It seems to me, within the crypto community, whenever you talk about dash, you invariably get compared to litecoin. Often, the biggest complaint I hear about dash is lack of volume. Hence, whenever dash charges ahead, the market adjusts; either litecoin goes up, or dash comes back down. I dunno, we like to talk about knocking bitcoin from it's perch, but I think the first thing we have to do is put some good distance between us and litecoin. Volume is the key.
At the moment, my current thought is, maybe we should try to partner up with the KyberNetwork and Request Network. I urge everyone to click through and read-up on what they are trying to achieve. They are working with bitcoin / ethereum integration so I see no reason why dash shouldn't be there too.
I suppose, one of the problems with crypto constantly going up in USD value is that people just want to hodl. I therefore think, small value transactions, or discounting (like bitcart) make good choices to grow dash.
Regarding zk-snarks, I do think our Private Send needs a radical overhaul. I've seen all sorts of gotchas mentioned in these forums. Right now we are putting all this emphasis on Evolution solving the user experience but I grossly disagree. Why? - because Evolution is a special combination of wallet and distributed API. The two parts are completely separate, as they should be. This means, improving the Private Send experience should not be dependent on Evolution alone. If we fix Private Send, we can then work on a second wallet that offers a real alternative to Evolution.. say, for example, a wechat competitor with a focus on micro-transactions.
How do we fix Private Send? - take a look at zcoin, which now has znodes... they are similar to masternodes without the governance. They achieve fast privacy by using proof-of-burn.. a coin is burned and a new one issued, completely separating the original from the new. Basically, it's faster and more private than dash. I'm desperately hoping that dash labs is taking a serious look at this. We can't afford to be standing still on this.