Some thoughts on Joel's interview with pasta [updated].


Active member
"Ryan can fire me I don't care." -- pasta

NOW do you see why it was a mistake to upvote the PROTOCOL-DEVELOPER-INCENTIVES-FUND?

"InstandSend can only process eighteen transactions per second." -- pasta

Instead of adding insanely great features how about fixing this feature we already have?

"[PROTOCOL-DEVELOPER-INCENTIVES-FUND] was created basically by the trust protectors." -- pasta

The trust protectors are supposed to be looking after the assets owned by the trust on behalf of the network. The main asset owned by the trust is DCG. By creating this proposal, which will undermine DCG's ability to manage the development of the core protocol, and by misrepresenting the reason for the proposal to the network, the trust protectors have violated their fiduciary duty. They have gone rogue. Mark, Andy, and Hilawe should resign immediately IMHO.

Trustless masternode shares

We cannot put things on the roadmap just because a few OGs REALLY REALLY want it.

The elephant in the room.

Pasta did not mention Andy Freer once in the whole interview. Hmm.
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Nope, still don't get it. When he said Ryan can fire him, he most defintely did not mean, "I'm so angry, he can go fuck himself". Quite the opposite in fact. He's just laying out his personal priorities, which issues are important to him, or not. The take away was that he's actually quite excited and enthusiastic about the rate of development. You can't knock him for that. The people you want to be wary of are those that are evasive or talking shit about others, and I didn't hear any of that at all.

As for the Trust Protectors involvement in proposals, it could definitely be an issue in the future but it's essential you look at intention, and I have not seen any bad intention at all. Again, quite the opposite. The current batch of Trust Protectors are very passionate about dash and hands-on. The incentives are aligned, they are masternode owners and more actively involved than many other masternode owners.

That said, as Trust Protectors, they need to maintain transparency at all times and demonstrate loyalty first and foremost to the network at large. This is their obligation. And actually, this is what Pasta was also saying, that the decisions of the network must be respected.

I will join you with pitchforks if the Trust Protectors go rogue, but they haven't. Try to take a more balance view and stop looking at negatives before seeing the positives.
DCG saved this project from oblivion, and now these people want to undermine DCG for their own benefit. It's appalling. According to Dante's Inferno, the final layer of the Ninth Circle of Hell is reserved for those who have betrayed their masters; benefactors, or people who have supported them. I have to reference Dante's catalogue of evil to even understand this.

Oh well, I guess I will just have to make more popcorn and watch how this plays out.
An apt metaphor IMHO. Enjoy.

Nope, still don't get it. When he said Ryan can fire him, he most defintely did not mean, "I'm so angry, he can go fuck himself". Quite the opposite in fact. He's just laying out his personal priorities, which issues are important to him, or not. The take away was that he's actually quite excited and enthusiastic about the rate of development. You can't knock him for that. The people you want to be wary of are those that are evasive or talking shit about others, and I didn't hear any of that at all.

As for the Trust Protectors involvement in proposals, it could definitely be an issue in the future but it's essential you look at intention, and I have not seen any bad intention at all. Again, quite the opposite. The current batch of Trust Protectors are very passionate about dash and hands-on. The incentives are aligned, they are masternode owners and more actively involved than many other masternode owners.

That said, as Trust Protectors, they need to maintain transparency at all times and demonstrate loyalty first and foremost to the network at large. This is their obligation. And actually, this is what Pasta was also saying, that the decisions of the network must be respected.

I will join you with pitchforks if the Trust Protectors go rogue, but they haven't. Try to take a more balance view and stop looking at negatives before seeing the positives.

Geert! Dash's full time troll. I'm starting to wonder if he is a sock puppet of Icebreaker?