Camosoul's basic concern, that it would be very bad to have pork barrel wasted funds, or even a huge savings account building to infinity and I completely agree. I just know there are many ways to skin this cat, and that the proposal put out is vague on a lot of things on purpose. But as Ludwig Mies van der Rohe said, "less is more and god is in the details"

We will be hashing out those details together here, as we have been.
The way I see it, there are several ways to do this.
1. We could make a fund, pay for basic core development and marketing, then allow people to propose projects against this fund, vote on them, and fund what we can. Then, when the funds are not used up and a basic savings amount is reached, the rest of the funds could be returned to the system. Or,
2. We could make a fund, pay for basic core development and marketing and have the community decide what essential projects we need, create a specification and send it out to bid, and pay for those projects in order of importance and then again, return unspent funds each year. Or,
3. We could somehow create a system whereby core development and marketing costs are projected for the year or so, and the funds are deducted from mining rewards with a cap of 15%, on an as need basis. A constantly adjusted fund is created for this, or perhaps it could work more like a tax (accross the board tax) If everyone is in agreement that a certain project needs to be built, then funds are allocated and the tax is raised to pay for it. until the entire 15% is spent, or anything less than that.
There are probably other ways of doing this, just trying to break it down to a sentence :tongue:
In a practical sense for simple programming, and less arguing on not wanting to spend so much (in order to keep as much for themselves), a flat 15% goes to the fund is easiest. But in the future, that could end up being billions of dollars, all caught up in a pork barrel with everyone wanting to spend them on their pet projects, and who could possibly oversee so many projects? However, this % could also be adjusted yearly by the core team based on recommendations of the community. Or it could be hard programmed in to reduce each year assuming a constant value increase in each coin.
Oh hell, i could go on and on and nobody will read because it looks like a book, LOL