Remote MasterNode guide UPDATED


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Foundation Member
This is edited for the way RC3 LOCAL/REMOTE MASTERNODES will work
see below for current remote/local setup (can't take local offline though)

First step is to set your remote server up. This is not covered in this guide. Please see chaeplin's guide.

Local Machine = the machine you are going to run your wallet that contains the actual 1000 Darkcoins.
Remote Machine = the machine you are running your static IP server from.

Please only use Darkcoind

Here are the steps.
On your Local machine:

1. Make sure your wallet is turned off
2. On Local machine, make sure your darkcoin.conf file says masternode=0
3. Start Darkcoind up on your Local Machine
4. Give the command darkcoind masternode genkey
5. Copy the long key that is generated and save it somewhere.
6. Turn off your wallet again
7. Put the key you just generated in your Local AND Remote darkcoin.conf file as masternodeprivkey=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx...
8. Also reset your masternode= back to 1 on your local machine
9. Also add masternodeaddr:RemoteIP:9999 to your Local config file
On your Remote Machine:
1. Start Darkcoind up on your Remote Machine using this command: ./darkcoind
2. Do this command: ./darkcoind masternode debug on your Remote Machine. You will get the following "error like" message:
"Missing masternode input, please look at the documentation for instructions on masternode creation"
This is OK, this is correct.

Back to your Local Machine:
1. start darkcoind normally: ./darkcoind
2. Next, unlock your Local Machine's wallet using this command: ./darkcoind walletpassphrase "whateveryourpassphraseis" 60 Where 60 represents the number of seconds to leave the wallet open for, you don't need much time.
3. and finally, on your Local Machine, start the Masternode: ./darkcoind masternode start "whateveryourpassphraseis"

You do nothing more with your Remote Machine aside from letting it run. You can now close your Local Machine's wallet via : ./darkcoind stop
Remove your wallet.dat file, and put it somewhere safe (after darkcoind has been stopped) REname it so you know which wallet it is, put it on a jumpdrive for "cold storage"

You can also do the following command on your remote machine: darkcoind masternode list and you should see your ip address with the :9999 port on the list.

This is a sample of what your configure files should look like:
Name it darkcoin.conf

Local .conf file:

masternodeprivkey=You_Generate_This_From_Your_Local_Wallet  (put in your public IP address here from your remote machine)

Remote .conf file:

Finally, In the debug log of the hot daemon you should see "CDarkSendPool::EnableHotColdMasterNode() - Enabled! You may shut down the cold daemon." at which point you may close your Local wallet (darkcoind daemon) put the wallet.dat file on a flash drive and keep it in a safe place.

I suggest you rename that wallet.dat to something that tells you which wallet it is so you don't get confused in the future, and I highly suggest you zip it up with a good password so that anyone finding it has to find the password to unzip and also the password to access the coins :)
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Now for issues:
1. On your remote machine you can put in this command: ./darkcoind masternode list to see if your ip address shows up. It should show up as XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:9999 : 1 If at the end you get : 0, you have an issue.
2. No, I didn't make a mistake. All you do on the Remote machine is start darkcoind normally (ie: ./darkcoind or darkcoind) and run the debug before starting the local machine, everything else is done on the local machine. Weird but true.

Old version (still usable until RC3 comes out:
First step is to set your remote server up. This is not covered in this guide. Please see chaeplin's guide.

Local Machine = the machine you are going to run your wallet that contains the actual 1000 Darkcoins.
Remote Machine = the machine you are running your static IP server from.

Please only use Darkcoind

Here are the steps.
On your remote machine:

1. Make sure your wallet is turned off
2. On remote machine, make sure your darkcoin.conf file says masternode=0
3. Start Darkcoind up on your Remote Machine
4. Give the command darkcoind masternode genkey
5. Copy the long key that is generated and save it somewhere.
6. Turn off your wallet again
7. Put the key you just generated in your remote darkcoin.conf file as masternodeprivkey=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx....xxxx
8. Start Darkcoind up on your Local Machine using this command: ./darkcoind

On your local machine:

First do steps 1-7 above then do the following:
1. Start the local wallet like so: darkcoind where x represents your static ip address from your Remote Machine.
2. Next, unlock your Local Machine's wallet using this command: ./darkcoind walletpassphrase "whateveryourpassphraseis" 60 Where 60 represents the number of seconds to leave the wallet open for, you don't need much time.
3. and finally, on your Local Machine, start the Masternode: ./darkcoind masternode start "whateveryourpassphraseis"
You do nothing more with your Remote Machine aside from letting it run.
You can now close your Local Machine's wallet via : ./darkcoind stop
Remove your wallet.dat file, and put it somewhere safe (after darkcoind has been stopped) REname it so you know which wallet it belongs to, put it on a jumpdrive for "cold storage"

Offline wallets do not work anymore until RC3 goes live

You can also do the following command on your remote machine: darkcoind masternode list and you should see your ip address with the :9999 port on the list.

Update: 10.8.2 In your configure file, have this information at the minimum:
masternodeprivkey=You_Generate_This_From_Your_Remote_Wallet (put in your public IP address here from your remote machine)
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I asked this already in the bitcointalk thread but got no reply: With this setup where do the Masternode earnings end up? Do they get transfered to an address of the local wallet (the same address where the 1k are in?) or to an address on the remote machine?
I currently have this setup running on testnet but so far I got no payments at all...
hey donho! When I set up my MN, I got a 50DRK payment withing a few hours. I though, wow, cool! Then it stopped. Then I had issues with my EC2 instance (couldnt SSH into it).

Anyway, long story short, for a few days I saw only that 1x 50 DRK payment, then today after figuring out my login problem, when I list transactions, I see loads os immature 50 DRK tx. I think maybe testnet hashrate is so low, tx volume so low, etc on testnet, that it takes a while. Rememeber, immature payments need 120 confirms and only after are they actually credited. Remember, MN take mining rewards, not tx fees.

try this, and post back
darkcoind listtransactions
shows no transactions for the server
and for the local wallet it shows only the 1k DRK transaction
Nice one, thanks Tante.

I'll make 2 or 3 before 14th =).
what did you install on your server (remote)? for DDOS did all port exept 9999 and ssh closed?

And two questions :
-where the earning will go?
-Somewhere I saw that the MN should have EXACTLY 1000 DRK, so it can't have more??? If the earning go to his address, something wrong.
Anyone know if the same commands work in the windows wallet? I'm going to be messing around with it later tonight hopefully, but have no idea how to set the master from windows.
Nice one, thanks Tante.

I'll make 2 or 3 before 14th =).
what did you install on your server (remote)? for DDOS did all port exept 9999 and ssh closed?

And two questions :
-where the earning will go?
-Somewhere I saw that the MN should have EXACTLY 1000 DRK, so it can't have more??? If the earning go to his address, something wrong.
exactly, just port 9999 open and my ssh to my ip plus fail2ban. For my ip in fail2ban, I'm using so that my dynamic ip address will always be sync'd to it. It's easy to update your ip with the EC2 security groups, but if someone gets ahold of your password, you're sunk. Hopefully, fail2ban will lock out anyone not on my actual desktop computer.

Also, the Masternode has to have 1 transaction that is a deposit of exactly 1000 coins. It can have any balance over that.

I think your earnings will go into the wallet that is running with or without the 1000 coin deposit.

Errorid, I think it might, I mean, I don't have many coins in my desktop wallet, but it seems to understand the masternode commands?? Let us know!
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Note, payments to the mainnet won't happen until the hard fork on May 14th. These guys are talking about the testnet testing going on :)
Thanks TanteStefana, will try to put a MN in place like that on the testnet. :) Then if it works I will do 2 or 3 MN on the mainnet. :)
Nice one, thanks Tante.

I'll make 2 or 3 before 14th =).
what did you install on your server (remote)? for DDOS did all port exept 9999 and ssh closed?

And two questions :
-where the earning will go?
-Somewhere I saw that the MN should have EXACTLY 1000 DRK, so it can't have more??? If the earning go to his address, something wrong.

After running the local/remote setup on testnet for sometime now. With the (testnet)
I now received payments to the local wallet (I have now 2050 DRK sitting on the address 0) so apparently it's not a problem to if you get more DRK to that address after you started the Masternode. I guess it's only important that the 1000 DRK were received in 1 transaction and it doesn't matter if you receive more.
I used the mainnet port on the first try and now I am unable to remove the wrong one from the masternode list... :(
masternode stop just says:
Not implemented yet
Sucks... Wanted to test payments...
dammit... I delete my masternode's wallet, followed your guide, everything fine until the very last, nº5
I get "not capable masternode".

any ideas?
I used the mainnet port on the first try and now I am unable to remove the wrong one from the masternode list... :(
masternode stop just says:
Not implemented yet
Sucks... Wanted to test payments...
Hm I think stopping darkcoind should also stop the masternode
so try darkcoind stop on the server
dammit... I delete my masternode's wallet, followed your guide, everything fine until the very last, nº5
I get "not capable masternode".

any ideas?
do you have 1k DRK in one transaction on the local wallet where you try to start the masternode?
Yes... I even generated 'getaccountaddress 0´

tx id: 4115b9e42f45e49172c55d2e3e6b30ad0128de98c897b3e88503fe691d6c9ed1

Tesnet block explorer seems to be down, but ´listtransactions´shows it got there fine.
Hm I think stopping darkcoind should also stop the masternode
so try darkcoind stop on the server

I did that with no effect... Actually on port 9999 there was an old darkcoind for p2pool (pre-hard fork). Tried stopping that one too but the masternode with :9999 is still in the list...
Yes... I even generated 'getaccountaddress 0´

tx id: 4115b9e42f45e49172c55d2e3e6b30ad0128de98c897b3e88503fe691d6c9ed1

Tesnet block explorer seems to be down, but ´listtransactions´shows it got there fine.
hm then I don't really know what seems to be the problem
You can generate a fresh address and I can send you another 1k DRK if you want to try that. I didn't always use getaccountaddress 0, "getnewaddress" also worked for me

With masternode stop not working, how does one unlock the 1000 DRKs?

AFAIK you can just send them to another address/wallet. dont think they are locked, but I will try that later to see what happens to my MN if i use the funds