Proposal: Tao Community Coordinator


Well-known member

Hi, my name is Tao Of Satoshi.

Most of you know me already from the forums and on Twitter, YouTube and Instagram as the Dash Dalmatian.

I am a very friendly person by nature, and have the ability and patience to deal with many different types of people on a regular basis. I have held a job as a Table Games Supervisor in a casino for 20 years, so I have experience dealing with people on a regular basis.

I believe deeply in Dash and in the team which creates and surrounds it. The ride we’ve been on has been incredible, we are on the cutting edge of money and being a part of that has been amazing.

It’s what led me to devote nearly 100% of my free time to promoting and explaining Dash. From my MASTERNODE SETUP GUIDE FOR DUMMIES, to my popular Twitter account, to my fledgling YouTube account, to my RebelMouse Dash Nation website, to the troll-slaying BCT Dash Nation Progress Thread, to the new Dash Nation website, my heart bleeds Dash.

So now that I’ve shown you my credentials, I will get to the point of the proposal. I have discussed this with members of the community and Evan, and ask for your support as well:

Proposal: Tao Community Coordinator

Over my travels through the interwebs I have noticed that there is a decent amount of miscommunication in the community. People don’t have the information they need on some things due to the fact that plans change without notice sometimes, or answers to questions on forums often don’t get answered due to core team members being too busy to monitor forums because they are working on building digital cash.

I’m proposing to help with that situation by becoming Community Coordinator. Allow me to define what my role will be. It will be split up into two categories: Community Builder, and Community Communicator.

Community Builder (A continuation of current daily work)

– Grow the community by reaching out to newbies via my accounts on Twitter, the forums, YouTube, Reddit, and my two personal Dash Nation websites.
– Ensure that the official Dash Twitter is up-to-date.
– Encourage people to visit
– Promote a strong community and reach out to outside talent to develop Dash.
– Work with my team on the Dash Slack Channel to create new and interesting ideas to promote the Dash community online and in person.
– Availability to join the team for conferences and expos to lend my personable disposition to the cause.
– Encourage the creation of Masternodes through my channels and guide.

Community Coordinator (New responsibilities)

– Enhance communication between the core team and community. Sometimes things change and are not communicated effectively, and that leads to misunderstandings and people making assumptions. I will commit to being a liaison for both sides. Core messages to the community, and community questions for the core team.
– Monitor the forums, Reddit, and Twitter for potential breakdowns in communication and resolve to get the answers or input needed to fix them.

If we are to have an effective organization, we will have to have a strong link between the core team and the community. I will help maintain that link. The core team will resolve to provide me with the answers I need to do my job properly, and I resolve to do my job efficiently, and in as little time as possible, balancing my family and work life.


To do this job, I am asking for a regular core team member’s stipend of 61 Dash per month. I guarantee you, it will be money well spent. I have done a lot for Dash in two years, and I would like to do even more to propel this project forward. The initial proposal is for 6 months, after which you can re-evaluate my performance.

To progress, optimism and decentralized technology. To Dash.


If you are a masternode owner, here are your options:

To vote yes:

mnbudget vote-many b8f14d8ec53ab95a3676d40deabc41d74f9774a06cf5773017ac00d86492b465 yes

To vote no:

mnbudget vote-many b8f14d8ec53ab95a3676d40deabc41d74f9774a06cf5773017ac00d86492b465 no
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Hey great proposal, thanks for all your effort and work over the years! Your masternode tutorial probably helped a lot to achieve the current node count and your social media profiles helped a lot to promote DASH.
It would be very fair to have you receive a stable salary and to allow you to be free for things like "– Availability to join the team for conferences and expos to lend my personable disposition to the cause."

I have not been very active on the forums and in chats .. just to clarify, is this you and this is your youtube channel?

If so, I'd say "let's help to get you out of that shower!" xD
Hey great proposal, thanks for all your effort and work over the years! Your masternode tutorial probably helped a lot to achieve the current node count and your social media profiles helped a lot to promote DASH.
It would be very fair to have you receive a stable salary and to allow you to be free for things like "– Availability to join the team for conferences and expos to lend my personable disposition to the cause."

I have not been very active on the forums and in chats .. just to clarify, is this you and this is your youtube channel?

If so, I'd say "let's help to get you out of that shower!" xD
Yes, I'd say you doxxed me there! Thank you for your support, and showing the lengths I will go to promote and build the community! :p
Hi @TaoOfSatoshi
Thanks for bringing this proposal on the table. This triggered me to think even more about voting process and it's purpose.
Although I understand the purpose of this proposal, my preference, as a PM, would be to have project proposals instead of role proposals. What you gave above is a role description (what is fine). However based on the description it is difficult to figure out what are the measures for this initiaive...
In a well defined project we have goals and objectives, plan with timelines, success criteria etc, - thanks to this it is relatively easy to measure whether project is successful or not. With role description it is hardly possible. Maybe it should be rather converted to project (or projects) to make it clear and to avoid confusion?
As @TanteStefana says, everyone (almost unconditionally) loves @TaoOfSatoshi "because, damn it, he's the freakin Energizer bunny!"

Alas, when I read this bit -- "Enhance communication between the core team and community" -- I wondered who'd react first: @kot who communicates the progress of lack thereof of various core / business developments; @babygiraffe who's the main communicator regarding the core proposals; @tungfa who works along the proposed lines so much that both @eduffield & @Minotaur are fully supporting him.

Tao's next sentence, "Sometimes things change and are not communicated effectively, and that leads to misunderstandings and people making assumptions," reveals underlying worry of my own. Is Tao going to push his "Nation" or DASH "as privacy-centric digital cash" if he becomes the "community lead"? It is an honest concern, I do worry about Dash vs. Dash Nation branding.

Ponder this:

Tao wrote: "Evan weighs in on the Dash Nation Consensus issue," while all Evan said was this:
Evan: "I think the masternode network should be the main decision making engine we use to gauge our direction..."
So, it is obvious that Evan was talking about MN network being the main decision making engine; he did not discuss Dash Nation Consensus at all. Even Tao commented on Evan's statement by saying:
Tao: "Where were you during the Dash Nation Consensus thread? "

Nevertheless he invokes Evan almost as a supporter of his Dash Nation agenda. That is not a proper communication, even if someone, out of pure love and devotion to the project with the energy of Energizer bunny distorts anyone's words to fit his own agenda.

Recently SpectroCoin added Dash to exchange and e-wallet (link) and Tao was first to tweet, "With the integration of Dash, Spectrocoin to join Dash Nation." Well, I would argue that SpectroCoin has added "a Dash wallet, exchange, debit card and a Dash-to-fiat payment gateway for merchants, effectively extending SpectroCoin's four core products to Dash" to its offer and did not really join the Tao's Dash Nation.

@yidakee put it best: "there is absolutely no harm at all in creating a "Dash Nation" ... a collective of equally minded guys doing their thing the way they see fit.I applaud that!
Just not to try to make pass it as official. Dash Nation should report to no one, but their own self-organising consensus."

Should an official budget pay for an unofficial effort, if the DGBB "legitimizes" it especially if it creates a brand related confusion:
Digital Cash vs. Dash Nation?

It was on Slack where Evan directly stated: "I would hold off nation building efforts," to which Tao immediately agreed to. Only to forget it instantaneously.

Do not get me wrong, should Tao puts a proposal out and suggest of us to rename Dash from "a privacy centric digital cash" to Dash Nation or whatever and proposes to promote the Dash Nation as our brand, and if it passes, I will be in full support of it. But to arrogate and usurp ANY and all efforts as part of his unofficial Nation scares me. If he starts to act in an official capacity of a "Community Builder" will he keep building the "Dash Nation"?

Will Evan be Dash Nation's lead developer;
Will soda-machine on d10e event represent "Dash Nation in San Francisco" and so on?
Last edited: is nothing more than a domain name with hand curated Dash news on it. Stop taking it to some crazy level just because how Tao likes to tweet and word things online. Dash Nation has no hopes to be official in any capacity. It's an idea that Tao started and we all help out with that is basically just trying to ease on boarding of folks into Dash in a welcoming educating fashion.

Going to bed now.

edit: Go look for yourself:

I see no nation building going on as you put it @GreyGhost, just people actually doing things to further the lack of discussion around Dash and the incredible uphill challenge that comes with learning anything about Dash, let alone keeping up with it.

Don't even get me started on the marketing lingo being used, or proposed by yourself.... >.> So many people just wanna argue today goddamn.
I applaud your efforts to spread the word (that's what we all do), but, as a community member myself, I don't want a community lead, even less so someone in a more or less official role to do so.

That's not directed specifically against you Tao, but against the role in general.
Spectrocoin is not an exchange - its brokerage, that contains extremely high fees. If Bitstamp sell bitcoin for 740$, spectrocoin for 720$, plus additional withdrawal fees. So if the same rate holds true for DASH, i will never even touch this brokerage. F**** with such high fees. I regret for voting YES in the proposal.
Ok, so from the original Dash Nation Consensus thread, where you guys accused the Core Team of not listening, not letting anyone participate, throwing innuendo and accusation towards us, bla bla bla...

TheDashGuy was invited to work on the new website design. Result? Zero. Now I understand why. Failed to deliver.

I proposed to you Tao, after the buster/podcast drama that everyone went apeshit over, that you yourself lead the creation of Dash Nation podcast/livestream, whatever - and make THAT into something concrete, under your vision and supervision - to create your movement Dash Nation a thing.

I offered my full support, both technically and operations, or I would help you out in any way I could. You LOVED the idea publicly on the official Slack. Gave you a couple of platform options to try out and get back to me. result? Zero. Failed to deliver.

Moreover, here again you attempt to officialise something that does not represent Dash's core motivation as a project.

Dash is a Payment Processor candidate to disrupt legacy online services. We can also do Smart Contracts our own way. We are aiming at mass adoption. We're aiming at serious business development. All this within the realms of money. Not funny money. Real hardcore, serious-as-can-be money.

Maybe the years in the casino made you lose perspective on how a funny dalmatian avatar does absolutely nothing to give Dash any credibility, despite you passion, in my opinion does the exact opposiste. You have a cool niche, that is brilliant, but "Dash Nation" is in no way a Dash related thing.

How can you "lead" anything if you are completely misaligned with our core work methods, strategy and ethos?

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Where do I find this 'dash nation consensus' thread? I've just tried searching it here and I just get the comments in this thread?

I'm feeling really torn on this one but I would agree with @kot's observations, above. This would be an easier proposal to judge the relative merits of in the new budget system I imagine
@crowning @kot @methusaleh

This proposal is already anticipating, what we are technically heading to. Vote on project managers and not on projects. So, there is no reason to feel uncomfortable. Project managers will get a salary from the blockchain (equals this proposal payment) and wil be able to spend blockchain funds on projects within their responsibility area (not possible until development has finished). The question now and in the future ist quite simple: a) do we need a manager for a respective section and b) is the proposed manager competent enough for the job.
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a) do we need a manager for a respective section and...

Exactly my question. Why should we need a manager for a world-wide public community (what's THE community anyway?), with the optimistic assumption that the community would actually care what said manager would write?

Sounds to me like a solution desperately searching for a problem.
@kot @crowning @GreyGhost @TheDashGuy and all who posted here. Thanks for your opinions and suggestions.

Re: Position: This is mainly something I have done for free for 2 years without any compensation asked for. If you truly believe that my efforts into bringing massive amounts of people into this project has no value, then I would expect you to vote no. If you're wondering why I'm late, I'm currently promoting Dash on Twitter in the face of the DAO fiasco:

This is what I do everyday. Engage, promote, get bodies and minds into Dash, defend against naysayers, and I do it for free. I would be so bold as to say I work harder than a lot of people in this project.

The communication issue is one that we still see, and I would like a crack at fixing it, on top of the tireless work I do promoting Dash.

Re: Dash Nation: Highly successful campaign bringing people to DASH (@GreyGhost), and @TheDashGuy nailed it in his post above. This has been explained many times and it will be explained until people get it.

Thank you for your responses, and to the people who value and support my efforts.


Tao (Back to Twitter) :)
By the way, Dash Nation is no more official to Dash than Red Sox Nation is to the Boston Red Sox. I hope that eases your fears.


See explanation at 5:30:

I kind of agree with @rango but only in a sense that this proposal is technically ok. Reasons why it's ok are different though.
Imo current system has really broad definition of what proposal is and proposal submission can be used for any kind of things starting from projects and ending with polls. It was designed as a simple question-answer construction to query some kind of Oracle which in our case is a group of financially motivated people. From this point of view - the proposal is fine just like any other proposal because none of them brake any rule of what proposal types are allowed on the network (even if it's only the case because there are no such rules).

As for community leading and compensating for doing this job(?) - it's complex...

I think in general it's an interesting idea but maybe not as a leader (as the one who is in charge) but rather as a master/helper/adviser/put_the_right_word_here_I_m_not_sure_I_can_find_one (as the one who guides when someone is lost and can't find an answer). That kind of role could be helpful to fund because tips doesn't really work that much and to do some promos you really need some "free" money to throw few $$ here and there for best_tweet/best_pic/best_mem/share/like/all_that_stuff to get people really involved sometimes. Making extensive guides and keeping them up to date also require huge efforts. Doing all this also takes time and time is money again. Not sure where 61 DASH/month came from though and not sure why that much (some devs here get less than this) but let's say you can provide some additional info how and why that could be spent and then all written above would make me vote Yes .

However, there is that Nation concept and especially "welcome to the Dash Nation" as was already mentioned above which I kind of understand but I don't really like it personally (I already wrote a post about it somewhere in "Consensus" thread) and I agree with @GreyGhost and @yidakee that this part, like welcoming tech people from crypto space to Dash Nation, looks strange sometimes imo. Seriously, I live in geeky Internet since 90s. Nations and borders are all outdated and ridiculous concepts for me and my guess is that most of tech guys are more or less have the same attitude to such concepts. For me nation concept is not about uniting people but rather about their separation if you take a look at larger scale. Of course it's not official, of course it no more than Red Sox Nation for Red Sox but words are powerful and the way you put it can define the meaning which you just can't get rid of. I know it maybe doesn't look that much logical but that part would make me vote No anyway.

Having said all of this, I think it would be nice to have some kind of "Guides and Promos" budget/bounties(?), but Nation concept should not be a part of this imo.
I am voting no on this package as a whole, because I don't believe the network should pay any appointed "liaison" -- I just don't think that's a necessary role in a virtual corporation.

However, I WOULD vote yes to pay you to take charge of the Dash Twitter and Facebook accounts. They're not nearly as active or as good as the Dash Dalmatian social accounts, and they should be. I'd like to see your wonderful energy go to breathing consistent, daily life into those accounts.
I am voting no on this package as a whole, because I don't believe the network should pay any appointed "liaison" -- I just don't think that's a necessary role in a virtual corporation.

However, I WOULD vote yes to pay you to take charge of the Dash Twitter and Facebook accounts. They're not nearly as active or as good as the Dash Dalmatian social accounts, and they should be. I'd like to see your wonderful energy go to breathing consistent, daily life into those accounts.


Jut like Amanda did.
I kind of agree with @rango but only in a sense that this proposal is technically ok. Reasons why it's ok are different though.
Imo current system has really broad definition of what proposal is and proposal submission can be used for any kind of things starting from projects and ending with polls. It was designed as a simple question-answer construction to query some kind of Oracle which in our case is a group of financially motivated people. From this point of view - the proposal is fine just like any other proposal because none of them brake any rule of what proposal types are allowed on the network (even if it's only the case because there are no such rules).

As for community leading and compensating for doing this job(?) - it's complex...

I think in general it's an interesting idea but maybe not as a leader (as the one who is in charge) but rather as a master/helper/adviser/put_the_right_word_here_I_m_not_sure_I_can_find_one (as the one who guides when someone is lost and can't find an answer). That kind of role could be helpful to fund because tips doesn't really work that much and to do some promos you really need some "free" money to throw few $$ here and there for best_tweet/best_pic/best_mem/share/like/all_that_stuff to get people really involved sometimes. Making extensive guides and keeping them up to date also require huge efforts. Doing all this also takes time and time is money again. Not sure where 61 DASH/month came from though and not sure why that much (some devs here get less than this) but let's say you can provide some additional info how and why that could be spent and then all written above would make me vote Yes .

However, there is that Nation concept and especially "welcome to the Dash Nation" as was already mentioned above which I kind of understand but I don't really like it personally (I already wrote a post about it somewhere in "Consensus" thread) and I agree with @GreyGhost and @yidakee that this part, like welcoming tech people from crypto space to Dash Nation, looks strange sometimes imo. Seriously, I live in geeky Internet since 90s. Nations and borders are all outdated and ridiculous concepts for me and my guess is that most of tech guys are more or less have the same attitude to such concepts. For me nation concept is not about uniting people but rather about their separation if you take a look at larger scale. Of course it's not official, of course it no more than Red Sox Nation for Red Sox but words are powerful and the way you put it can define the meaning which you just can't get rid of. I know it maybe doesn't look that much logical but that part would make me vote No anyway.

Having said all of this, I think it would be nice to have some kind of "Guides and Promos" budget/bounties(?), but Nation concept should not be a part of this imo.
Ok. Fair enough. Let me clear up some misconceptions. The term "Community Lead" in this sense is being defined in the proposal. No where in my pitch did I say I wanted to be in control of the project. So that is not part of its scope. I will do exactly what I said in the post.

I'm making it a multi-faceted position. I have a few roles, if I don't perform them, I expect to be voted out. As @TanteStefana said, I have unlimited drive and patience, and I devote it all to Dash. I don't think the salary, if you can call it that, is unreasonable considering my track record.

As far as Dash Nation goes, it is merely one aspect of community building. As you said above, you have lived in geeky internet since the 90s. I don't share that background. I grew up clubbing and partying, and as I got older I settled down and continue to use those social skills, now to benefit Dash.

People who I'm talking to online love the idea of Dash Nation. These are average people, and we are going to need to attract them to succeed, and I've been attracting them to DASH (, to be sure) with this campaign that's just getting started. I speak their language! :D

Anyway, if you have any doubts at all this is money well spent, you can downvote me when I apply to continue in 6 months.

FYI: The 61 DASH was arrived apon in my conversations with Evan.

Thanks for your comments.
I am voting no on this package as a whole, because I don't believe the network should pay any appointed "liaison" -- I just don't think that's a necessary role in a virtual corporation.

However, I WOULD vote yes to pay you to take charge of the Dash Twitter and Facebook accounts. They're not nearly as active or as good as the Dash Dalmatian social accounts, and they should be. I'd like to see your wonderful energy go to breathing consistent, daily life into those accounts.
I will maintain the official Dash Twitter as part of my duties. Sorry I don't have your vote.