Proposal Evaluation Committee


This thread / topic is moving faster than I, and I apologize for that... I have these images and details to share... Please digest and use them and use them freely, to make the Dash Community better... I have a meeting with Ryan and Evan to discuss these ideas more on 5/9... However, I don't want the community to be disconnected, as the community is moving faster than we are, so it seems... Here goes.


The image above, shows what I think the Dash Core Team is doing today and some are calling the Dash DAO.

These anomalies maybe the result of our current structure:
  • Projects lacking cohesion across proposals (ie too much freelance, unless it comes from the Core Team)
    • Lets fund this wallet function, that meetup or integration... Without having a "Dash Currency DAO" vision for the user experience, that is being marketed, staffed and properly funded.
    • Manifested in primarily month-to-month proposals
  • Projects lacking best practices or standards around "organizational facilitation"
    • All proposals wanting to do Marketing, HR or Finance differently or leaving these functions out entirely. (ie we built it, but forgot to market it, so it's not being used or we have the funding and requirements, but no staffing to do the work)
  • Projects proposal fee reduction, resulting in more proposals
    • This will mean less "due diligence" on bigger proposals like the budget for the Core Team, which could allow for fraud or "brand" damage in the future.
    • Manifested in cohesion and primarily month-to-month proposals
  • Lack of a RFP process for MN owners to provide vision for upcoming brand development
    • A project (Core Team) trying to stockpile funds for upcoming marketing push for Evo, that should be in a marketing proposal with it's own director who can see how Evo fits into the bigger(st) picture
  • Lack and misuse of the term DAO within the context of the Dash Brand
    • See the first picture and understand the Dash Core Team can be a DAO if it chooses, but it shouldn't be the only DAO doing proposals in the "Dash Currency DAO" that I vote in, as a MN owner. Also remember the "Dash Currency DAO" shouldn't be the only DAO on the Dash Blockchain, as Evan has said as well.

The current model has a limited vision, while potentially limiting growth and causing many proposals to reinvent the wheel, or leave out spokes entirely. A possible solution, would be to simply break the Core Team proposal along functional lines (R&D - Dev - Ops, Marketing, HR and Finance) detailing what is needed for each and every project, both in and outside the Core Team... This would allow MN owners to comment, measure results and properly fund each functional area appropriately, hopefully with a single vision... Implement an RFP process for MN owners... Then communicate that process to the community, thus defining the "Dash Currency DOA" on the Dash Blockchain... :)


Above you can see what the view might look like from 50ft...


The image above we are at 25k ft...


Finally, this image above is what I call beyond currency...

Here are the attached draft RFP proposal details:

Sample RFP for DashCentral UI development:

Ryan's comments for transparency:

@Macrochip @mastermined @rango
Just posting this here for transparency... and for others to comment on... I shared this with Ryan and Evan as @rango requested... Thanks!

Trying to answer this question: "Who sets and who executes the mission and vision of the Dash "Currency" DAO? Choices MNOs or Core Team, any and all combinations possible... I ask this, because I don't understand the roles of these 2 groups..." What do you think?

Today - Mapping of a DAO to Corporation.png Logical Mapping of a DAO to Corporation .png Nontraditional Mapping of a DAO to Corporation (2) .png Nontraditional Mapping of a DAO to Corporation (1) .pngNontraditional Mapping of a DAO to Corporation (3) .png
Trying to answer this question: "Who sets and who executes the mission and vision of the Dash "Currency" DAO? Choices MNOs or Core Team, any and all combinations possible... ]
Hi Joe
I think you should start a new thread for this. Bit too high level for this thread ;)

I’m in a bit of a quandary. Most of my work has been alone – hardly any input from the forum: thus my own experience and gut feel mostly. Error prone and inefficient. Less than ideal to say the least.
However, after
And Evans comments re DAO, the big boys have stepped in and got together a group of highly experienced guys to investigate the structure of future DAO’s and it looks like the PEC might (big MIGHT since everything is still in the air) end up being the 1st test case.
Which means I’m hesitant to do anything new, since it might just all get chucked out.

However. I’ll just carry with what I’ve been doing and hopefully my work will give ideas that will help in speeding up the creation of the final PEC.
So – Here’s the next step:
How Proposals are Evaluated:
I created a separate thread hoping to get some feedback.
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start a new thread for this. Bit too high level for this thread

I agree, to disagree about the importance of what I'm discussing in this thread, but agree to stop posting as you requested. :D

the big boys have stepped in and got together a group of highly experienced guys to investigate the structure of future DAO’s

This is a good thing, as we need clearer direction...

Which means I’m hesitant to do anything new, since it might just all get chucked out.

This is the stagnation, I refereed to in my images above and you aren't the only one feeling it... :confused:

"agree to stop posting as you requested" No - Don't stop posting - the DAO structure needs discussion! Just a seperate thread - It's important enough to warrant it's own thread.

"This is the stagnation," I think we are actually starting to move! Big boys (and you) are doing the right thing. Starting to plan from the top down.
Sorry to chase you, but I think it should be a separate thread since it's more todo with the overall structures of the DAO and might confuse the PEC readers - 2 different topics. PEC is complicated/boring enough :(
Helping unorganized proposals become organized should not be a thing. If They don't sound appealing for a reason then it's good that we will see that rather then you covering that up. Also there won't be hundreds of proposals flying in, so no worries
Hi Mizzy, Won't be covering anything up. The Pre-proposals will all still be right here in this thread like always.
I’m in a bit of a quandary. Most of my work has been alone – hardly any input from the forum: thus my own experience and gut feel mostly. Error prone and inefficient. Less than ideal to say the least.
However, after
And Evans comments re DAO, the big boys have stepped in and got together a group of highly experienced guys to investigate the structure of future DAO’s and it looks like the PEC might (big MIGHT since everything is still in the air) end up being the 1st test case.

Which means I’m hesitant to do anything new, since the decisions re the DAO might mean changes to the PEC (Proposal Evaluation Committee)
However. I’ll just carry with what I’ve been doing and hopefully my work will give ideas that will help in speeding up the creation of the final PEC.
So – Here’s the next step:

How Proposals are Evaluated:
I created a separate thread hoping to get some feedback.
Most of my work has been alone – hardly any input from the forum

I have a suggestion that might help increase engagement in your project.

Instead of seeking buy-in/feedback, just go ahead and do what you are proposing. For example, instead of asking for comments on How Proposals are Evaluated, just go ahead and start evaluating proposals. You will get feedback if anyone disagrees with what you are doing; meanwhile you are adding value.

Dash is in an early stage where nobody will be faulted for just doing something without asking permission.
:D Good advice and that is what I'm doing in any case, Couple reasons for posting progress reports every now and then: To keep everyone informed; To try and get feedback; to keep the PEC in everyone's minds, to prevent someone else from starting the same thing not knowing I'm already doing it and lastly to cover my arse: "Why are you complaining now - I posted this ages ago" :rolleyes:
Don't want to start with evaluations until everything is in place - still a couple of steps to go, but getting closer. BTW - I'll be contacting you in the near future ;)
1. Create How to do a Pre-proposalDone.
2. Evaluation Guidelines In Progress (this might still take a couple of weeks) and Question Weightings. done
3. Design Report done & Short List In Progress
4. Research PEC payment method/Contracts. done
5. Facilitator duties and term.
6. Recruit 2 Evaluators
7. Test PEC on Proposals & Publicize Short List & Reports
8. Create PEC Pre-proposal.
This makes complete sense to me! It does not detract in any way from what we have already. But it adds a mechanism that will make the proposal evaluation process more efficient, and less time-consuming for MN owners. I think there will be a need for this as the network grows.

I'm glad that somebody has the patience to do all this admin, biltong! Better you than me :cool:
I'm keeping an eye on the progress being made here. I think Dash force can help sponsor this proposal and help with the 5 Dash fee, waiting to see how everything shakes out but so far so good. It may not be the perfect solution yet but we have to start somewhere. Keep doing your thing biltong!
This is honestly a no-brainer. The cost to Dash is negligible, whereas the benefits (when Dash scales bigger) will be invaluable. A no-brainer.
Just in case anybody thought that "no-brainer" was a derogatory term (sorry Biltong).... well, it actually means, don't even think about it. It's obvious. Just do it,