PROVEN - client is corrupting wallets upon exit

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So you have issues on RC4 or was it 3 that couldn't be replicated and now you are having issues again with corruption. No offense, but I'd wager it's system related. Whether it's your software, how you encrypt your files, or hardware, I could give two shits. It seems you are the only one generating hit or miss corruption errors and for anyone trying to help in replicating cannot do so because you don't provide enough information for them to set up an environment like yours. You go on to say you were the only rational adult on BCT yet strike me far from it. You whine about the masternode guides on here that plenty of others can follow without your "extensive linux" background. Even if you aren't one to copy and paste stuff without understanding what you are doing, the line by line commands are easy enough to understand.
ask questions and get answers
Is that not what I did?

I know the problem comes from people wishing I were like them, and abusing me for not being so. I will not change myself for the demands of others wishing me to be something that I am not. I like me this way. It's the only way I have ever liked me; myself. I won't go back to be accepted by people I can't respect, and being someone I can't respect to earn their approval. No. Better off dead. Hateful is the nature of neurotypicals, and I am not one of them. That's how it is. I haven't insulted, been "cocky," or any damn thing else. I've stated facts and nobody liked them, so kill the messenger. Neurotypicals, always compensating for what they aren't, by attacking exactly what they wish they could be any time they see it, instead of stepping the fuck up. I will not apologize for not adopting that behavior, no matter how popular it may be. It's quite deliberate. I know full well that this means I won't fit in with "most people." I'm fine with that. I'm not most people. I can't stand "most people." I did nothing inappropriate. I was attacked for not flattering neurotypicals with the imitation they expect. I'm no victim, I'm damn proud to be immune to that bullshit. I take pride in watching that pathetic crap bounce off. I'm better than that, and I don't do that. I am neither a victim of it, nor a practitioner. The second half being the more important part. It is by design that I annoy the sort of person I don't want to know. Save a lot of time getting to know people I can't stand when they avoid me in the first place. No effort wasted. Occasionally, an enlightened soul notices what's going on... I am turd repellant. Don't be a turd, and I won't repel you. To dislike me is to expose your own shortcomings, and I like it that way.

Tell me, how much log output do you expect from a daemon that fails out of RAM? Shit, it didn't even say "segfault." Just fuckin' gone. What kind of log data do you get from something that isn't there? Something that has failed so abruptly and badly that it doesn't have the ability to stay memory resident, much less print log output... It's like denying that a plane crashed just because the crash was so bad that you can't find the black box. Can't find it? Oh well, deny that it happened... That plane didn't crash. Those people didn't die. Can't find the log so it must not be true... This wallet is just fine. I'm making it all up... Whatever. I watched it happen, twice now.

Anyway, no further need of BCT. I said I was moving on, and I have. Like dumping a girl that doesn't measure up; do it and don't look back. There's no nice way, so just get it over with. I don't throw temper tantrums like shojayxt and then come back anyway. I make decisions. I may have been pissed off at the time, but that wasn't the reason I made the choice. I can be mad and still make clear, logical decisions; good riddance to bad garbage. Part of NOT being a neurotypcial...

I don't pretend. I don't have to. Much like "playas;" game is for people who need it. I don't need it.

Ugh, customer emails. I like my people, but this is exactly the thing I don't need right now... I don't have time for these problems.

Anyway, back to trying to figure out this wallet.dat...
It's entirely on topic, for the most part. It's Camo's environment that is screwed up. If it was truly an issue with the latest wallet, any one of the numerous members running a similar distro could (or should) be able to replicate. Call it poor memory, call it poor drive encryption, call it poor uses of USB and other removable media, whatever you want, he's the only one that has had issues in the past and again now. Likewise in his past case of corruption, all his backups were corrupted as well. How likely is that, seriously?

Of course we can't seemingly have an adult conversation with him because we are all children. Yet multiple people in this thread have tried and get backlashed with strawman and pumper comments. Give me a fucking break.
It's entirely on topic, for the most part. It's Camo's environment that is screwed up. If it was truly an issue with the latest wallet, any one of the numerous members running a similar distro could (or should) be able to replicate. Call it poor memory, call it poor drive encryption, call it poor uses of USB and other removable media, whatever you want, he's the only one that has had issues in the past and again now. Likewise in his past case of corruption, all his backups were corrupted as well. How likely is that, seriously?

Of course we can't seemingly have an adult conversation with him because we are all children. Yet multiple people in this thread have tried and get backlashed with strawman and pumper comments. Give me a fucking break.
Could be not "poor drive encryption" but simply the result of some interference with it. What kind of encryption software are you using camosoul ? Maybe we can try to reproduce the issue that way...
Camo - quit stressing and just send everything to Evan: [email protected]

He'll get you square and send you back your DRKs
Same reason I don't like the Tesla... I don't want to be dependent upon someone else to do shit for me. Clearly I don't know what I need to know. I want to learn. But, surrounded by others who don't know... I want to learn how to fish, not be given free fish.

When this happens again, I want to handle it myself. Propulsion helped me out last time. Evan gave me a lot of info, but it was largely inconclusive. Chaeplin had a conflicting view of the problem that Propulsion described... Wouldn't it be nice if I didn't have to bother these people the next time it happens and they can keep on doing what they're doing?

I want to solve it my damn self, not have other people do it for me. Help appreciated. Trolling and insults, not so much. Even if I get trolling and help from the same person, I give credit where credit is due. Ad Hominem does not enter my head any more than Straw Men. Not Neurotypical.

If this mess can happen, and it clearly can, I need to know how to clean it up. Then, I can help somebody else if they have a similar problem.

How do you ignore people on this forum?
Grow the fuck up Camo, you look pathetic and sad. Does DCT now have to be your little play pen so you can vent about how grand you are and how everyone else is just a simpleton.

I really wish you would dump your coins and exit DRK for good. You aren't helping darkcoin at all and you leave a poor image for anyone thinking of getting into the coin.

I'm not entirely sure you will ever be satisfied with anything. I'm so over this thread and you. Attention whore.
Could be not "poor drive encryption" but simply the result of some interference with it. What kind of encryption software are you using camosoul ? Maybe we can try to reproduce the issue that way...
A chunk of the file is missing, it's not scrambled. If it were encryption related, this would be entirely unreadable. There wouldn't even be files. the whole drive would be fucked like it had been hit with "cat /dev/urandom > /dev/sda" or some shit. It still has structure, it's just not all there. Thus, it's not an encryption or interface issue. If it were, it would be completely unrecognizable random static. I've seen that happen, I know what it looks like, this isn't it, and logically, it doesn't even make sense to consider.

I just need to strtohumanreadable from whatever this is... I'm holding it in my hand, I just don't have the translator.
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Whiny baby troll. Grow the fuck up Camo, you look pathetic and sad. Have drugs fucked you up that badly? Does DCT now have to be your little play pen so you can vent about how grand you are and how everyone else is just a simpleton.

I really wish you would dump your coins and exit DRK for good. You aren't helping darkcoin at all and you leave a poor image for anyone thinking of getting into the coin.
I could play into your trolling, but I find it way more funner to not... You know what you are, and your need to attack proves it. That's all I need to smile and forget you. If other can't figure it out, we'll they're probably birds of a feather.

Yeah, crying a river, for sure... Your caricatures and Ad Hominem, don't add up to anything but you trying to feel good by insulting me. It's not working. Care to venture a guess why that is?

Shut the fuck up and I won't have a reason to talk about it. You're the loser that keep throwing rocks at me. Just because I make them bounce off, impotent and stupid, well, that's just because I'm better than you. Had you shut the fuck up, it wouldn't have been said. I wouldn't ever, not even one time, have a conversation like this, if the losers trying to bring me down hadn't started their petty little attacks in the first place. "Waahhh, how dare you cause my petty crap to bounce off of you by being above it!" Same old shit no matter what angle you try to put on it. As childish as it is, I go along with it to it's inevitable conclusion; embarrassing them for the beta-fools they are. This is a conversation I never start. I just finish it. Kinda like people ignorant to get violent. I never start a fight. But I've finished every single one I've been in. Think of it as admitting you're wrong by using false arguments, then getting your ass handed to you with your own words. I really didn't do much... The fact that you made your last two posts already put me above you. You lowered yourself, not my fault you did that... I just point it out. Would you like to stop and contribute something useful instead of blatantly proving yourself to be the beta-douche you accuse me of being? You can stop any time... I can't force you to stop, tho...

While I've enjoyed exposing you, it's way the fuck off topic. Will you learn from this? I hope so. But, probably not... Figuring out how to block you...

Personal Request: This isn't the Wild West. You're not going to prove how great you are by trying to take me down... Why? Because you can't take me down. The very effort to do so proves your inferior position and you lose in advance. I am turd repellant. If you were decent enough to step up, you wouldn't be so mad... People either decide to not be douche bags, or they don't... I welcome you to not being a douchebag, door's open...

Now, back to the task at hand... Does anyone know how to convert these strings to human-readable formats? Or are we all here to try to pile up on Camosoul in an effort to feel like a man, fail horribly, and then not feel like a man at all... 3 pages of dick swinging, almost zero help...
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You can record your desktop and make it happen again. Reproduce the issue and share the desktop recording that you recorded. This is second time you come and say there is an issue, but you are the only one having this problem. Something to be proven, you need hard evidence. You can just say I did that 8 times and reproduced on 9th. How about I come here and say some bullshit, and you take my word, because I said so?
You can record your desktop and make it happen again. Reproduce the issue and share the desktop recording that you recorded. This is second time you come and say there is an issue, but you are the only one having this problem. Something to be proven, you need hard evidence. You can just say I did that 8 times and reproduced on 9th. How about I come here and say some bullshit, and you take my word, because I said so?

Do you know how to convert these strings? Cuz, you didn't say anything about it if you do...

I know this problem exists. If you don't want to believe it, fine. I've moved on. For whatever reason you may or may not believe, the file is still corrupted and I could use help, not more attacks from people with something to prove...
Try pywallet
btct thread
if it's not encrypted
python --datadir=/home/YourUserName/.darkcoin/ --dumpwallet --otherversion=76 > wallet.txt
or add
also if it is
This should give you human-readable json


evan82@klaus:~/test$ python /usr/bin/ --datadir=/home/evan82/.darkcoin/ --dumpwallet --otherversion=76 > wallet.txt

This indeed gave me a human readable list of keys from the wallet.dat file on the test box.
evan82@klaus:~/test$ python /usr/bin/ --datadir=/home/evan82/.darkcoin/ --dumpwallet --otherversion=76 > wallet.txt

This indeed gave me a human readable list of keys from the wallet.dat file on the test box.

Camosoul's Console said:
python ~/pywallet/ --datadir=/path/to/wallet/folder/ --dumpwallet --otherversion=76 > wallet.txt
ERROR:root:Couldn't open wallet.dat/main. Try quitting Bitcoin and running this again.
It thinks the wallet is open... It's not. I'd love it if it were... I guess that works on non-corrupted wallets... This isn't one of those, unfortunately.

--web mode tells me "error in dump page" for everything I try to do.
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--web mode tells me "error in dump page" for everything I try to do.

I had an old file that you couldn't dump at first then after running --web mode I was able to dump it. That file was just sent to evan he worked his magic and recovered coins. Is that still not an option?

I'm still testing way's to corrupt a wallet.dat file and can't seem to come up with a way.
I had an old file that you couldn't dump at first then after running --web mode I was able to dump it. That file was just sent to evan he worked his magic and recovered coins. Is that still not an optio

I've sent the dump files to Propulsion, but I'd still like to know WTF happened or at least how to fix it... Something is wrong every single step of the way... Nothing works, no matter what. It's ridiculous.

I'm still testing way's to corrupt a wallet.dat file and can't seem to come up with a way.

Using a brand new, just created wallet.dat, I tried killing process, copying while running, killing process and copying while running... Never corrupts... I do as much wrong as I can and it works fine... I even put the active wallet on a different drive and unpluged it while qt was running... wallet still worked when I plugged it back in.

If I couldn't laugh, I'd cry... This is ridiculous. The anoyingness of this problem concerns me far more than 1000 drks...
It thinks the wallet is open... It's not. I'd love it if it were... I guess that works on non-corrupted wallets... This isn't one of those, unfortunately.

--web mode tells me "error in dump page" for everything I try to do.

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