether something has to be moved and where, while at the same time always leave a trace at the place where the off-topics have been originaly posted.

Do not let the censors to decide what has to be moved. Do not let them move the posts without leaving traces at the original post place. They will surely abuse their power in order to promote their agenda.
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Moderators != Censors and I just "abused" my "power" to clean the thread, feel free to blame me for that :cool:

I hope you understand that by moving the messages here, you destroyed all the url links that point from here to some different parts of the forum and also you destroyed all the url links from different parts of the forum to here.

Additionaly, you moved the messages because you only decided about that, without asking the opinion of the community.

And finally, the most important thing, you didnt left a trace in the original thread, that leads here in this thread, so that the readers can be informed that someone moved the messages.

If this is not a form of censorship, then what is it?
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I hope you understand that by moving the messages here, you destroyed all the url links that point from here to some different parts of the forum and also you destroyed all the url links from different parts of the forum to here.

Additionaly, you moved the messages because you only decided about that, without asking the opinion of the community.

And finally, the most important thing, you didnt left a trace in the original thread, that leads here in this thread, so that the readers can be informed that someone moved the messages.
That discussion was off-topic from my point of view, some members of community mentioned this and I agreed and did my moderator's job. I don't care that much if I ruined your off-topic discussion and no, I'm not going to fix your mistakes.

If this is not a form of censorship, then what is it?

Let me be clear. I'm mostly taking it patiently but sometimes you guys are off the rails completely. Not all parts of this forum is the wall you can throw your shit at all day long, some parts of it have to be clear. For other parts there is off-topic subforum or at least a separate thread if it still has smth to do with Dash but nothing with the original thread. This is forum, not some freaking chat - threads are here for reasons.
Congrats Dude!! you just volunteered yourself to develop the new Dash.org forum... All you have to do is submit an 'intelligible proposal' to the Dash community and I'm sure the Masternode Operators will vote it through... All it'll cost is 5 Dash... Can I count you in??!



Hey @Walter, what about this: Give me 0.2202 dash here, and I will add the proposal.

All it'll cost to you is 0.2202 Dash (=2.717268 USD or 2 dollars and 72 cents)... Can I count you in??


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