Protocol Update Required?


Help requested, thanks in advance!

I am attempting to upgrade to v0.12.3.3, using the guide found at:

I upgraded my desktop QT-wallet, and put in the new dashd and dash-cli into my VPS. Then I checked my version and protocol on the VPS, which showed: Version: 120303, Dash Core:, protocolversion 70210, which is what I expect,

but my desktop QT-wallet shows Protocol = 70208, and when I checked my Masternode status: ./dash-cli masternode status, I get "status": "Not capable masternode: Invalid protocol version"

how did my Protocol go from 70210 to 70208? and how do I update it?


Brown Bear
never mind...

This may've been a lag issue between the desktop qt-wallet and syncing with the VPS???

anyway, it *seems* to have self resolved.

Hopefully, will not have this problem recur!
If you have restarted the masternode on 12.3.x ver on the 70210 protocol then it is rather impossible that now after 12.3.3 you had old protocol ;) Happy all is solved.
I know, but it's crazy!!! those were really the errors I got.

But like I said, after a while they self-resolved and I upgraded to v12.3.3 without any problems.

thanks for your thoughts!

Brown Bear.

If you have restarted the masternode on 12.3.x ver on the 70210 protocol then it is rather impossible that now after 12.3.3 you had old protocol ;) Happy all is solved.