Proposal: Dash to Adoption - 100 Businesses in 100 Days

UPDATE: There have been many comments concerned that once a business is signed up, they will receive no Dash payments and will become disillusioned with Dash. That is a valid concern and this is how I plan to overcome it.
I would recommend simply being straight with them. Tell them that it's development phase and probably won't get a lot of use. Make it 0 cost, or as close to 0 cost as you can, and they won't mind if it doesn't get used a lot. Present it more as a development cooperative for those curious and interested. Because that's exactly what it is.
AND WE ARE LIVE!!!! 6 down and 94 more to go!

Contact: John Bush - [email protected] - 512-815-7388

Crypto-activists Aim to Grow Dash Economy by Bringing on 100 New Merchants in 100 Days

Austin, TX - A group of cryptocurrency enthusiasts has launched a campaign that hopes to grow the number of businesses accepting Dash by over 150%. The goal of the project, called Dash to Adoption, is to set up 100 businesses to accept Dash in 100 days or less.

Dash, also known as Digital Cash, is a digital currency with instant transactions and a decentralized governance and budgeting system. The Dash to Adoption campaign is funded by the Dash Protocol as part of the Masternode Budget System, a feature that allows Dash to fund it’s development and marketing.

Dash to Adoption project leader, John Bush, who operates Brave New Books, the first brick and mortar in the United States to accept Dash, believes Dash is a great fit for merchants. Bush said, “the ability for businesses using Dash to receive payment instantly with no risk of chargebacks or double spending makes it an ideal currency for merchant adoption.”

The day the campaign launched the team had already on-boarded six businesses and organizations. They include Free Talk Live, a nationally syndicated radio program that played a major role in furthering bitcoin adoption, Liberty Radio Network, an online radio network,, an online health store,, a website and open bazaar hosting service, the Center for Natural Living, a 501c3 non-profit based in Austin, TX, and, a viral homesteading website.

While 100 businesses in 100 days may seem like a tall task, Bush thinks his team will accomplish their goal. “With digital currency adoption on the rise and the numerous examples of bitcoin double spending recently, Dash is quickly becoming a favorite alternative”, said Bush.

The Dash to Adoption team is encouraging existing Dash users to show some love to the businesses brought on board through this campaign by spending some Dash with them. Dash users can follow the campaign’s progress at

Merchants interested in accepting Dash or learning more can visit and fill out the contact form. Someone from the Dash to Adoption team will be in contact.


To learn more about Dash visit
To check out existing Dash merchant visit the Dash Merchant Map and
Hi all, I wanted to chime in here and share more about our decision to offer Dash as a payment type for our hosting services. This statement was sent to John after he asked us to be involved with his adoption campaign. I joined this forum specifically to learn about options available to us to properly integrate dash in to our payment system.

While the demand for Dash payments are not high enough to justify adding it to our custom Bitcoin invoicing system yet, Agorist Hosting's mission is to bring crypto technologies to the masses. We have been hosting The Blush families websites for 5 months now and when they asked to pay for services in Dash the answer was an obvious yes.
UPDATE: Hey gang, have been focused on closing out my 2015 taxes, another project, and some family issues the past couple weeks. Getting back on the Dah to Adoption effort and hitting it strong now. Hired a friend to help me out with some of the tasks. Stay tuned fir updates and more businesses!!!
i had a meeting with christof from BlockPay
(you should look into their app and terminal) !
i think they have a great product that not only will help btc or dash but all cryptos
i believe (personal) it is too early to change a merchants mind about dash (as not enough people are using it) , much easier to introduce them to crypto in general with an app they can use easy for all (if they wanted) crypto or dash / btc specific .
check it out , i think this will help

please pm me
i have some ideas
Last edited:
I tried to operate BlockPay and wasn't able to get past the registration. Had to register with Bitshares and couldnt figure it out. Any ideas? Have you used it?
Okay, behind schedule but here is the draft questions I will be sending to existing Dash merchants so we can gain insight in to how to better serve merchants.

Do you currently accept Dash at your businesses?

Yes / No

If not, why did you stop accepting Dash?


When did you begin accepting Dash?


What payment processor do you use for accepting Dash?


Dash QT


Jaxx on Android

Dash Android App

Other: _____________

Do you accept bitcoin?

Yes / No

If so, how long have you been accepting bitcoin?

1 to 3 months

4 - 6 months

6 months to one year

One year to two years

Two years or more

Do you accept any other cryptocurrencies? If so, indicate them below.





Ethereum Classic



What type of payments do your customers use most often?

Cash / Card / PayPal / Crypto / other

On average, how many Dash customers do you have in a month?

1 - 5

6 - 10

10 - 20


What are the most important factors regarding your selection of a payment service and type? Please rank the following.

Fee Structure

Ease of Use

Accessibility to Customers

Price of Hardware

Integration with POS or other merchant apps

Integration with cryptocurrency

What type of support would you like from Dash core team members in order to more effectively process and attract Dash customers?


What type of Dash feature improvements would you like to see most?


Do you use InstandSend?

Yes / No / What is InstantSend?

What are the biggest concerns or barriers to adopting cryptocurrency?

Lack of demand for this payment method from my customers

I worry that it will clutter my checkout and confuse or distract customers

Accounting in other currencies is a headache

It is too technically challenging

My payment processor doesn’t support it

I don’t see any benefits

Other (describe)

What factors would most motivate you to accept a digital currency as a form of payment?

Assistance with integration

Improved conversion rates (less cart abandonment)

The low processing costs

Marketing of my business to the currency's users

Integration with my existing payment processor

Must be instant

Low cost to integrate or ease of integration

Other (describe)
Hey @SovereignBTC !
Good questions. I would just change this one: "If not, why did you stop accepting Dash? " into something like: "If not, would you be interested in Dash as a payment method?" and I would put it on the 3rd position (simply to not start with a negative answer)
Ahh, a survey - that's great
100 merchants in 100 days is an ambitious undertaking... looking forward to hearing about your first sale!
I tried to operate BlockPay and wasn't able to get past the registration. Had to register with Bitshares and couldnt figure it out. Any ideas? Have you used it?

reg blockpay
the android App is super easy
@Chris4210 sure can help u
otherwise email him at
[email protected]
(strange email / he was out of block pay cards when i saw him)
I tried to operate BlockPay and wasn't able to get past the registration. Had to register with Bitshares and couldnt figure it out. Any ideas? Have you used it?

could you send me a mail to [email protected] and describe where you got stuck? We are currently redesigning the onboarding process so you will have a one stop sign up in a few weeks. Dash as payments work great and we had the first people here in Munich using Dash to buy some beers!

cheers Christoph

Dash to Adoption is underway! Check out our page here:

So far I have helped to setup 12 businesses with 8 more in the process of adding Dash bringing the total number of converted business to 20. It has taken me 44 days to do so. So that's 20% of my goal in 44% of the time which means I need to pick up the pace. I am working with my virtual assistant to compile large lists of prospects and will be contacting them all as well as reaching out to local businesses in the Austin area.

Tonight or tomorrow I will be sending out the Dash merchant survey to a list of 63 existing Dash merchants. In my emails I have also found more businesses that accept Dash that were not previously listed on any maps or listings. I will add them to the Dash Map and

I created a forum post that will serve as the beginnings of the Dash Merchant Association. Not much action yet but I will be invited all of the existing merchants to participate.

Below you will find images from several of the new businesses listing Dash as a new form of payment. We are getting the word out about Dash to all of these company's customers!

Free Talk Live is a nationally syndicated radio show that is on 171 different radio stations and is the 31st most popular talk radio program in the country. The program was instrumental in spreading bitcoin adoption and boasts having introduced Roger Very himself to bitcoin.



Liberty Radio Network (LRN.FM) is one of the most popular libertarian internet radio stations in the country.

Liberty Lobby LLC is a lobbying firm based in NH.


Empirico specializes in home water filtration systems.


Dr. Matthew Buckley is an Austin based Naturopath who has a large base of patients.


Dash to Adoption is underway! Check out our page here:

So far I have helped to setup 12 businesses with 8 more in the process of adding Dash bringing the total number of converted business to 20. It has taken me 44 days to do so. So that's 20% of my goal in 44% of the time which means I need to pick up the pace. I am working with my virtual assistant to compile large lists of prospects and will be contacting them all as well as reaching out to local businesses in the Austin area.

Tonight or tomorrow I will be sending out the Dash merchant survey to a list of 63 existing Dash merchants. In my emails I have also found more businesses that accept Dash that were not previously listed on any maps or listings. I will add them to the Dash Map and

I created a forum post that will serve as the beginnings of the Dash Merchant Association. Not much action yet but I will be invited all of the existing merchants to participate.

Below you will find images from several of the new businesses listing Dash as a new form of payment. We are getting the word out about Dash to all of these company's customers!

Free Talk Live is a nationally syndicated radio show that is on 171 different radio stations and is the 31st most popular talk radio program in the country. The program was instrumental in spreading bitcoin adoption and boasts having introduced Roger Very himself to bitcoin.



Liberty Radio Network (LRN.FM) is one of the most popular libertarian internet radio stations in the country.

Liberty Lobby LLC is a lobbying firm based in NH.


Empirico specializes in home water filtration systems.


Dr. Matthew Buckley is an Austin based Naturopath who has a large base of patients.

i was going to send FTL a tip but there is no easy way to do it. i can't copy and paste the address from the above picture and when i checked their site it only had a btc add and a shapeshift thing for all other altcoins, no Dash.:(
Preparing a more in depth update but for now I have 14 businesses actively set up with 12 I am workging with to get setup.

So, after they are integrating, I'll be at 26. Still a long ways to go but I think I can get it done.