Proposal: World’s First Dash Only Electronic Music Festival



I Land Sound 2018 is high-quality alternative music festival in a magical and remote location on a small island hidden in the Northern Europe, Estonia. This will be the First ever crypto-only music festival the world will experience. We propose Dash to be the General partner for the festival.

Dear Dash community,
We would hereby like to present you our new proposal idea and introduce you to our two new team members who are organizing Estonian nr. 1 alternative electronic music festival called I Land Sound. While spending time together we came to an idea to make I Land Sound as the first full-scale crypto only music festival in the world. We’ve been consulting proposal with the Core Team member Fernando Gutierrez many times during last year.

Taavet - click HERE to see CV
last 3 projects:
last 3 projects

This project is a Grand opportunity for Dash platform to show its capability resolving instant payments and take the role of a pioneer on the market.

First full Dash only coverage alternative electronic music festival in the world. Festival is expecting to have around 3000 guests, so 3000+ new wallets are created to begin with this unique festival experience. Inside the festival area merchants receive payment with POS solution/wristbands/NFC cards/phones. All the paying process starting from the ticket office, food trucks, bars, merchandise and other activities inside the festival area will be done in Dash only.

  • 3 days, closed Festival area for Dash usage ONLY
  • Food, bar, merch - 100% in Dash
  • 3000+ new wallets created
  • 200 team members who will get paid in Dash (this will be paid from ticket sales revenue, not Dash sponsored)
  • First full-coverage cryptocurrency festival in the world (unlimited options for marketing DASH system, DASH payments, Blockchain etc.)
  • Being biggest alternative electronic music festival, I Land Sound and Dash as a payment method will be covered in all main media channels
  • Lots of interest from all over the world - especially blockchain and crypto communities.
  • Best case study in real time action (adoption, payment functions, POS solution, etc.) - At least 28 POS solutions for food trucks, merchandise and bar selling points will experience 3-days hands-on with Dash
  • Dash branded dome for workshops, info, chill area etc.
  • DASH/Crypto related and other workshops on all three days
  • Hopefully lots of interest from international DASH community+ other crypto/blockchain communities
  • DASH branded items in the festival area: bean-bags (100pc) and tables (25pc), 28 POS systems, DASH related tents have DASH branded visuals, Mobile charging points are named “Powered by DASH”
The idea will be to use all the branded items and POS solutions for other future events.

+ Other great ideas that we’ll keep for the future that can be pulled out from this project.

We have been doing a lot of research on possible POS solutions and currently available options are:
  • Dash Wallet (most primitive solution that has been working fluently so far)
  • Acadia POS system - Also used in Bitplus proposal
  • BlockPay POS / Payger
  • Nixor (Estonian biggest 20 years of experience in POS and payment methods provider)
  • Festy (We met Graham De Barra at Moontec2017)

We contacted with Fernando Gutierrez from Dash core team in November and have been discussing the festival topic concerning POS solution many times since December.

After the festival, people have a choice to either leave their Dash in Dash Wallet or change it back into fiat.

Our festival audience is aged between 23-40 years, who are conscious and open-minded. People come here for various reasons, starting with the island, for alternative music; to experience the overwhelming commitment from the community, clean food, and air. For a person coming from the city, this was a perfect getaway, to once more come in contact with nature and experience the oneness.

I Land Sound will be like a mini-simulation of the real Dash economy and the future world we can experience today. Be the change you want to see.

Dash Investment (Explained in attachment)
  • Festival Entrance & Registration Tent & Money Exchange - 17,4 Dash
  • “Charged By DASH” charging station & package claim (Camping) - 10,5 Dash
  • “Charged By DASH” charging station & money exchange & package claim (Festival area) - 25,5 Dash
  • DASH dome (main stage) + sound & light engineers salaries - 52,2 Dash
  • DASH futuristic Sci-fi dome / 300m2 - 47,5 Dash
  • BAR & FOOD POS hardware - 60,4 Dash
  • 2 PRE-PARTIES (to test POS systems, wristbands and technology) - 14 Dash
  • TEAM SALARIES - 28,5 Dash
105 DASH for hostel
(if approved)
= 466 DASH

P.S. Detailed information about the budget can be found HERE.

It is important to bring out that these costs will be covered with the profit generated from ticket sales: DJs and artists, art+decorations, construction, bars, other 5 stages + sound/light/video equipment, electricity transport/logistics, toilets, artist/team accommodation/catering/transport, crew, security, design, installations, performances, camping, parking and the list goes on.

After the festival, we are planning to have a global online PR campaign about world’s first crypto only festival in cooperation with Dash. This will be highly relevant and important coverage via worldwide bloggers and tech publications.

Overview of I Land Sound:
I Land Sound is a festival situated in Saaremaa island, on the unique Illiku islet.
Google maps location:

In the first year, the festival united 22 different alternative music brands, movements/communities/promoters. Festival was created in the idea of cooperation between electronic nightlife pioneers, artists and the locals for an enriching event. In Estonia it was a pioneer festival in many ways:
  • It was the first festival where industrial/mainstream soft drinks/sodas were banned and all the drinks/cocktails were made from the local produce by the festival team. Fresh juices made especially for the festival. (1300L rhubarb - and 800L apple juice)
  • No glass/plastic/metal bottles/cans were sold/allowed in the festival area
  • Only reusable cups from where used in the festival area
  • All the trash from the festival was sorted and recycled
  • Drinking water was free
  • We organized workshops/lectures for changing people's habits how to live in a sustainable way
  • Be the change you want to see in the world
The result from the festival was simple - worries and problems were left behind and people enjoyed everything that the beautiful nature, open air, great music and art, good friends, and the Estonian summer has to offer.

Video Links:
I Land Sound 2017 Official Aftermovie l -
I Land Sound 2017 Official Aftermovie ll -
I Land Sound 2017 short after movie -

Picture Links:

Instagram #ilandsound / 1500 # (hashtags) on Instagram

Facebook Events / 272 000 views on facebook in 2017

I Land Sound 2017 in media:

Estimated timeline:
  • March: Software/Hardware, POS systems, ordering/buying furniture for hostel
  • April: Testing Software/Hardware, payments for tents/equipment/branded furniture
  • May: 1st pre-party, buying POS systems
  • June: 2nd pre-party, transport/logistics
  • July: Last preparations for I Land Sound 2018
  • August: Conclusions, feedback from visitors/media/bloggers/merchants/team, gathering media materials (video/photos),

People related to project / Roles:
  • Taavet Bristol/Paap Uspenski - CEO and CTO of this proposal/festival
  • Siim Hiieväli - Project leader of Dome tents. Renting Process, researching best possibilities, booking the tents, traveling to contractors, filling in requirements for the tent setups, transport possibilities, client-side of project leading.
  • Vahur Daum - One of the head light technician in Estonia (main light technician in 30 000+ people Weekend festival)
  • Hurmet Ilus - Sound engineer,
  • Madis Põldsaar - Graphic designer
  • Dima Kalenda - Video
  • Keiu Tammis/Rasmus Raspel - International Marketing, Bloggers, Forums. Info materials, posters, rules, signs, logo
  • Romet Preismann - POS software/Hardware project leader. Responsible for communication technical solution.
  • Simon White - Responsible for Dash hostel.
  • Fernando Gutierrez - core team support & mentor
  • Siim Rull - Dash related Workshops/meetups. Topics, timeline, performers, also Dash hostel content(program) related project leader.
  • Mihkel Pruus - Futuristic dome technical/visual/artistic project leader


NB! In addition, an idea sprung to create a full coverage Dash hostel with Dash being the currency in use. The hostel will be offered exclusively for Dash community members. If any space is left, it would be offered for other guests. Accounting is done in Dash. After the festival, the hostel will be opened seasonally every summer serving other events happening in Saaremaa.

Dash as a payment method will remain there as primary paying method creating new wallets and introducing Dash as a future payment method. Dear Dashers, this will be the first active hostel where Dash payment is a crucial part of everyday business.


Working with this idea for months now, we really think that such a project is an operation to test the Dash system to become the mass adoptable, working solution. If this works, then what's next?

I Land Sound with Dash is the best case study for real-time/life use, 3000+ people on an island who are making thousands of transactions in a small time frame.
  • This will become an example how Dash works for all merchants and other businesses in Estonia who will implement Dash business strategy at one point.
  • Dash community will show that they are leader in instant payments in real life transactions (food, drinks, tickets, accommodation, services, merchandise)
  • I Land Sound together with Dash will be a hot topic for various media channels in Estonia. (and the world)

Dear community, we would like to ask feedback on the following points:

  • What bottlenecks do you see in our proposal?
  • Would you be interested in attending I Land Sound 2018 on 12-15.07 @ Saaremaa, Estonia?
  • What do you think about the Dash hostel where we can host the Dash family?
  • We are ready to propose this in February as organizing and preparing the festival is very time-consuming and capital-intensive. But if more time is needed for discussions, then we can also propose this in March, which would leave us a little less time for preparations. What’s your opinion on it?

Any feedback and discussion is highly welcomed and warmly appreciated.

Keiu, Siim, Taavet, Paap, Mihkel, Romet
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Good luck guys, I heard of the idea back in December during the Talin Expo, I think thats a great idea. Would be good to see big DASH banners all over the festivals.

Hei! It's Paap. Thanks for the support! Its almost impossible not to see Dash there. You can feel its presents! Hope to see you there ;)
What happens to all that hardware afterwards?

What was the outcome regarding Festy?

Thanks for asking about Festy! Meeting Graham at Moontec17 (Tallinn, Estonia) was pleasant and promising. Festy was more than interested working with us.
They have many other smaller scale events before our festival. During our meeting with Festy, Graham was talking about developing Dash ATM and giving final touch to Festy´s user interface.
What happens to all that hardware afterwards?

What was the outcome regarding Festy?

Thank you for the constructive questions

What happens to hardware?

1) We will use the hardware for upcoming festivals as well.

2) After the festival hardware will be used by nearby service providers
  • On Illiku islet there are many events/parties happening that we’re organizing and where we will use the same software:
  • “Midsummer day” - approx. 1000 visitors
  • “Illiku days” - approx. 1000 visitors
  • and other smaller scale events with 50-300 people
  • Will be used in our own night club”Piidivabrik” (Centre building on the header photo)
  • Local cafe and harbour capten house ("Kalda kohvik") which is situated exactly on the Illiku islet where the festival is happening ( building with red roof on header photo)
  • If Hostel is also approved, hardware will also be used there.
Very cool. Would attend :)

I think that music festivals are an incredible use case for Dash because they create a closed environment where people can engage in total immersive commerce in Dash. They create mini worlds where Dash is the only form of money accepted. Everyone leaves, and they have Dash left over, they have wallets, and they have stories to tell about how they spent the whole weekend/week transacting in cryptocurrency.

If there is anything I can do to support, let me know. Our music festival was funded last cycle and while our style of music is more indie rock than electronic, we have a roster of thousands of artists using our platform, have successfully navigated permitting, are tackling signage and ease-of-use head on, and will be serving complete food / alcohol / beverage / merch all for Dash only. We are likely going to face a similar set of challenges (especially around communication and ease of use) and are more than happy to advise if you ever want our input on anything.

Hoping this happens.
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Very cool. Would attend :)

I think that music festivals are an incredible use case for Dash because they create a closed environment where people can engage in total immersive commerce in Dash. They create mini worlds where Dash is the only form of money accepted. Everyone leaves, and they have Dash left over, they have wallets, and they have stories to tell about how they spent the whole weekend/week transacting in cryptocurrency.

If there is anything I can do to support, let me know. Our music festival was funded last cycle and while our style of music is more indie rock than electronic, we have a roster of thousands of artists using our platform, have successfully navigated permitting, are tackling signage and ease-of-use head on, and will be serving complete food / alcohol / beverage / merch all for Dash only. We are likely going to face a similar set of challenges (especially around communication and ease of use) and are more than happy to advise if you ever want our input on anything.

Hoping this happens.

Thank you for the support. You're totally right about the incredible use of Dash in “mini worlds” like festivals. Creating an area with 3000+ people who all use Dash for their needs in the festival area will be a clear signal that Dash is ready and will be in everyday use. It needs a push and picking up to listen podcasts and watch videos which are always helpful, but real life user experience is always another level and important step in this movement.
Very cool. Would attend :)

I think that music festivals are an incredible use case for Dash because they create a closed environment where people can engage in total immersive commerce in Dash. They create mini worlds where Dash is the only form of money accepted. Everyone leaves, and they have Dash left over, they have wallets, and they have stories to tell about how they spent the whole weekend/week transacting in cryptocurrency.

If there is anything I can do to support, let me know. Our music festival was funded last cycle and while our style of music is more indie rock than electronic, we have a roster of thousands of artists using our platform, have successfully navigated permitting, are tackling signage and ease-of-use head on, and will be serving complete food / alcohol / beverage / merch all for Dash only. We are likely going to face a similar set of challenges (especially around communication and ease of use) and are more than happy to advise if you ever want our input on anything.

Hoping this happens.

Thank you for your support!
Your proposal gave extra motivation to our team to follow this project through.

Events that use dash as its only payment method will give the Dash user interface adequate feedback through user experience, thus leading to helping other and future businesses to implement dash into their everyday use.

Your support is much obliged and we too feel the same way about our similar challenges and will definitely ask for advice if the need rises. All of this gives our teams a lot of experience and most of all, future references for similar projects in the Dash community.
Quick comment to confirm that I have been in contact with the team and I'm pretty excited about the project. The team is great and have delivered on their promises before. And the project is an unique opportunity from a communication perspective, but also an amazing learning experience about the problems to use crypto on the day to day.

If this passes the marketing organization I'm creating in the core team will be helping and coordinating so we can make the best use of this opportunity.
Quick comment to confirm that I have been in contact with the team and I'm pretty excited about the project. The team is great and have delivered on their promises before. And the project is an unique opportunity from a communication perspective, but also an amazing learning experience about the problems to use crypto on the day to day.

If this passes the marketing organization I'm creating in the core team will be helping and coordinating so we can make the best use of this opportunity.

Hey Fernando. Good to hear from you ! We will put the proposal up next week. Thank you for the kind words about our team. We have been enjoying every conversation with you so far as well ! It means a lot for us to have your support from Core team side. As soon as proposal goes through, we are highly motivated and exited to start with process. Starting from bullet proof instant payments, planning the whole area with high standards in order to give Dash the attention it deserves. And as you mentioned, creating proper media plan and materials for communication before/during/after the festival.

Hopefully we can fix some Discord time before inserting the proposal, to exchange some vital information.

All the best !
  • Very strong team (I'm also from Estonia and know them);
  • proven festival: so there will definitely be a lot of people;
  • nice challenges with POS solutions: community could use solutions from there afterwards;
  • real Dash use (show me another crypto that could do that)!
So yes, yes!

I hope there will be even more people coming to the event because of this being a fancy "crypto only" party.

Good luck with the proposal! :)