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Keep track of your tips

Not only for people who need/want support
Tippers make points when supporting other users never tipped by them before. The site allows to send private and public messages only when tipping. Having a page as a tipper can allow the recipient to send a tip back in case they would like to go beyond the praise button and send a message. Also, users who have received tips sometimes want to know more about their supporters.
Point system
The points work as a mesh, once the link between two users exist back and forth the link is sealed, meaning those two users can no longer make points by tipping each other. Mesh points are a way to encourage tipping users never tipped before.
A user with a significant amount of points can mean different things:
- A photographer/developer/blogger/youtuber/artist/influencer/etc.. worth checking out.
- Good tipper/supporter
- How active has a user been on the site.
- How linked in is a user on the TMD mesh.

Keep track of your tips

Not only for people who need/want support
Tippers make points when supporting other users never tipped by them before. The site allows to send private and public messages only when tipping. Having a page as a tipper can allow the recipient to send a tip back in case they would like to go beyond the praise button and send a message. Also, users who have received tips sometimes want to know more about their supporters.
Point system
The points work as a mesh, once the link between two users exist back and forth the link is sealed, meaning those two users can no longer make points by tipping each other. Mesh points are a way to encourage tipping users never tipped before.
A user with a significant amount of points can mean different things:
- A photographer/developer/blogger/youtuber/artist/influencer/etc.. worth checking out.
- Good tipper/supporter
- How active has a user been on the site.
- How linked in is a user on the TMD mesh.
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