Anybody voting on the 4K or 10K "solutions" will ultimately vote for more centralization and creating an elitist cartel running Platform exclusively.
Correct me if i'm wrong, but the way they have planned this, those 4K or 10K nodes could use the lamest bandwidth connections and/or high-latency
connections, but as long as they have the collateral, everything is fine. Right?
Higher collateral doesn't guarantee better service, especially not in an environment which has no PoSe. Can we agree on that?
Then supposedly, they are planning to just payout 4fold or 10fold the MN rewards for such 4K or 10K HPMNs.
But in doing so, they will basically create a second type/category of blockreward or at the very least a variable blockreward, where the amount of the
MN reward is depending on the collateralization of the node, whether its either a regular 1K node or a HPMN. This is going to affect Dash Tokenomics.
Because if a subset of nodes, gets paid 4fold or 10fold on an average 2.625 minute blocktime block, it will mean that the Dash coins still to be mined
until reaching Max Supply, will be mined way faster than planned and outlined in our Tokenomics. One doesn't need to be a math genius to understand that.
They won't give us the opportunity to vote on regular 1K MN with Voluntary Adherence to Platform (with or without Hardware-related competition).
They keep on repeating that it would be unsafe or somehow unsecure, but i don't believe them.
If they would spend only 5% of their effort with which they try to impose 4K or 10K, they would easily find a proper and safe way to do it.
Because it would be the most natural, non-coercive and sensible way to start Platform.
Anyway, its pointless to have this alibi discussion here for them.
Those DCG guys especially QE and Virgile are hell-bent on introducing either 4K or 10K, have already made their mind up, and will stop at nothing.
They will try to arrange the Voting in such a way, that either 4K or 10K comes out winning, perhaps by only a few Yes votes, and then use those Fake Votings
(even if its technically an unpassing Governance proposal with no enacting power whatsoever) as an excuse to impose this abomination.
Unpassing proposals have no merit at all. Unpassing proposals do not show you any direction. Unpassing proposals will not absolve you from your deeds.
Be warned: If you cross this red line, you can expect lawsuits for damages coming your way.