I blew out my back this morning, so I'm behind (feeling lots better now) Anyway, Minotaur has made such eloquent arguments today as to why this needs to happen, I just want to say, it's like he took the thoughts out of my brain

Thanks Minotaur.
I just want to say one more thing, more as a double down point. From the VERY beginning of the creation of Darkcoin, Evan said it wasn't meant for the dark markets and that was not his intention. He had to start saying that pretty much ever since changing the name from Xcoin, to Darkcoin and the name Darkcoin has haunted the project ever since. The name has indeed cubbyholed Darkcoin into a perceived niche market. But Evan created Darkcoin to fix problems with Bitcoin that he didn't see ever getting fixed. Imagine how he feels seeing his project that is 1. limited to dark markets and 2. in a direction he never intended.
Even so Evan has committed 2 years to this project, and I suspect he'll continue on for the 2 years in some capacity if he had to fulfill his obligations, I doubt he'd put his heart and soul into it if he felt the project couldn't and wouldn't ever see the light of day for the public he intended to help. He had an important vision. Create a currency that is fully fungible, like cash, so that all coins are created and stay equal. You can already see how Bitcoin is not being accepted at Coinbase because they can tell it comes from gambling sites. This is unacceptable. This in itself ruins Bitcoin. If cryptocurrency is ever to survive, it must be fungible. Now with instantX, we can have a cryptcurrency that bypasses all the banking industry completely. You can buy your gasoline! Your fast food! Your groceries! saving merchants at least 3% on all sales. Talk about knocking the banks out of business! It can be the ultimate equalizer.
But not with the name Darkcoin.
So why should Evan continue with all his efforts if there is no chance of the project going mainstream? I suggest we'll have Evan many years into the future as long as the project is relevant. We'll lose him if it isn't and sooner than his presence will suggest.