Proposal: Dash to Sponsor the Fifth Annual Jackalope Freedom Festival

This is the Dash banner for the stage.


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Hi, Alma
As an idea-advice to make this proposal more attractive, Maybe you can record a short video about this proposal, so people could see:
1. It is not just some new-registered anonymous forum nickname UndocumentedHuman looking for money, but real Alma.
2. You are real and energetic - so can present Dash properly. :)

Of course It is not necessary - just my idea how to help this proposal to get more "YES"s.
You can see our YouTube videos at
I like the body style of that Class A.


A vinyl 'auto wrap', (partial), would be a better value than painting the entire coach !

I've seen much more ridiculously expensive proposals get passed with flying colors.

Here is why I think it is a good idea: agorist-slanting libertarians have been *major* first movers in cryptocurrency -- major drivers of adoption. I experienced this first-hand when I lived in New Hampshire, where the Bitcoin adoption among "Free Staters" I knew was almost too high to be believed (documented in this video and this video).

It was in that same crowd that I first met Alma. I invited her to speak on Bitcoin with me (about 2 years ago) at a New Hampshire's Liberty Forum (documented by Upstart Biz Journal here). She fell ill and was not able to attend, but I was able to spend time with her and come to know that she is legit. I even wrote about her unbanked baby Neo for CoinTelegraph about a year later.

The branding of the van, which they may well take to other events, is a fantastic idea -- and unlike John Bush's proposal (which passed), it won't be a van with Dash AND Bitcoin AND Ethereum on it. It will be just Dash.

And also like Alma says, Dash's logo will be in the background for all the speeches by "celebertarians" filmed on the stage. These will continue to get views on YouTube well after the festival has ended.

So many libertarians thought Bitcoin had come to save them forever, and now they're a bit confused and wandering with its problems coming to light (or worse, they don't even know about its problems because they're just keeping their BTC in cold storage for "retirement savings"). Pointing them in a new and better direction -- the direction they *thought* Bitcoin was going to go -- will likely be profitable for us.

I'd encourage y'all to vote yes on this proposal. Thanks.
I find it sad that this proposal gets so much scrutiny while totally retarded bullshit that costs more gets a rubber stamp without a glance...
any pics/videos of.....

1. Dash gets to name the stage, includes backdrop behind speaker area with Dash Logo.
Cost:$200 Value:$500

2. Dash Portapotties. Includes Dash Advertisement hung outside 3 Porta potties. Jackalope Portapotties are paid for with donations each year. The majority of attendees use the johns, they are a high traffic area, and ads will be placed and dispersed accordingly to each john location. Ad can have QR code linking to website, or link to download app.

4. Dash ATV. We will brand our ATV with Dash logos. Dash ATV will be driven around Jackalope.
Cost:$50 Value:$100

7. The Dash Mobile. We will brand the Winnebago the Dash Mobile. Includes logos of Dash choice on sides/windows/front/back. Outside paint one color.
Includes branding for upcoming Crypto Caravan

Bonus: At Jackalope we will be giving .25+ dash to the first 50+ people who install a dash wallet on their smartphone etc. $200 Value.

did all this happen? any problems etc? how many wallets were set up?

crosspost from dash central....

ok thanks. sounds good but i still have a few questions and concerns.

so it looks like the dash branding did not make it on the vehicle till after jackfest, correct? how about the atv? was it branded at jf?

also how many people attended jf and exactly how many wallets were created and how much dash was given away? seems like a easy thing to do (give away free digital cash).

i would have liked to see more engagement for the price and i don't think it would be unreasonable to expect posted updates on the dash forum and then copy and paste that to reddit and maybe our bitcointalk forum thread.
slack is cool and where everyone seems to have gone but myself and others are just now making our way over there and learning how it all works.
not sure how noobs find it as last i checked a few weeks ago there was no mention of our slack channel on the website or the btctalk ann thread or easy to find sticky/pinned links on the dash forum or reddit. obviously there's nothing you can do about that but i'm just saying.
crosspost from dash central....

ok thanks. sounds good but i still have a few questions and concerns.

so it looks like the dash branding did not make it on the vehicle till after jackfest, correct? how about the atv? was it branded at jf?

also how many people attended jf and exactly how many wallets were created and how much dash was given away? seems like a easy thing to do (give away free digital cash).

i would have liked to see more engagement for the price and i don't think it would be unreasonable to expect posted updates on the dash forum and then copy and paste that to reddit and maybe our bitcointalk forum thread.
slack is cool and where everyone seems to have gone but myself and others are just now making our way over there and learning how it all works.
not sure how noobs find it as last i checked a few weeks ago there was no mention of our slack channel on the website or the btctalk ann thread or easy to find sticky/pinned links on the dash forum or reddit. obviously there's nothing you can do about that but i'm just saying.

Where is this due diligence on the core proposals? Why so many questions for random community members trying to build out Dash the proper way, but none for piggy bank proposals like sending Kot to London for 15,000 USD? Why is noone concern with how much LESS ROI we get off that, and how much higher the price tag is, with absolutely ZERO proof it will be worth it?

I'm talking about this:
Where is this due diligence on the core proposals? Why so many questions for random community members trying to build out Dash the proper way, but none for piggy bank proposals like sending Kot to London for 15,000 USD? Why is noone concern with how much LESS ROI we get off that, and how much higher the price tag is, with absolutely ZERO proof it will be worth it?

I'm talking about this:

sorry you did not like my constructive criticism of your proposal.

i've been equally critical and supportive of core team proposals as well as community proposals.

i've been critical of the atm stuff, Marketing, International Outreach, & Promotion, as well as the dash website mess and the old marketing campaign that turned into the fiat gateway and other stuff before you were even here.

i've supported (voted for) the dash whale prop, solarminers stuff, dash world vanbex, dash and drink, all of amanda's stuff, Nairobi Cryptocurrency Symposium, this jackfest prop, dash across america tour and many many more that you weren't around for.

you really should do more homework before popping off like that.

i think the real question is why are you so critical of evan and almost everything the core team does?
wait, don't answer that as it's way off topic here and i don't really care.
The proposal for Jackalope to be sponsored actually ended while Jackalope was going on. Aug 1-8th Aug 5th being the payout date. I had the banner for the stage made ahead of time, before I knew if the proposal would pass. Therefore, no, the dash mobile was not branded there. I spent the next few weeks after Jackalope sanding and painting the winnebago. Then we got on the road for the Rethinking Everything conference. The Dash Stickers were delivered to Alabama. I think around Ten people opened a wallet, and a few got more then .25 cents Also I had two different people work on my computer that Neo fried "Days before Jackalope" by inserting Aux cord into USB port, don't do this, luckily both computer technicians accepted dash. :) One of them was able to access my backed up wallet to do my Dash transactions at Jackalope. I learned a lovely thing about encryption, and so glad I did that for the extra security. There were approx 250 people, but no registration or census or handing out of toothpicks is done.
Again all of this will be documented in my next two videos. The work on the bus prior to Jackalope, was hard and exhausting. After Jackalope, it was straight to work on the Dash Mobile. I did most of the work on my own while Neo slept, and Brian worked.
The proposal for Jackalope to be sponsored actually ended while Jackalope was going on. Aug 1-8th Aug 5th being the payout date. I had the banner for the stage made ahead of time, before I knew if the proposal would pass. Therefore, no, the dash mobile was not branded there. I spent the next few weeks after Jackalope sanding and painting the winnebago. Then we got on the road for the Rethinking Everything conference. The Dash Stickers were delivered to Alabama. I think around Ten people opened a wallet, and a few got more then .25 cents Also I had two different people work on my computer that Neo fried "Days before Jackalope" by inserting Aux cord into USB port, don't do this, luckily both computer technicians accepted dash. :) One of them was able to access my backed up wallet to do my Dash transactions at Jackalope. I learned a lovely thing about encryption, and so glad I did that for the extra security. There were approx 250 people, but no registration or census or handing out of toothpicks is done.
Again all of this will be documented in my next two videos. The work on the bus prior to Jackalope, was hard and exhausting. After Jackalope, it was straight to work on the Dash Mobile. I did most of the work on my own while Neo slept, and Brian worked.

thanks for all the info. overall i'm happy with what was done but i think you would agree improvements could/should be made.

the most disappointing part for me was the part of the prop i pushed for and you graciously agreed to, setting up 50 people with .25 dash and helping them set up (and back up) a dash wallet.
i was sad to hear that only 10 people out of ~50 were set up with a wallet and given free dash. by now i would expect it to be done over a month later but i guess you can still do it in colorado.

this new proposal may or may not pass but even if it gets enough yes votes to pass it could still get bumped out because there was not enough money to go around. in that case another proposal that had more yes votes would get paid.

i really like the new colorado proposal but like almost every proposal i think it's too expensive.
from the looks of the way the votes are going now i would say you are going to have to offer more value to get it to pass. maybe extend it to another city after co and commit to more updates and online marketing and engagement.

I wish I gave away all the wallets there too. However the majority of people have set them up since. I'm still constantly speaking to another Jackalope asking for my help. So yes this may seem slow, but it's consistent. It continues to remain that way while I promote Dash.

Do you think Dash would sponsor a sailboat? One that we sail around on, live in, document, and is branded with Dash?

Road trips aren't cheap. We are open to suggestions for journey back. We haven't gotten that far, and sometimes we don't like to lock us in too long of a schedule. We feel we might miss opportunity that way. Having to rush to next stop.

The networking our family does is much different the Blush family. Our life choices allow us to be more free in our travels, we might stick around in CO for awhile. We really have no idea. We could end up sailing with #freedomfleet2018.

When we started releasing content we were living on FREEDOM Ranch. This is where we started our patreon. Releasing videos subsequently and in documentary format is what we chose to do for our platform on patreon. Although we still have a small support group there, I have ambition to take us further. This may be to my detriment with Dash and the Jackalope video and making of the Dash Mobile video. So I'll stop typing and continue editing. Before Neo wakes up.

We are doing all of this to create a more free society for Neo to exist in later in life. Peace.
thanks for all the info. overall i'm happy with what was done but i think you would agree improvements could/should be made.

the most disappointing part for me was the part of the prop i pushed for and you graciously agreed to, setting up 50 people with .25 dash and helping them set up (and back up) a dash wallet.
i was sad to hear that only 10 people out of ~50 were set up with a wallet and given free dash. by now i would expect it to be done over a month later but i guess you can still do it in colorado.

this new proposal may or may not pass but even if it gets enough yes votes to pass it could still get bumped out because there was not enough money to go around. in that case another proposal that had more yes votes would get paid.

i really like the new colorado proposal but like almost every proposal i think it's too expensive.
from the looks of the way the votes are going now i would say you are going to have to offer more value to get it to pass. maybe extend it to another city after co and commit to more updates and online marketing and engagement.


Hope you enjoy this Dash sponsored Jackalope Freedom Festival special!