Proposal: Multimedia Community Outreach

You seem to have a philosophical aversion to what I do. I know it's not directed at me personally, but you just don't believe that these types of efforts will help Dash.

I, on the other hand, believe that building a strong, vibrant, involved community will pay dividends many times over through increased contributions, startups, awareness and eventual adoption. The more people on the team the better.

Dash is too good to wait for people to come to us... :D

Of course it is not personal.
I do understand that you do not want to be the stupid anymore, offering advertising services for free while others (like amanda) are paid a lot for that.
The reason is that coca-cola is a drink. Money is money, and all goods depend on it and refer on it.

Nonsense. Coke isn't just a drink, it's a global brand. The base product is just sugary water, what's special about that? lol Nothing, yet through good marketing and brand development there's a multi-billion dollar industry built on it that creates a lot of value. Crypto is no different.

Goods and services existed long before 'money'; currency - as I prefer to call it - comes in many shapes and forms. Anything can be currency, on a hot day in where there is no water or shops for miles around I think a crate of Coke would be very strong currency...

What makes currency exist and hold value has previously been down to government laws and enforcement. The ability of a country to transfer goods and services to other countries in exchange for gold/other currencies is what makes a country's currency valuable.

In the world of crypto we don't have Govt to force currency into use, therefore the traditional monopolies that exist in currency are completely removed in crypto. That means that Crypto is effectively a 'free market'. That means that its subject to the same market forces that apply to other goods and services, and therefore the same economic theory and principles.

Therefore marketing is very important to the future success of Dash. Without strong user adoption Dash will fail, there's no government laws to protect us and force people to use Dash.

Anyway, that's enough off-topic for today, @UdjinM6 has already given us a polite warning :)

Best of luck TAO, got my votes as well. I hope you resubmit "community lead" at some point as it was also quite an interesting idea.

Best of luck TAO, got my votes as well. I hope you resubmit "community lead" at some point as it was also quite an interesting idea.

I don't believe I will be going down that road again any time soon. I'm content to be a community builder here, and not get involved in political proposals. But, that's interesting to know I had your support there. Thanks!
Why? If you're going to disagree with me at least give a reason...

Well, I have to disagree with you on the Pepsi thing. I can't stand the stuff, regular or diet. I way prefer classic coke (back to coke) The "new coke" tasted like pepsi and yuck. I couldn't stand it. RC cola for the sugary kind is my favorite, and I drank it when I was pregnant instead of my usual diet, but it's hard if not impossible to find around here (did they go out of business?)

Personally, I think it's just that Pepsi has more sugar/sweets. For a sip, it tastes better, but for a whole glass full, it's overwhelmingly sweet and sickening. Thus, people actually like Coke better - to drink. Even sugar free Pepsi is sweeter, plus they use that new sucralose? is just like sugar, it coats your tongue like sugar. I prefer Aspartame because it remains refreshing while giving a light flavorful sweetness, LOL

And that is why, I believe, Coke really is outselling Pepsi. Because those advertisements from the 70's and 80's were in fact working and pepsi was outselling Coke. Coke held on to their lead by a nail because of their foothold in fast food joints and soda machines. Eventually Coke made "new coke" with more sugar to compete, but got such a backlash because their fan base couldn't stand the sugar. Ultimately, both have their fans and of course choice is key.

Warren Buffet said in a speech I watched, that Coke was unique in that you don't get tired of it's flavor. I have to agree with him, though I don't know if it's true. My kids like Dr. Pepper, but they only drink a little of it at a time. I'm completely hooked on Diet coke, drink it every day undoubtedly to the detriment of my health. I add a ton of ice and let it melt in hopes of saving my kidneys and liver and anything else, LOL, but I doubt it helps. So don't misinterpret my words as making me out to be a Coke fan girl, I'm more of a user and addict, unfortunately.
Well, I have to disagree with you on the Pepsi thing. I can't stand the stuff, regular or diet. I way prefer classic coke (back to coke) The "new coke" tasted like pepsi and yuck. I couldn't stand it. RC cola for the sugary kind is my favorite, and I drank it when I was pregnant instead of my usual diet, but it's hard if not impossible to find around here (did they go out of business?)

Personally, I think it's just that Pepsi has more sugar/sweets. For a sip, it tastes better, but for a whole glass full, it's overwhelmingly sweet and sickening. Thus, people actually like Coke better - to drink. Even sugar free Pepsi is sweeter, plus they use that new sucralose? is just like sugar, it coats your tongue like sugar. I prefer Aspartame because it remains refreshing while giving a light flavorful sweetness, LOL

And that is why, I believe, Coke really is outselling Pepsi. Because those advertisements from the 70's and 80's were in fact working and pepsi was outselling Coke. Coke held on to their lead by a nail because of their foothold in fast food joints and soda machines. Eventually Coke made "new coke" with more sugar to compete, but got such a backlash because their fan base couldn't stand the sugar. Ultimately, both have their fans and of course choice is key.

Warren Buffet said in a speech I watched, that Coke was unique in that you don't get tired of it's flavor. I have to agree with him, though I don't know if it's true. My kids like Dr. Pepper, but they only drink a little of it at a time. I'm completely hooked on Diet coke, drink it every day undoubtedly to the detriment of my health. I add a ton of ice and let it melt in hopes of saving my kidneys and liver and anything else, LOL, but I doubt it helps. So don't misinterpret my words as making me out to be a Coke fan girl, I'm more of a user and addict, unfortunately.

:) I like this offtopic! But beware, UdjinM6 may ban you for that!

Cleaning up useless off-topic is not a censorship. Keep posting nonsense and off-topic if you want to be banned soon.
Friendly reminder to everyone: please stop engaging in off-topic discussions in each and every thread.

EDIT: @demo, I warn you for the last time now.

Talk to me like coders do.
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The situation is this. The current budget has exactly 50 DASH unallocated, due to @babygiraffe leaving that amount remaining after the legal proposal.

Yet, it appears someone with a lot of Masternodes would rather burn the Dash than approve my proposal to be rewarded for bringing value to the network. Or, maybe he/she is unaware that there is room in the budget.

If this person(s) reads this, would he/she please contact me soon, here or on Slack, to provide me feedback on what is wrong with the proposal as it currently stands so I may adjust for this or next month?

I give a sincere thanks to the community members who have supported me on this proposal. I love this community! :)