Proposal Updated: Dash Hub Kumasi, Ghana Business Development and Expansion Plan (Dec to May 2019)


Active member
Dear MNOs And Dash Community!

Dash Hub Africa have built a spotless reputation for Dash in Africa and we must retain it in order to keep existing Merchant Confident, Nurture new ones, Increase our Merchant On-boarding, Business usability In-store and Online and not jeopardize Dash speculator growth in Africa.
Please VOTE TO Support us!

Funding Justification

We have in mind the circumstances regarding Return on Investment, Deliverables from Africa and situations we presently in BEAR MARKET making the treasury fund limited and concentrated on where matters.

So we designed a plan to spread this proposal funding into 6 Months and afterwards the revenue generated from our operations (Dash Hub Outlet) will be used to continue expansion drive of Dash in KUMASI, Ghana.

Thanks for the continuous support!
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Good Morning from Accra, Ghana!

Dash can now be spotted on Led Billboard displaying the power of spending Dash on Remittances in Accra and Kumasi City.

Our Business Development Plan with a Self sustaining strategy in the future Proposal is Negative without Comments or Feedback. Kindly review and Vote our proposal on Dash Central. Below is the link

Please Support our grassroots effort in making Dash become the currency of all in Ghana.

Best Regards!