Proposal Owner Advisory About the Update to v0.13.0

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Foundation Member

As part of the process to update to v0.13.0, there is a final manual spork activation that will reset the votes in the governance system (spork 15, activation of deterministic masternode lists). This means that all proposals that are live at that time will see their votes go to zero (yes, no and abstain).

This is a one-time event and, in order to minimize the impact, the team will only do this manual activation at the beginning of a voting cycle. The conditions are still not met to be able to do it in the cycle that ends on January 31st, 2019. We believe that during the month of February we’ll see enough progress in the update process to be able to perform this step at the start of the cycle that commences on March 2nd, 2019.

Please take this into consideration if you are planning to do a proposal in the next few cycles, especially if it is a multi-month one.

We will communicate extensively around this event, and we do not expect a significant impact for any proposal owner. We went through a full reset of the governance system in early 2017 when we launched v0.12.1 and Sentinel. Back then, the process was more complicated and required proposal owners to re-submit, but MNOs were quick to vote again and restore proposals to where they were before the reset. Fortunately, proposal owners will not be required to re-submit this time, so the process should be even simpler.
what is it mean? Is that decrease the anonimty principle?
It simply means that after the next superblock / on 2nd of March 2019, the masternode owners will need to vote again on already voted budget proposals because the v0.13 upgrade includes a manual spork activation (spork 15), which will put all masternode owners votes back to status "not voted / zero".

Eh, any chance we can all get double paid for the double voting ? o_O
Lets change the rules of our masternode payment lottery (on a very rare occassion receiving double masternode payments), its now or never ;)
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Talking of lotteries, I'd like to see a distributed version of Mega Dash Raffle added to our treasury system.
It simply means that after the next superblock / on 2nd of March 2019, the masternode owners will need to vote again on already voted budget proposals because the v0.13 upgrade includes a manual spork activation (spork 15), which will put all masternode owners votes back to status "not voted / zero".

Eh, any chance we can all get double paid for the double voting ? o_O
Lets change the rules of our masternode payment lottery (on a very rare occassion receiving double masternode payments), its now or never ;)
Thank you.
1. Where need to vote?
2. If will not vote, I will not recieve payment?
Thank you.
1. Where need to vote?
2. If will not vote, I will not recieve payment?

If you are a masternode owner you can vote here :

or here :

or you can vote manually through using the debugconsole (DashCore - Tools - Debugconsole) :

gobject vote-many idnumberofbudgetproposal funding yes
gobject vote-many idnumberofbudgetproposal funding no
gobject vote-many idnumberofbudgetproposal funding abstain

Voting is optional, you will get paid even if you dont vote. It was a joke of mine about getting double paid for needing to double vote.
I do recommend that masternode owners do vote on budget proposals, it helps to strengthen our governance system by increasing voting participation.

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