ShapeShift Dash miner's fee


Well-known member
ShapeShift indicates that it charges a Dash miner's fee of 0.002 (about 20 cents USD, but rising with Dash price):

The Dash Core recommended miner's fee is 0.0002 (~ 2 cents USD)

Is ShapeShift incorrect? I suppose they could charge whatever miner's fee that want, but my impression is that's not their intention.
Here's the response I got from ShapeShift:

We charge a flat rate because dynamic fees is not an option at this time. Sorry for the inconvenience, however the fees are transparently listed on the About Page.

I responded:

I'm not saying your fees should be dynamic, I'm saying your flat rate is wrong. The recommended miner's fee for Dash is 0.0002, not 0.002.
very observant, I was able to reproduce what you have described on ShapeShift...where do I find the Dash Core recommended number?
I went to the "Send" tab of my Dash core installation and I found the recommended miner fee starting at .002 DASH/kb, which matches the number I found on Shapeshift. Am I in error?
Interesting... mine (same version) says 0.00020000 Dash/kB

It also says "Smart fee not initialized yet..." and the slider is all the way to the left (normal).

Maybe @tungfa can offer some insight.
as far as i know anybody can do with the fees what "they want"
u can try "0" fee or "x" amount
you/we can only recommend to shape shift and all users what we suggest - what they put into their system is up to them
hence - shape shift is definitely not cheap + maybe they wanna make sure transactions go through (for whatever reasons - maybe due to bad BTC transactions or whatever they are thinking)
I went to the "Send" tab of my Dash core installation and I found the recommended miner fee starting at .002 DASH/kb, which matches the number I found on Shapeshift. Am I in error?
Delete fee_estimates.dat in DashCore folder and and see if it helps (12.0 had a bug so if you installed it over the old version it preserved old stats in this file)
Delete fee_estimates.dat in DashCore folder and and see if it helps (12.0 had a bug so if you installed it over the old version it preserved old stats in this file)
I did this and was then able to reproduce jimbursch's claim. Sort of makes me wonder if Shapeshift followed the same method I did when coming from a prior release?