Great points from Minotaur and alex-ru have just about won me over as well.. I love the simple "digital cash" logo from the other day, but this one with the morse code is clever
-.. .- ... .... checks out. Brilliant!
Great points from Minotaur and alex-ru have just about won me over as well.. I love the simple "digital cash" logo from the other day, but this one with the morse code is clever it safe to say that DASH will be an acronym thus giving it the catchy yet boring name and description of use.
If a name change is inevitable, then dropping -coin is surely a more professional sounding brand. I cannot think of one bank, for instance, with the name "coin" in it. I think that must be for a reason that marketers may know more about. Brands certainly do not always have names that make you know what it's about. Target rarely sells targets for shooting.
Kinda my train of thought when I pitched it.
touchewhy thank you good sir! But I dont agree... Dash is not securing humanity.... Humanity is securing itself by us DASH. Entirely different concept :tongue:
Thanks for this, this is the best post i have read on this topic the last two days. Thanks!I have one last thing to say, the main argument I have heard against Dash is that it is a bland name. I think the people that feel this way are completely missing the point. We should with go with DASH precisely because it is a bland name, so we can build a strong brand out of it. Name != Brand
The problem with Darkcoin as a name is precisely that it is too explicit the name suggests a meaning and detracts from the brand, when the project adds other aspects to it that are not the ones explicitly described by the name. Take important examples in crypto: Circle and Square. They can be developed into great brands in crypto because the names do not suggest any meaning so in the crypto context Circle and Square just acquire the ideals associated with those companies. I am sure if Evan came up with the name Triangle people would be going crazy.
Another good example is Apple, some people might say, but Apple is a huge company, again missing the point. When Apple was back at the garage and Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs decided to call their new company like the fruit, apple was not yet Apple. Meaning the ideals, you have learn to associate with that brand, great design, user friendliness, good quality, were not present back at the garage, it was just a "bland" name. This property of blandness allowed it to develop into a brand.
Also, the "blandness" of the name, I really see it as flexibility of the brand and it is very important. You have to be capable of abstract thinking and projecting yourself into the future, back when Steve Jobs named Apple, apple, he was only thinking about computers not iPods, iPhones or iPads. Fortunately, their brand is flexible enough. Back when Evan named Darkcoin, darkcoin, he was not thinking about InstantX, scalability or decentralized applications and services that is why we need to change, we need something more flexible as we don't know what will come later.
Same thing applies to Dash, if Circle and Square work, Dash can work too, and if we work very hard, one day people will associate, privacy, freedom, transparency, great technology, decentralization with our brand. Brands take time and hard work to develop, so instead of fighting about a perfectly good name, we should think of ways we can project ideals that reflect the true essence of our project into our new brand. Dash will be great, in time.
8. About using a re-branding company I like the idea, I think it sounds great, but I don't think is going to happen. Who would be this company? How much would it cost? Who will pay for it? What do they know about crypto? If we are looking for a media company to help us push the new brand, then great. But the name itself I think we know our business better, plus preserving the D logo at the beginning is important for the transition and that limits the options.
I too would like this information if at all possible this early on. I've started spreading the word to other crypto users and they are very interested that DRK is working on becoming accepted more widely. It'd be easier to explain if I knew DASH were the final name decided. Or would "DASH is not finalized and lawyers will be investigating trademark use" be better?
dazbarldy over at BCTtalk took some (very slight) suggestions from me. What do you think of this?
5. About the re-branding itself. Rebranding is something that happens in the mind of people, is not about changing logos completely and using a cheetah tomorrow. If all of a sudden people go to and see a different logo and a different name as number 5 in the ranking. They won't know what it is and probably assume is something different. That is why I think it has to be DASH, we keep the D logo and colors. We do need to look at the fonts we will use for Dash maybe similar ones to what we use for Darkcoin.
6. The new fonts and composition with the D logo, needs to be done by professional graphic designers and approved officially by Evan. We should stay away from unofficial stuff popping up in the forums, we are not a recently launched project anymore we can do better.
7. After it stays like I described in point 5 for a while maybe 6 months or something, and people already know us as DASH. We can see where we are and see if any further change of logos or something is necessary.
This one is even more futuristic looking. Wow...
This one is even more futuristic looking. Wow...
alex-ru .. I posted exactly the same opinion, but quite frankly these guys are killing it! And we dont even know if its going to be DASH or not.
Just for the fun of it, I also like this one. Is good to see we have many options to work with.
Sir... A rebrand must happen. Read any of my previous posts as to why this should have happened long ago... Back in Feb/Mar of last year....even.Do not rebrand unless you want to lose users and confuse new ones.
In that context... It starts to make since... The name needs to be ambiguous... Simple. Like it.We accept: