Will we arrive @ more than 90% of compliant pools before 19 days past?

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Don't get me wrong, I don't want to update before we are ready but given the circumstances and realizing that 90% isn't going to be achieved and that one pool remains the culprit, what good is another 2.5 weeks of half payouts for the benefit of some arbitrary date.
I know this is a serious thread and we are not at bitcointalk but forgive me. I just couldn't resist.

yes, but that's what I'm basicly thinking. The pools are camping this thread to see when it happens... for 3 months now. You will see how fast they comply as soon as we pull the trigger...
How much hash power would we need to reach 90%?

I was thinking in line of community effort - renting x11 mining capacity on the market for a few days time - in order to reach 90% and trigger enforcement...

Thru sites like

EDIT: did some calculations.... its not viable... its just too much.... rc5 is currently at ~60%, so pushing it to 90% means to throw in more than 30%, which needs to be calculated onto existing network's strength... Which would mean (roughly calculated thru thumbs) approx to 60+GH... And since biggest rigs are around 1GH (priced at 0,6bitcoin/day), that just seems too expensive to do in a community effort (and too complicated if we wanted to do in a time-synced event, so that it does not need to go on for more than a day)...

Or am I wrong? Comments?
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I am under no illusions that x11ltc1btccom are deliberately playing the system. I was referring to the good actors. The smaller pools and the solo miners.
I am under no illusions that x11ltc1btccom are deliberately playing the system. I was referring to the good actors. The smaller pools and the solo miners.

Understandable, but a week max should be ample time for these pools to upgrade. Updating the daemon is easy-peazy.
We'd need to rent about 30GH to make up for x11ltc1btccom. Probably about 10 BTC worth. Although one would hope that they would see rejects and change their payout from 10% to 20% and just get compliant.
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I dont see how us creating a huge pool will help. I say fuck them. If they don't comply then its their loss.

Apart from a drop in network hash rate, whats the risk to Darkcoin?
I dont see how us creating a huge pool will help. I say fuck them. If they don't comply then its their loss.

Apart from a drop in network hash rate, whats the risk to Darkcoin?
It's more or less to make up for the drop in hashrate from x11ltc1btccom and any other non-compliant pool. I'd bet it would only take a few hours (if that) of rejects before they update. They'd have a whole lot of pissed off miners otherwise.
If there is no risk then why the hell can't we just enforce? They've been laughing at us for 3 months now.
If it will help, I'll solo mine at 7Ghs for a few days but I cant see how it will help.

Lolz if I only paid 10%.
If there is no risk then why the hell can't we just enforce? They've been laughing at us for 3 months now.
I agree. They are tricking us by paying only 10% with customized RC5. What about enforcing when just "RC5" reaches 90%?
(Now, it's 88.81%)
I agree. They are tricking us by paying only 10% with customized RC5. What about enforcing when just "RC5" reaches 90%?
(Now, it's 88.81%)
the enforcement is not about the client version but the masternode payments. and we are currently at 60% correct payments.
the enforcement is not about the client version but the masternode payments. and we are currently at 60% correct payments.
I know. But if the network has no risk, the earlier enforcement is the better for both masternode owners and honest pool owners.
I know. But if the network has no risk, the earlier enforcement is the better for both masternode owners and honest pool owners.
if we enforce now means that 40% of the blocks get rejected. that's a network risk.
if we enforce now means that 40% of the blocks get rejected. that's a network risk.

So if that will not change in 2.5 weeks do you think Evan will take the risk or postpone the enforcement once again?
if we enforce now means that 40% of the blocks get rejected. that's a network risk.
In a couple week's time, it's going to be the same situation. We can't go on indefinitely with prolonging proper payouts. Pools will continue to pay out less (if at all) and others could join.
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