New member
Hello. We created a new channel on slack, we call it #questions. How does it work? Community members submit question(s) in the #questions slack channel. Every 15 days a slack admin will submit the list of questions here. We know the core team is busy and because of that we do not expect to have all the questions answered, nor do we expect to have all the answers by tomorrow. If a question doesn't receive an answer we can just transfer it to the next set of questions.
I would, however like to make a quick point. The questions below are coming directly from community members. What are community members? At the moment they are many things. Evangelist, volunteers, customer service representatives. But most important; Community Members are DASH Users! We are the people using the software you are developing. We are the people who spread the word to get our friends and family members to use it. We hope that can be recognized by the core team and we would appreciate any answers provided. Thank you.
Guidelines on Providing Answers:
Lamassu Budget Questions:
1A) Were any of the other Bitcoin ATM Companies considered for this proposal to utilize their network? Such as Skyhook, Genesis Coin, BitAccess, GeneralBytes, or BitXatm?
5A) How many Bitcoin ATM operators did 'Dash Core' contact for feedback, before submitting the "DASH-Lamassu ATM Integration" proposal? What was the feedback consensus?
General Questions:
1B) Will masternode blinding ever be a real thing?
2B) Does the law office of Marco Santori accept DASH?
3B) How much of the 2,024 DASH we paid out for the website proposal is remaining? Is it denominated in DASH or fiat? - partial Answer The majority of the website funds are remaining. That wallet address pre-dated my involvement in the finances, so I do not control the address or have an exact figure for you. I only know that very little was spent.
Tech Questions:
2C) @evan - Given Dash's volatility are there plans to use quorums to determine the current USD value of Dash and thus dynamically adjust the budget payouts instead of (mostly) overpaying many multi-month proposals
3C) How exactly (technical answer please) was the reference node removed back in the day in order for the network to work without it?
4C) When and how will the Masternode budget finalization become automatic without human intervention?
5C) Are there more details about how evolution can do millions of transactions per second - this was mentioned in Amanda's youtube interview with Dev team
Answer: it will cost the exact same as all their other machines. They are willing to flash the Dash software on the factory floor at Lamassau… there is no extra charge to the best of my knowledge
Question: Is there a good idea of when the website will be finished?
Answer: Last recent estimate by Andy was 4-8 weeks, with some room for improvement. More details here:
Question: Are there any planned Peer Reviews in the pipeline?
Answer: A reputable security company was contacted, but the prices were not affordable atm. It will eventually happen, but it needs to be done by a top company and that will require a lot of funds.
Question: Do you feel it is a conflict of interest for someone at Dash core to act as a proxy for a Dash Whale?
Answer: If a person trusts another person with his votes freely I don't see a problem. I don't see why someone can perceive there is a conflict there.
Question: Who owns dash.org domain name?
Answer: It is registered to Evan, but the blockchain paid for it, so I'd argue that it is owned by the project.
Question: How will Mycelium integrate dash for the IOS app's if apple doesn't allow DASH?
Answer: Given latest developments in the AppStore (Jaxx, Shapeshift...) we can't know what will happen. @tomasz.ludek is working on that project, maybe he can expand.
Question: What is tigoCTM relation to the lamassu budget proposal? Why is it linked in the proposal text? Quote & Link: "If this project is approved, Deginner will ensure it is deployed on at least one network of BTMs, starting with the one in Panama City, Panama."
Answer: Tigo is related to the Lamassau proposal because they 1) Use Lamassau ATM hardware, and 2) will support a stack of software and services to allow and Lamassau operator to run Dash… it includes things like coin inventory management, exchange interfaces, etc. They charge about 1% for that service. They also do things like help you place the ATM.
Question: Does the Lamassu Compatible ATM software accept InstantSend transactions?
Answer: Current version doesn't work with InstantSend. I have already sent an information to the vendor with short info how to implement InstantSend using dashd.
Question: Where are the details on the trading engine needed to make the Lamassu Compatible Software work on ATMS?
Answer: High level technical documentation of the software components is available in the following location:https://github.com/GitGuild/gitguild_website/wiki/Git-Guild-Technical-Overview#tapps
Question: Does the Dash software run on the Lamassu and if so, where is a video demonstration of it?
Question: is there currently at this moment any development going on at GitGuild for the ATM software?
a. Software exclusively dedicated for Lamassu machines is finished. However it is relatively difficult to install (last week one of the community members went through the process and (probably) can share the detials), therefore:
b. GitGuild works on the software that will not be exclusively dedicated to Lamassu machines but for other ATMs too. This is going to be easy to install and distribute
I would, however like to make a quick point. The questions below are coming directly from community members. What are community members? At the moment they are many things. Evangelist, volunteers, customer service representatives. But most important; Community Members are DASH Users! We are the people using the software you are developing. We are the people who spread the word to get our friends and family members to use it. We hope that can be recognized by the core team and we would appreciate any answers provided. Thank you.
Guidelines on Providing Answers:
- Please paste the Question your are providing an answer to in your response.
- Unanswered Questions will be in the 'Unanswered Questions' section
- Answered Questions will be will be in the 'Answered Questions' section
Unanswered Questions
Lamassu Budget Questions:
1A) Were any of the other Bitcoin ATM Companies considered for this proposal to utilize their network? Such as Skyhook, Genesis Coin, BitAccess, GeneralBytes, or BitXatm?
5A) How many Bitcoin ATM operators did 'Dash Core' contact for feedback, before submitting the "DASH-Lamassu ATM Integration" proposal? What was the feedback consensus?
General Questions:
1B) Will masternode blinding ever be a real thing?
2B) Does the law office of Marco Santori accept DASH?
3B) How much of the 2,024 DASH we paid out for the website proposal is remaining? Is it denominated in DASH or fiat? - partial Answer The majority of the website funds are remaining. That wallet address pre-dated my involvement in the finances, so I do not control the address or have an exact figure for you. I only know that very little was spent.
Tech Questions:
2C) @evan - Given Dash's volatility are there plans to use quorums to determine the current USD value of Dash and thus dynamically adjust the budget payouts instead of (mostly) overpaying many multi-month proposals
3C) How exactly (technical answer please) was the reference node removed back in the day in order for the network to work without it?
4C) When and how will the Masternode budget finalization become automatic without human intervention?
5C) Are there more details about how evolution can do millions of transactions per second - this was mentioned in Amanda's youtube interview with Dev team
Answered Questions
Question: Do you know how much it will cost the DASH Network to have Lamassu sell machines with the Dash software? (Instead of a 3rd party startup like TigoCTM) Answer: it will cost the exact same as all their other machines. They are willing to flash the Dash software on the factory floor at Lamassau… there is no extra charge to the best of my knowledge
Question: Is there a good idea of when the website will be finished?
Answer: Last recent estimate by Andy was 4-8 weeks, with some room for improvement. More details here:
Question: Are there any planned Peer Reviews in the pipeline?
Answer: A reputable security company was contacted, but the prices were not affordable atm. It will eventually happen, but it needs to be done by a top company and that will require a lot of funds.
Question: Do you feel it is a conflict of interest for someone at Dash core to act as a proxy for a Dash Whale?
Answer: If a person trusts another person with his votes freely I don't see a problem. I don't see why someone can perceive there is a conflict there.
Question: Who owns dash.org domain name?
Answer: It is registered to Evan, but the blockchain paid for it, so I'd argue that it is owned by the project.
Question: How will Mycelium integrate dash for the IOS app's if apple doesn't allow DASH?
Answer: Given latest developments in the AppStore (Jaxx, Shapeshift...) we can't know what will happen. @tomasz.ludek is working on that project, maybe he can expand.
Question: What is tigoCTM relation to the lamassu budget proposal? Why is it linked in the proposal text? Quote & Link: "If this project is approved, Deginner will ensure it is deployed on at least one network of BTMs, starting with the one in Panama City, Panama."
Answer: Tigo is related to the Lamassau proposal because they 1) Use Lamassau ATM hardware, and 2) will support a stack of software and services to allow and Lamassau operator to run Dash… it includes things like coin inventory management, exchange interfaces, etc. They charge about 1% for that service. They also do things like help you place the ATM.
Question: Does the Lamassu Compatible ATM software accept InstantSend transactions?
Answer: Current version doesn't work with InstantSend. I have already sent an information to the vendor with short info how to implement InstantSend using dashd.
Question: Where are the details on the trading engine needed to make the Lamassu Compatible Software work on ATMS?
Answer: High level technical documentation of the software components is available in the following location:https://github.com/GitGuild/gitguild_website/wiki/Git-Guild-Technical-Overview#tapps
Question: Does the Dash software run on the Lamassu and if so, where is a video demonstration of it?
Question: is there currently at this moment any development going on at GitGuild for the ATM software?
a. Software exclusively dedicated for Lamassu machines is finished. However it is relatively difficult to install (last week one of the community members went through the process and (probably) can share the detials), therefore:
b. GitGuild works on the software that will not be exclusively dedicated to Lamassu machines but for other ATMs too. This is going to be easy to install and distribute
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