RC4 and price

I don't think we would be trading at 0.006 right now if not the ninja launch. Why did we do that anyway? Shuldn't we announce things to the whole crypto scene instead of hiding the release?
I don't think we would be trading at 0.006 right now if not the ninja launch. Why did we do that anyway? Shuldn't we announce things to the whole crypto scene instead of hiding the release?
This shows that this coins is not about pump and dump scheme but a serious development project.
Evan releases the software when it's done.

Giving this whole RC4 thingy an announcement run of 2 weeks would call all the guys out there calling darkcoin a huge scam coin.
Time to buy and wait ...


I don't think we would be trading at 0.006 right now if not the ninja launch. Why did we do that anyway? Shuldn't we announce things to the whole crypto scene instead of hiding the release?
That is impossible to know, market is terrible these days. And RC4 was announced. No specific date was given, but we've all been talking about it for weeks. In fact, I believe that maybe we created too much expectation and people had too big a faith in its effect on price.
Everything can always be better, not better than Darkcoin, but everything is there for the reading. Links were provided and eltito did an excellent job of getting the information out to the people that follow even a little and miss a lot. The market manipulation is heavy and the market is volatile in crypto in general. Evan kicks ass and is constantly on the ball and this community is more than awesome. Patience, good constructive criticism and teamwork is driving this ship full of reward to a place where all else will try to follow. It will get there just don't jump ship. If you have whitewater experience this is a "high side" we all just need to crawl over to the high side of the raft In order to slide off this rock and start getting back to the fun.
Apparently there is a BOT running on an exchange thats driving the price down right now. Thats why its steadily declining. Cryptsey i think?
Good time to buy while the price is artificially low.
I don't see any Cryptsey BOT selling anything. Don't get me wrong for I'm a Darkcoin enthusiast but I dislike delusions as much as misinformation. Could you elucidate that notion of the price being manipulated?

I worry. I will not sell my Darkcoins, in fact I bought more and will buy more next and, by doing so, I'm going against my better judgement here (% of DRK in my portfolio is well above my comfort level). Alas, I've spent well too much time in the fiat stock market not to be wary of the terminology, once it's been used here. Some stocks are simple not attractive to buyers; it could be an image issue, bad PR, whatsoever, and not always some evil "manipulation." Even Evan used that stock market terminology in another post, talking about waiting for the "weak hands to exit." This is a reason for concern. The main guy should not worry about any "weak" or "strong" hands.

All of us should act as a tribe, Darkcoin enthusiasts promoting it. I paid the price for doing just that - two friends of mine lost a lot of money thus far and are angry at me and I have to stay quiet - so all I could do is to buy more and hope the developers will be able to produce a winner in alt market. I still think we're losing on marketing issues. Darkcoin is sliding, dangerously, for a full week now, This has never, ever, worked well for any stock, and if we're going to apply fiat stock market terminology, "never try to catch a falling knife" is what the people, observing the Darkcoin's price, might have in mind.

Once the price goes too low, nothing will bring it back - no matter how great the product is, for it would be perceived as toxic. I AM NOT saying this is the case, I'm patient and could withstand even a 100% loss on my investment thus far but I would like us all to take a week long, steep drop in price much more seriously than now.

(and no, I don't care about other currencies. And yes, I am aware it is August. Just my 2 cents of concern :smile: or, perhaps, I should use :sad: :smile: )


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they were talking about it on bitcointalk this morning. They said they found evidence of a BOT buying and selling and pushing the price down. I don't know how that stuff works. Im new to all this.
Hmm. I'm worried since a lot of folks might vanish from this venture. What if we lost the developer because it's now worthless? We'll all be screwed!
Hmm. I'm worried since a lot of folks might vanish from this venture. What if we lost the developer because it's now worthless? We'll all be screwed!

I don't think Evan is going anywhere. This is his baby and he knows what the future holds.
Yeah. I'm just very nervous. I have a few friends who held... Past tense around 10,000 coins and have now jumped the sinking ship in fear of their investment becoming worthless. Others follow which in turn leaves us in a bad way.

Those that provide MN services for a fee in drk will get hurt, potentially, stop providing the service... Then the infrastructure that we've worked so hard to build is at risk.
Yeah. I'm just very nervous. I have a few friends who held... Past tense around 10,000 coins and have now jumped the sinking ship in fear of their investment becoming worthless. Others follow which in turn leaves us in a bad way.

Those that provide MN services for a fee in drk will get hurt, potentially, stop providing the service... Then the infrastructure that we've worked so hard to build is at risk.

All good points. I personally hope it turns around and believe it will because of the technology. I bought my majority at 0.017 and now today its down to 0.0055
Big loss... but then again Darkcoin is still in Beta and not even fully developed yet.. RC5 is next.
Yeah. I can only hope it makes a big drop so I can jump on, but even then it's going to take some balls to believe that the market will accept this.

It's one thing us believing in it, it's another convincing mass adoption.
So what do you propose?

I listed a whole set of propositions related to promoting the Darkcoin's value. ("privacy" vs. "anonymity" was one of the points I made) Too lazy to look for that thread now, but it is there.

Discussion here is good for it shows a level of concern we all share. Loses accelerate selling that than fuels new selling and, as such, does not inspire confidence in new buyers. Why would anyone buy if the price is steadily going down for over two months now? On June 2nd, the price hit all time high of 0.027 BTC and had been falling since. If this is not a red flag, nothing is. BTC falls and rises all the time, but DRK kept falling...

This is a great technological challenge for the developers, I get that. They have investments much larger than me or any of us - their time, their investors' money etc., - but this is the moment, I believe, in which all the key guys need to reassure us:

a) they are aware of the price's slide (and yes, there's nothing they can do, I get that as well);
b) they are NOT going anywhere and plan to stay with the Darkcoin for the long time. Developments just started;
c) they are brewing new, exciting, unique to Darkcoin, ideas while RC4 and RC5 etc., work is underway.

That would be a good start. We live in times in which once a product is perceived as 'fad' it stays the fad forever. The history is filed with great tech innovations that went nowhere for so many other reasons than its tech merit. I still think Darkcoin is "sexy" for layman, it has great design, and, above all, really promising technology, but this value bleeding is VERY, VERY dangerous!! I can't stress that enough. Once DRK falls below 10th - 15th place in Market Cap, the game might be over.

This WHOLE market rides on ENTHUSIASM and this, MOST VALUABLE COMMODITY is in danger. I will sink with the ship, if needed, but I would've never thought I was going to say those words ("sinking") to anyone. We need ENTHUSIASM back! I will put my money when my mouth is, and will buy DRK with BTC when deposit on CoinBase clears, but this is just a drop in the rapidly vanishing sea.
Evan said this on Bitcointalk forum: "From the looks of the thread all issues users are experiencing are not bugs at this point, just a misunderstanding of how Darksend works. All major bugs have been resolved and I'm going to move on to RC5 and other unique features of Darkcoin that we've had in the works for awhile (I'm going to wait till all of the weak hands have left the building then I have some really cool stuff to announce) - Evan"

Darkcoin is here. We need to hear from him here. What's the point of fiat stock market message boards lingo like "weak hands" and more importantly what is "real cool stuff"?

DO NOT GET ME WRONG - I have enormous respect for Evan and the guys, but this is also the point in which he might consider stop being mysterious and just tell us the story.
Seems market does not give a shit about funamentals. Sad thing.

Can't be more true in the case of altcoins + ....

Observed the markets for 2 and more years now, traded, invested, gained & lost money... There is one thing I'm absolutely positive about: Every fairly successful altcoin experiences initial hype & pump, and then dump to about 20% of the pre-rise value.

Conclusion is that Darkcoin (and no other altcoin) can recover on its own after rise & fall. We must wait for next Bitcoin bubble and then the ones with good fundamentals will catch the train and rise faster than Bitcoin. At the first moment, I bought DRK right on time (half of April) worth 5 BTC (could've thrown much much more). Cashed out at 7x (25x rise was too incomprehensible for me).... Then I entered the game of masternodes, ..... you may guess bought at 0.016, been holding still, lost too much that would me make want to sell.

The problem is..... when the next Bitcoin bubble will occur? There is an opinion of mine at http://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurre...eral_discussion_about_cryptos_ones_who_think/ Things are pretty dark for cryptocurrencies generally, in short to medium term means.

Sad story of altcoins - be exceptionally careful dealing with them and read this again :)