Restore wallet can't select file darkcoin_wallet_backup_2014-xx-xx Not working

Assuming PAC also forked the Dash Android wallet, you should be able to import the file into the PAC Android wallet and simply move your balance in that way. You can also use the recovery phrase visible in the Android wallet in a wallet like Electrum to import your xpriv key and thereby the entire HD derivation path. You can then use Electrum to view the private keys directly.

Unfortunately I have no knowledge of whether these products exist in the PAC ecosystem, I suggest you contact their team for support.
Thanx for your answer.
I was try to recover my mobile wallet across electrum desktop wallet already. I have seed phrase, but not all my addresses was restored in electrum wallet. They are might in the backup file. Network of PAC is not awaylable anymore in android wallet. I am verry sad...
Finally success on this file! We were able to find another non-corrupted file, which the hex editor identified as a darkcoin core wallet. I was able to load, upgrade, rescan, decrypt and ultimately send the Dash on the address in that file back to @Joe Baker

Thanks again @HashEngineering for your support - you put us on the right track here :)

how did you fix that file ?

all the file start with U2FsdGV

some are two line file

and one have along lins

but all start with the same U2FsdGV


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Hey all,

Usually prefer not opening up an old thread, but due to it being identical in nature, I thought this would be ok...

I am having the same problem here, same file structure “U2Fs....” same file name structure.
Tried opening via “ESExplorer” failed. Been working at this for months now.

tried same process @strophy and @HashEngineering discussed... any insight as to which android version of dash-qt or darkcoin-qt to try would be greatly appreciated!!

Managed to decrypt the file, now left with an enormous data blob, I now see what previous posts mentioned other formats of the wallet to diff

If I could get my hands on a wallet type they can be imported I can move the relevant data around and hopefully import. Will reference this thread, but time for a new one.

Thanks all, I will reference this new thread in here for everyone’s benefit
One last tie in, finally decrypted the file. Now have the wallets headers, variables and wallet specific values.

but still doesn’t load. It was mentioned previously that a little carving maybe required. Just need an example as I do no have access as others did to multiple examples to determine what format it should be in.

Currently looks like a huge JSON blob. Hoping @strophy and @HashEngineering can help!! @HashEngineering
HI @Desiac please try this:

You can also try to open the file on an Android device using a File Manager, and then when it asks, tell it to open it with a clean install of Dash Wallet. The current version may have a bug detecting properly located backup files in the ~/Downloads dir of the device.

If the above doesn't work, please start a new thread.

thanks bud, i will give that a go. and no go on the manual load via ES on Android. Managed to strip the file back to pure ascii. So i can visually see all addresses and keys... wondering if i will need to repack it.... new thread specific to this issue:

many thanks @strophy
I use "Files by Google" to try to open "Darkcoin-wallet-keys-2015-xx-xx", but it does NOT list "Dash Wallet" as apps to choose from. Am I using the right file manager to open? If not, which ones to use?

Any thoughts on how to get back my darkcoin/dash?

please help an early supporter.
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