SendChat and Darkcoin

Should Darkcoin be integrated into SendChat?

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buster at 12th episode 35sec you give your address with "www" your address is without them because with them it directs on different webpage ;)
Great! the team has approved Darkcoin integration, this would be implemented in our milestone 2 Send feature, (See whitepaper for more details on the milestones).

The SendChat team loves Darkcoin and is committed to work with the community now and into the future!

If you could mention our crowdfund please, also might be worth mentioning the transparency of the crowdfund with BlockTrust, :)

Thank you all and I look forward to working with you all with this integration and with any other future endeavours related to SendChat and Darkcoin!
Hey sendchat so I just contributed via the blocktrust crowdfund. Just one thing I was wondernig, after you create deposit address and send payment, nothing happens. As I am assuming this is how it just is, but my suggestions is make a little message pop up confirming receipt of deposit or something. I guess the blockchain is our receipt, but it would still be nice to get a little message. Any way to make sure it worked other than knowing I sent my contribution?
We are in touch on IRC
tx guys
(remember i am on Asia Time)
Thanks for the chat tungfa. :)

Tao and buster are already on it (PR wise)
I will get some official social media pages involved on monday.

This looks good (and will be used):

looks like they issue you a mastercard debit card and you will be able to send dark to this app and it will convert it to usd on your sendchat debit card. is that right?

You're able to register with our partner crypto capital financial services and connect your debit or credit card account to your user on SendChat. You can then buy or sell Bitcoin, Sendcoin and Darkcoin. very cool, thanks.

when does this project launch?

Scrolling down the home page was very interesting!
Thank you!

The project launches on Feb. 6th, we are now conducting our Crowdfund hosted by BlockTrust,

More information here: