r/Bitcoin post : Can someone help me understand the claims of Monero and Darkcoiners


Hey guys keen for some input here if your up to it. Thanks!


this is the Question:
Can someone help me understand the claims of Monero and Darkcoiners regarding the anonymity of their chain? (self.Bitcoin)

As far as I can tell, there are literally 1-3 transactions that occur in every block. How the hell is that anonymous? There is no entropy in these systems. Am I reading their explorers incorrectly? Is there something weird with the way they handle transactions such that 1 transaction means many more? Or are their claims of high use as bullshit as it looks?

XMR transactions: http://chainradar.com/xmr/blocks/1

DSH transactions: http://chainradar.com/dsh/blocks
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The monero army have arrived.

I'm starting to think they're useful at this stage, aside from the free bumps they generously donate on an hourly basis I'd imagine the venom they spew acts as a kind of filter attracting their own kind into their circle and repelling their polar opposites into the projects they're attacking. Imagine that, an army of Gordon Gecko's making a coin... if by some bizarre twist they actually managed to produce anything it'd probably look an awful lot like our banking system.
I think one of the few valid facts that are mentioned about DASH is the fact that it does take a long time to mix.

I eagerly await V13's release so we can put that issue to bed.

Has anybody thought about making the voting system bigger than just the Masternode network, that way more participation can be achieved?
The monero army have arrived.

They are relentless. Fluffypony (monero dev) spends more time writing lines of bullshit in 1 day on reddit than he's ever spent writing lines of code for monero.

You know it's a crap project when they spend more time talking about how fucking great their tech is and how they blow all anon coins out the water. These guys are literally delusional.
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