Should providers be required to create reports on their progress?


Active member
Hello friends,

As a somewhat new member of the Dash Master Node community, I would like to thank you all for being so helpful and welcoming. I hope that my new suggestion to the system is welcome.

As I vote on these various proposals to the group, I notice that some of the proposals will be extremely difficult to measure in effectiveness, and even more importantly in whether anything was actually done in exchange for the investment.

Some proposals seem to get the YES vote because the person who creates the idea it has a reputation with the community, and that is a great thing. Reputation goes a long way. Even so, how can we be certain that anything was done once the payment has been made.

Other proposals get the thumbs up because of enthusiasm on the idea, but again, can be extremely difficult to verify that anything was done in exchange for the investment.

Some proposals seem to ask for money - even though they are doing the same thing for all other coins for free! And yet, out of enthusiasm, they get lots of yes votes so we are not excluded.

One person claims to have put together a "team of seven" but does not name anyone in the group, and so far is getting mostly yes votes. I guess people really like the idea.


I work for a big software and consulting firm. If I bill a client for any task, I MUST create a report, else the client has the right to say that nothing was done. It is a pain in the neck, but I absolutely understand the need for it.

We are PRE-PAYING for services that MAY NEVER GET DONE. No reporting? Seriously?

Now, for some services, like creating videos, the VIDEO IS THE REPORT. The result is so obvious. But for most of this other stuff, I would demand a report from the provider.

Even core developers could and should be reporting on their progress to the MN community.

Take a trip to London paid for by Dash? Great! Report on it. Why not?

Why not create a report website and ask our providers to fill it out daily and let us know what they have done?

I don't know, maybe this already exists and I just don't know about it.

What do you think?
Daily reports are too extreme for me but to get to your main point, yes, Yes, and more YES!

Masternode operators should be getting in the habit of hammering out expectations ahead of time *and* asking for evidence that the project is delivering, especially for projects that are asking to be renewed for more than 1 month.
Daily report, weekly report, monthly report... whatever. They should be part of the story. If the community creates a way of reporting, we can better verify who is really providing what was promised. Right now, what do we have to verify?
Daily report, weekly report, monthly report... whatever. They should be part of the story. If the community creates a way of reporting, we can better verify who is really providing what was promised. Right now, what do we have to verify?

Up until now any reporting has pretty much been handled here on the forum (in their budget proposal thread) or on dashcentral. For example, the 1 month report from the slack/community engagement proposal (

However it is pretty much just up to the proposal owner whether or not to do this, and to the MNOs to decide whether or not their level of reporting (or no reporting) is acceptable.

One thing we could especially use some help on IMO, is following up on single-month proposals
I fully agree that reporting should be the norm. However, it is not in the code and it is unlikely that it will ever be because it would probably be too complex to do it properly. The only way to force providers is voting. MN owners should be doing more due diligence before voting, but as you say, we are all probably too enthusiastic and trusting. Anyway, I think that most proposals are reporting their activities and the standard will only improve, so I guess that with time things will be better than they are now.

Proposals with results that are difficult to measure are a different problem. I think that will autocorrect with some time, but there will always be a few unmeasurable ones because not all activities are easy to measure. In those cases, reputation will have to do as a proxy.

Btw, regarding development, the best place to find reports is here and the wiki ( @kot posts one monthly report in both places.
@fernando and @Solarminer have it's impossible to make a report mandatory by way of code, but it can be done by convincing masternode owners to alter their votes based on whether a report has been submitted.

Perhaps you could circulate a petition among masternode owners? A document that says "The undersigned control xxx votes and declare that we will vote "no" to any proposal that does not produce a monthly report of its activities."