I think since we are changing brands anyway, we should not chain ourselves to the "D", it is a wonderful opportunity to explore new and exciting logos.
DASH is easy to say though compared to XDC or DC for quick real world use. I think Digital Cash with DASH for short/market ticker. DASH also looks better in all caps.
Yes and no. As I mentioned above, I think the current name has tons of sex appeal to a certain demographic, but once that demographic is saturated, the name becomes a liability. A re-brand could be approached in several ways, some of which we have discussed in foundation board meetings. In the end I think we should consult a marketing firm and get their input. We can use their advice or ignore it at our discretion.
My initial thought was to do it in phases, first rebranding InstantX to Dash to force the name association. Then do away with the Darkcoin name at some point in the future. I haven't formally proposed this, however, and there are some good arguments against it, but I think it addresses your specific concern nicely.
There is much more to discuss and consider. As Evan said, this is still an exploratory phase.
good to see you back
regarding 'exploratory phase'
we better sort this out fast
because as far as I know there are a ton of projects on hold , others prosponed .... as it is all based on branding
I do not think we can afford to take a 1-2 month break to sort out branding !!
the sooner the better !
(I consider myself on standby as a lot of projects i did over the last 2 month all have to be rebranded, np for that, but I will not put out more work under an obvious wrong logo)
time is of the essence !
I just remember seeing it.. here is a snippet from page 7
Support Development
Darkcoin is an open source project and, as such, anybody can contribute and make changes. The Foundation supports the core team of developers so they can keep advancing the vision of Darkcoin and maintaining the code secure. This is done by providing some infrastructure and tools, as well as paying to some developers so they can dedicate their time to Darkcoin.
Empower the Community
The Foundation stablishes procedures and suport tools to help the Darkcoin Community achieve the goals and projects they start. This is done in a transparent way and upon request of the members of the Community.
Represent Darkcoin
The Foundation defends the interests of the Darkcoin Community and Developers in those places where an organized voice is needed and they can’t be present directly, or a legal entity is required.
This logo is really cool. Forget dash as the brand name. Just D is great!stop. you have all you need...
...reduce it to the max. D is enough.
behind the scenes it will be "darkcoin" for the one, "dash" for the other... its just D
I work in the advertising-bizz - not that it should have any weight - but I see many companies around here paying a lot of money to make their complicated brand-names to a clever sign or just a character.
only disadvantage - not easy to resolve in the web.
but we have a clever community - so go on!
I can only concur with vertoe yidakee and probably many others that didn't catch my eye in the long thread.
Re-branding the entire name that this project represents has some very bad aftertaste for me, not to forget keeping the entire community in the dark about this. There was already problems with proprietary code in the first place and this does not strengthen the foothold DRK has for me when it comes to transparency and openness, ironically!
I do feel glad after all now not having bought into a MN just before such shocking news, I hope it will sort itself in the end we can all find a place we can call "home"
My 2 NXT (who would have thought that DRK could ever fail to maintain it's position in my heart, I am truly stunned by these news and saddened truly to the core![]()
I like that too.This logo is really cool. Forget dash as the brand name. Just D is great!
hardly, they're dead. And I think the Foundation cut a deal with them so it's all up and up if we use DASH. Also RE: the "disabilities" thing. You can't find a single name that isn't used in some other way. Question is, would it get in the way? I highly doubt it. Regarding the my little pony thing, heck why not go to Santa and make fun of Dasher? I mean, WTF? Who knows about MLP names except a small group of people? And how does that pose a risk to our coin? Fan fiction innuendos?Now this is going to get confusing DASH and Dashcoin
Please don't tear me apart for not sticking with the "D".
I gave it a little thought and came up with this.
Secure Private Anonymous Radical Currency/Cash
Fast like a spark (InstantX), secure due to being a cryptocurrency (miners, masternode network etc), private as in you have control of it (not sure if we can go with "personal" here), anonymous due to mixing/darksend, radical because it's a breakthrough solution to payment systems and finally the currency/cash to make sure everyone gets what we are talking about.
'If we changed tomorrow, everyone in the entire crypto world would know "instantly" and instantly recognize the change ... maybe a few blogs and websites might not pick it up immediately, but with our excellent PR group in the making, that info would quickly spread like wild fire.
What about the news in the Wired Magazine or the Guardian? These are mainstream medias and there readers won't recognize the namechange...
What about the news in the Wired Magazine or the Guardian? These are mainstream medias and there readers won't recognize the namechange...
Radical ... there, the looming ghost all over again! I proposed SAFE, secure, anonymous, fungible, exchange ... didnt manage to fit the instant there. Tells part of the story, but not all the "technical" story, so fail.
That sort of thing would have to be absolutely brilliant, and for it to be perfect, very rare indeed.
Dash ... Digital Anonymous Secure .... Humus. I love humus, with fresh cut carrots sticks...
DASH, or dash ... just like cash, says it all. Legally!!! Mainly legally!! We can break that barrier! Digital Cash. To be "cash" legally, it must be x,y,z in legal terms, and our anonymity layer by the Masternode network, and the way it denominates funds, permits us overcome the final digital barrier of real digital money - BTC is not fungible and we are!!
Joe in the street don't give a damn about this!
That is why the new age of branding is "idiot prof"... PayPal, Apple Pay, Square, Circle... VISA is what, 1990's? Mastercard too? SWIFT maybe a little newer idk, I kinda guessing here... Seem the longer out living the dumber we become, but thats another discussion.
Digital Cash, in legal terms, if I'm not mistaken, has never been achieved in society, until potentially now, precisely because of provable legal fungibility....
Make it idiot proof and BOOM, no one understands its whats underneath, but they'll use it because its self explanatory, even in legal terms. Digital cash named DASH. Sprinkle InstantX over DASH... its almost magical!
The name DASH is kinda brilliant, and way better that Bitcoin... say each 10x in a row, I dare 'ya!
Dash, just like cash, has a great snappy no bullshit, straight to business tone to it.