Nothing at all !! He is quite sound on that idea. A bit off topic Cheech and Chong lol, but hell yeah!
Working in the entertaintment industry, I got that perfectly!! Like an intro to an informercial thing, documentary, whatever, WHAM !! The "prohets" word come truth with.... (insert name)
Lok him up!! See the videos!!

1 love molly
tell me you wouldn't like to see a poster at your local mall with Mr. Friedman, a little dialogue bubble with him saying: Use Ecash, Save Money.
With the new Ecash logo on the bottom right corner all nice and shiny with the website and Evan name as head Designer, something like that... I'd love to see that, even if the name Darkcoin were retained.
And I think if people are going to start proposing a bunch of names they could also include exactly how they are going to brand, market and sell it. Why was this name chosen, what was the reason, how do we make it work, which step is first and which comes after that, every single detail. That would be a great suggestion and much more valuable for analysis than just names thrown out there. Oh, and the rule here is you can't say it sounds better because that is subjective: I think, you think... thats a waste of time in the long run, people will always think differently, but that obviously doesn't stop things from succeeding.
Why? How? That's what I would love to hear as an investor. Super Evan and Team surprises aside... lol I'm always blown away

but what is the game plan and general guiding line for making Darkcoin: Ecash the great success we all know if is destined to become. How does that connect and work out, in detail, with the new name proposed whatever it is... Its usually in the details that things start becoming more clear.
As for creating a new logo or name there is a symbology at play in the world. For example, here in Canada we pay cash, not coin. Use the existing immediate recognition ofthe word cash in peoples minds and then just add the E at the beginning. The E symbolizes a directionality of vibration towards the word cash which serves to enforce absorption of the word cash and all that is associated with it into Ecash.
The other side uses this understanding so I've come to balance the scales a bit simply by sharing the knowledge.
This is beyond most peoples everyday understanding, but here is a link to a video that understands* the concept to those who have the desire to learn or to understand.
Bear with me for a few moments:
See how their hats are like E's, and they swing there head to attack the vibrations. This refers to string theory, what they are doing (basic version) is sending an outward movement of their vibration. The opposite of this if you reverse the direction of the E's in an inbound movement of vibration. Not for everybody.... In this way, someone could immediately see it is easy to add to a word and hard to take away from it... I'll leave it there for now.
Whats great is a word is symbolic of everything it represents, so if we target the very word and add to it. Guess what, it will become very hard to take away from it.
So basically the E represents the direction the shakti flows... Directionality which was created when Milton Friedman created the term(or whoever else did and told him hahaha) Most people would call it prophet yes...