Proposal: Dash Nation Slack Upgrade

There have been several suggestions to consider other (perhaps free or open source) options. Of all of those options, Glip comes pretty close to offering all the same goodies as Slack. Slack is the recognized leader for this application.

It was suggested that Glip is free and free is better. That is not quite accurate. Glip is "free" just like Slack is "free". That only gets you the limited stripped down version. The pro version of Glip costs 10 bucks a user.

Slack's pro version is 8 bucks a user.

Here is a long and detailed comparison of the two competitors:

Again I say, yes to the Slack upgrade.

I believe this proposal deserve funding.
What else can deserve funding than what will bring us together to share ideas for Dash and our betterment.
I strongly vote yes for this proposal
I'm glad that you folks recognize the benefits of a paid Slack towards productivity and community building. Thanks for your support!
Just a thought.
I have noticed some folks recently moving to Rocket Chat. I've used it and it's pretty nice and very similar to Slack. Even has an import from Slack.
I think it might be more cost effective in the long run to run our own Rocket Chat instance on AWS than to pay for Slack.
If we factor out the 10 dash / month for your administration (which I have no problem with), we're paying ~$5k / month for Slack. That buys a lot of virtual HW on AWS.
Obviously the admin would be a bit more involved though.
PM me if you want to look at it and I'll help get an instance up.
Every option has strengths and weaknesses. I have never touched Rocket Chat, but the following review suggests to me that it takes more work and babysitting. Here are two excerpts:

" It's feature set also rivals Slack, it's good looking enough. But, it's made in Meteor. Now, I don't have anything against Meteor and I really think a Slack-clone is exactly the kind of use case where you could use Meteor to its full potential.

Technically I really think it's a downside to be forced to use Mongodb (Meteor requires Mongo). For small installations I really prefer to have PostgreSQL. MongoDB is competent, but for medium to big installations, and I will show you why below.

I strongly dislike the culture of writing software without minimal care such as having a reasonably complete test suite. You browse through the many packages that comprise and several of them have no tests whatsoever. Some packages do have jasmine tests, but the majority is lacking."

A second quote, "So, the code itself is not so pretty, you have to keep this in mind. I'd much rather use Mattermost (which is much better structured and with enough tests), but it's not entirely free, so it's not an option to me. For my scenario, I'd rather have sloppy code (that minimally "works") that I can tweak than code I can't see, for this particular venture."

Keep in mind, you could pack everything I know about actually running and maintaining rocket chat in a thimble. But it does look like it's a lot more "hands on." I wouldn't want to take on any extra work, we have a lot on our plate already.

Here's the source of that review:

It's not like we don't have the money....BOOM just punched through 400!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree. I think there is nothing stopping us having two Dash Nation outlets with the longer term view of saving money. Please get the ball rolling and submit a second proposal for this.