Regarding our voting process

Foundation Member
Masternode Owner/Operator
Regarding our voting process, more specifically speaking on how the debates are carried in the DASH community, I'd like to take the liberty of asking all of you (I do not feel confortable to say such things, but I feel it's necessary): Let's not take things personal. Let's always put our focus in what is the best for the community.

The most important thing for DASH, when it comes to its governance, is that each person here be free to bring their own opinion to the debates on the subjects submitted, and of course, to be free to cast their own votes, according to their clear understanding of things.

That's all, that's great.

Other voters, eventually in doubt, undecided, will have the duty of reading pro and con arguments and finally decide.

There's just one important thing I want to suggest the community: abandon unfruitful trolling attacks like ad hominem or ad nauseam.

Lately, I have seen some posters using a lot these tactics. That is dishonest and disloyal to the community. It spams and makes it harder for anyone to achieve an ideal flow of ideas. And, as if this weren't enough, such behaviour unnecessarily creates an awful environment for everyone here, as we have witnessed recently.

It's naive (or malicious) to believe that by insisting and posting again and again the same opinion will make others change their mind. Also, insulting and exchange of accusations are of no help as well.

Excuse me for asking it, but let's be civil, respect and give support to each other, please. We are a family here. Imagine when the real trolls arrive here, with the sole objective of sabotage and harm... how are we to defend ourselves, if we are unable to trust each other? (united we are strong, divided we are weak)

Remember that the best part is: We are creating DASH politics... isn't it exciting?
Regarding our voting process, more specifically speaking on how the debates are carried in the DASH community, I'd like to take the liberty of asking all of you (I do not feel confortable to say such things, but I feel it's necessary): Let's not take things personal. Let's always put our focus in what is the best for the community.

The most important thing for DASH, when it comes to its governance, is that each person here be free to bring their own opinion to the debates on the subjects submitted, and of course, to be free to cast their own votes, according to their clear understanding of things.

That's all, that's great.

Other voters, eventually in doubt, undecided, will have the duty of reading pro and con arguments and finally decide.

There's just one important thing I want to suggest the community: abandon unfruitful trolling attacks like ad hominem or ad nauseam.

Lately, I have seen some posters using a lot these tactics. That is dishonest and disloyal to the community. It spams and makes it harder for anyone to achieve an ideal flow of ideas. And, as if this weren't enough, such behaviour unnecessarily creates an awful environment for everyone here, as we have witnessed recently.

It's naive (or malicious) to believe that by insisting and posting again and again the same opinion will make others change their mind. Also, insulting and exchange of accusations are of no help as well.

Excuse me for asking it, but let's be civil, respect and give support to each other, please. We are a family here. Imagine when the real trolls arrive here, with the sole objective of sabotage and harm... how are we to defend ourselves, if we are unable to trust each other? (united we are strong, divided we are weak)

Remember that the best part is: We are creating DASH politics... isn't it exciting?

Amen to that !
(this turns into a very religious event here)

I can only agree , let the numbers speak and take the personal emotions out of the game !
a proposal fails ? no biggie , Change the facts and submit again , no need for anger and disappointment !
we will have many more of these coming and it would be very sad to see this amazing community imploding over stuff like that !
remember all you couch surfers and comment people
take it easy ! it is always easier to shred somebody down making the effort to submit a proposal than to submit your own , so please , take it easy , be constructive in criticism , no need to get personal !

If you are into Christian religious teachings, you've missed the most important aspect of it, which is humility or not being an abrasive rude ass.

If you are into Christian religious teachings, you've missed the most important aspect of it, which is humility or not being an abrasive rude ass.

Never met a single christian who didn't miss the point of being christian. And I was quite religious for 15 years.

Seems like a pointless thing to say since you yourself don't understand humility. Try being nice for a change.
i got a proposal:

Lets not mix up tech with believe.

Debating believe is a never ending story and neither party will give way anyway. This can only end in an exitrage.



I think we need a "Dash Bill of Conduct"
Correct me if I am wrong here, but I don't believe there is a moderator on Dashtalk. A code of ethics isn't going to do anything without enforcement. I think a moderator could be very useful for the obvious slanderous posts that come up. TheDashGuy is here quite a bit. Maybe we could get a proposal going to pay him a reasonable amount to manage the inappropriate posts.

The other option would be to create threads that only masternode owners can participate in. Voting threads should only be a discussion between the voters and submitters not just people asking questions to ask questions.
Correct me if I am wrong here, but I don't believe there is a moderator on Dashtalk. A code of ethics isn't going to do anything without enforcement. I think a moderator could be very useful for the obvious slanderous posts that come up. TheDashGuy is here quite a bit. Maybe we could get a proposal going to pay him a reasonable amount to manage the inappropriate posts.

The other option would be to create threads that only masternode owners can participate in. Voting threads should only be a discussion between the voters and submitters not just people asking questions to ask questions.

To be honest, I agree. If there was an area to apply for moderator position, I would have by now.

I have been frequenting/building forum's for people for over 14 years, ever since phpbb1 was out. I have moderated forums with user counts of over 20k. Moderated the biggest world of warcraft private servers out there for many years, which comes with its fair share of trolls and misguided individuals.

I know my language can be strong, but I'm not exactly here to please anyone so I don't intend on filtering myself necessarily, but I do know what a fair argument looks like, and I'm not one to pick sides.

I just want people to be equal round here, we all need to play by the same rules to have Dash be a successful community for everyone. If there ever is an opening for mod, i'd be honored.

So you think your proposal got downvoted because of a lack of moderation? Had there been more moderation more than half of anything Camosoul posted would have been deleted by moderators on other forums.

You only want the Dash Guy because he was supportive of your proposal. There actually are several moderators on this forum already.

I've been a community manager/moderator on a sideproject I was involved with and I've always tried to do my best not to overly moderate and silence people. This is the line we should follow. DashGuy is very passionate and his heart is the the right place, very active supporting the project but he's very much a control freak interjecting in all conversations, trying to police things and he's heavily biased as well. I haven't seen him trying to talk down Camosoul's vitriolic narcissistic outbursts and the constant hurling of insults because he was supporting his project.
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So you think your proposal got downvoted because of a lack of moderation? Had there been more moderation more than half of anything Camosoul posted would have been deleted by moderators on other forums.

You only want the Dash Guy because he was supportive of your proposal. There actually are several moderators on this forum already.

I've been a community manager/moderator on a sideproject I was involved with and I've always tried to do my best not to overly moderate and silence people. This is the line we should follow. DashGuy is very passionate and his heart is the the right place, very active supporting the project but he's very much a control freak interjecting in all conversations, trying to police things and he's heavily biased as well. I haven't seen him trying to talk down Camosoul's vitriolic narcissistic outbursts and the constant hurling of insults because he was supporting his project.

Hmmm where to start....

First off, noone us "blatantly supporting" anyone around here, i have voiced my opinions to camo on his attitude PRIVATELY. Because unlike you and a couple others here I don't intend to fuel the fire.

And if you insist on calling me "a control freak interjecting in all conversations, trying to police things and he's heavily biased as well" you might want to take a step back and read what i was pointing out.

There is a double standard around here, you are helping it grow. So I voiced my opinion on that.

Trolls will be trolls though. I have yet to see you say something positive without backing it with with 5x more negativity.

And I still do not care about this popularity contest that is going on around here. So you'll continue to see the same old me. Get used to it. I "hurled" my insults at those ganging up and insulting them, because as I just said, I give no fucks about this popularity contest, I absolutely LOVE to stand up for the individuals who are getting the short end of the stick, and to this moment I still say none of you have children nor are good parents nor have ever had a good relationship in your life, because, well its obviously true that you don't know how to handle people. And yea maybe Camo doesn't either, but atleast he got off his ass to help.

Keep on trollin. Hope you the best.
easy there guys
I think it is time to take this down a notch , watch your language and stay constructive please , this is going on too long and only getting dirtier , come on , we are better than that !
A little bit of conflict is healthy and constructive as long as people don't start throwing insults around and try to keep a cool head. Let's not go nazi with these calls for moderation. It's better to have a lively debate than to have a dead forum. Even Camosoul is somewhat entertaining.

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A little bit of conflict is healthy and constructive as long as people don't start throwing insults around and try to keep a cool head. Let's not go nazi with these calls for moderation. It's better to have a lively debate than to have a dead forum. Even Camosoul is somewhat entertaining.

i agree
but the 'style' of disagreement is in question here
call for mods is only reg insults and swearing !
I couldn't agree more with raganius, I been lurking here and on bitcointalk a long time and things seem to have devolved lately from discussions, to american style shouting matches. It is not a simple conflict of opinions when some people are combative, narcissistic and immune to the possibility that they could conceivably be wrong.

The mountains of posts are not the way to convince people of your point of view and crowd out actual conversations. That is the real danger of what I am seeing. The behavior lately discourages discussion, polarizies arguments and devolves into petty name calling. It is exhausting just to watch and it does not make new comers to feel engaged and interested. Hell when I go through recent updated threads I no longer see interesting dash related stuff, just all the combative posts by a small minority.

All it does is drive people away from this project.

American style shouting matches? :) Your statement isn't inflammatory at all. This European elitist attitude portraying Americans as savages is a very unhealthy mindset. It's a group think cliche cheap stereotype. A superior unwarranted attitude. Lots of Europeans do nothing but to blindly regurgitate these cultural stereotypes in a monkey see monkey do fashion. It's a very conformist attitude (I'm a European btw).

The thing is certain topics are and will be sensitive and they will generate strong reactions. No way to avoid it. Some people shy away from conflict but I don't think it's the way to go. Sometimes it's ok to let the adrenaline flow.

Speaking of shouting matches; these shouting matches you speak of date back to Ancient Greece where known famous philosophers that shaped Western culture were debating heated topics. Very often the debates got so heated that actual fist fights ensued. Luckily on a forum the worst thing that can happen is someone punching his keyboard or spilling his coffee or having some weak nerdy reaction like that.

When people cool off, the ideas they've so vehemently opposed start taking root in the mind and they really start thinking about what other people said, very often ending up accepting the very idea they've so strongly opposed not long ago. In the end it's progress and it moves things forward.
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American style shouting matches? :) Your statement isn't inflammatory at all. This European elitist attitude portraying Americans as savages is a very unhealthy mindset. It's a group think cliche cheap stereotype. A superior unwarranted attitude. Lots of Europeans do nothing but to blindly regurgitate these cultural stereotypes in a monkey see monkey do fashion. It's a very conformist attitude (I'm a European btw).

The thing is certain topics are and will be sensitive and they will generate strong reactions. No way to avoid it. Some people shy away from conflict but I don't think it's the way to go. Sometimes it's ok to let the adrenaline flow.

Speaking of shouting matches; these shouting matches you speak of date back to Ancient Greece where known famous philosophers that shaped Western culture were debating heated topics. Very often the debates got so heated that actual fist fights ensued. Luckily on a forum the worst thing that can happen is someone punching his keyboard or spilling his coffee or having some weak nerdy reaction like that.

When people cool off, the ideas they've so vehemently opposed start taking root in the mind and they really start thinking about what other people said, very often ending up accepting the very idea they've so strongly opposed not long ago. In the end it's progress and it moves things forward.

InTheWoods This is a perfect example of what I am talking about.

I had two simple points in my previous post:

1. Discussion on this forum seem to have been replace by rants and arguments.
2. I am worried that this may drive away new members.

Neither which you addressed and went on a rant trying to justify argumentative tactics.

You are clearly not interested in a discussion and I am not interested in arguing.