"protx revoke proTxHash operatorKey ..." command


Hi Guys,

I'm in the process of switching my masternodes from VULTR to allnodes.com -- they seem to advertise a cheaper service, and I'm under the impression they will run all the trouble shooting and upgrades too.

Anyway, in order to switch, I'm informed that I need to execute the following command from my QT-wallet:

"protx revoke proTxHash operatorKey reason (feeSourceAddress)"

so, my question is on the "operatorkey"
-- is that the legacy masternode genkey?
-- or the masternodeBLSprivatekey?
-- or the private key to the collateral address?

Also, the proTxHash -- is that the transaction hash of the 1000-Dash collateral transaction? or something else?

and what's with the "reason (freesourceaddress)?" Do I need this parameter, if I intend to send rewards to my collateral address?

thanks as always, in advance for the feedback!
Brown Bear
Hi Guys,

I'm in the process of switching my masternodes from VULTR to allnodes.com -- they seem to advertise a cheaper service, and I'm under the impression they will run all the trouble shooting and upgrades too.

Anyway, in order to switch, I'm informed that I need to execute the following command from my QT-wallet:

"protx revoke proTxHash operatorKey reason (feeSourceAddress)"

so, my question is on the "operatorkey"
-- is that the legacy masternode genkey?
-- or the masternodeBLSprivatekey?
-- or the private key to the collateral address?

Also, the proTxHash -- is that the transaction hash of the 1000-Dash collateral transaction? or something else?

and what's with the "reason (freesourceaddress)?" Do I need this parameter, if I intend to send rewards to my collateral address?

thanks as always, in advance for the feedback!
Brown Bear

The legacy masternode key is not used anymore post spork 15.

The collateral private key should NEVER be submitted directly in any commands. You could lose your Dash that way. At most, some commands will need a signature using that key, but never the private key itself.

Ok — to answer the question directly, the revoke command takes the BLS operator private key and the proTXHash — which was the result of the protx submit command used used when first registering. If you did not write this down somewhere (and did not use DMT), then you can get this from Dashninja by looking up your current MN IP on that website.

Finally, all protx commands require the a normal Dash transaction fee. You should send some Dash (0.00001 Dash will be plenty) to an address and use that address as the freesourceaddress in the revoke command. The reason field I am a bit foggy on, but I think it can be just the number 0 or, if that doesn’t work, an empty string written like “ ”.

This revoke command only affects operator related parameters so things like the payout address or voting address will remain how you set them in the original registration.