Selling 2x Antminer D3 w/PSU Sept 15 batch

Paul Brown

New member

Hey All,

I've decided to sell off my September batch of D3's as I have more coming in later batches and simply will not have the power to run them all, and the September batches seem to be the ones that are selling for a semi-decent profit.

That being said, I'm not looking to price gouge. I got these miners for around $2900, and I am willing to accept 1.1BTC for 1, or 2.0BTC for both.

They are both purchased on brand new separate bitmain accounts, these are the only paid/valid orders on those accounts. The shipping address can still be updated to your address so bitmain ships them directly to you.

Upon sale, I will provide the login and password information for the account, you can login, change the email and password associated with the account, and the shipping address. You can also submit a ticket with Bitmain to confirm the updated shipping address for your D3 shipment(s).

If anyone is interested, please PM me here, or email me @ - I expect these to sell pretty fast and to receive a lot of e-mails so I apologize if I don't respond to everyone. If I don't respond to you, it probably sold.

Have a good day, and happy mining Dash community!
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Hey All,

I've decided to sell off my September batch of D3's as I have more coming in later batches and simply will not have the power to run them all, and the September batches seem to be the ones that are selling for a semi-decent profit.

That being said, I'm not looking to price gouge. I got these miners for around $2900, and I am willing to accept 1.1BTC for 1, or 2.0BTC for both.

They are both purchased on brand new separate bitmain accounts, these are the only paid/valid orders on those accounts. The shipping address can still be updated to your address so bitmain ships them directly to you.

Upon sale, I will provide the login and password information for the account, you can login, change the email and password associated with the account, and the shipping address. You can also submit a ticket with Bitmain to confirm the updated shipping address for your D3 shipment(s).

If anyone is interested, please PM me here, or email me @ - I expect these to sell pretty fast and to receive a lot of e-mails so I apologize if I don't respond to everyone. If I don't respond to you, it probably sold.

Have a good day, and happy mining Dash community!
I need a few more posts to post the proof of the orders.
I've been made aware by some that you cannot update the shipping address for the bitmain account. If that is the case, I will cover the cost of UPS or FedEx shipping, and I will ship it the DAY I receive from Bitmain (as long as it's not too late in the day to ship it right back out, in which case the next morning it would be shipped out).

I will still transfer ownership of the bitmain account(s) to the buyer, as that is how they will handle any warranty issue with the miners.
Still 1 available.

Hi Paul,
this is Sean, the guy from Tokyo who you sold 2 of these miners to ( September batch ).
I hope you are not stating that you only sold 1 in the September batch and have only 1 left.
I paid you 2 BITCOINS for 2 of these miners to be delivered to me in the September batch.
If you cannot fulfil your promise return my 2 bitcoins that I paid you immediately.
If you do indeed have miners for me, then I will have my friends who live in Sacramento go to your home and pick it up for me.

Actually please return my money now, your story does not add up.
You are showing everyone the same invoice stating you have 2 miners for sale when you actually already sold them to me.

I am awaiting for you to return my money now.


Still 1 available.

Hello Paul,
sorry I cant trust you.

Please return my 2 bitcoins I already paid to you at this address:


You only had 2 miners for September and you sold them to me, so why are you telling people you still have more to sell?
This whole thread is suspect to me... Notice how long any of the people posting machine for sale have been a member of DASH.OR forum?

BEWARE - Before you send your hard earned money to anyone...
I can't believe someone would send a stranger BTC over the internet. Most of these d3 for sale threads are obvious scams. I don't think you will be getting your BTC back bud.
I can't believe someone would send a stranger BTC over the internet. Most of these d3 for sale threads are obvious scams. I don't think you will be getting your BTC back bud.
I had a skype call with the guy, signed a contract and scanned ID..... I know its still just över the internet, but I thought this could be enough protection.
His ID or your ID? It could be a fake ID if it was his. If it was a real transaction someone still might not go through with it once they have BTC because they realise there is little recourse the buyer has if they don't post it.