Well-known member
hello Masternodes ,
i'm studioz , and i'm requesting funds to support our Dash Brazil Team in Outreach and Marketing Dash to the Portuguese Audience in Brazil for the next 3 months .
Website (15 Dash per Month)
Ongoing Projects :
-Project4- Sponsor Mauri & StarMagic in Campeonato Nacional de Cavalo Árabe, in Indaiatuba/Sao Paulo from 15 to 19 of November 2017.StarMagic is the fastest Mare in Brazil and Mauri's dream is to buy his next racing mare with Dash and integrate Dash into his name .
Main expenses:national trip,AirBnb_Apartment,transport,food,flyers,banners,jerseys,hats,Horse Transport for 4 members) we're also trying to get to sponsor the Event.**Majority of sponsors are the Banks of Brazil ** Remain Funds will be redistributed has giveways in the event .
We got a positive today reply from the President of the Event (NEW PROPOSAL) ***
Cost so far for this project ~45 Dash (updated 9/22/2017) an estimate
-Project5- Dash Media Marketing inside/outside 10 Buses in Porto Alegre city , Brazil .
-2 Panels Design
- 10 BusDoor(exterior,Back Window ) total estimated of 1.5 Million visualitions per month .
- 10 BusSeat (interior,Back of Bus Seats) total estimated 100000 visualitions per month with a average of ~1.5 hours exposion per passenger.
(Original Proposal)
Cost 22 Dash
-Project6- We're also in talks with Davis dos Santos , MMA Fighter , to get sponsored by Dash on his next MMA TKO Fight.
Negociating ....
Update: Some close friends in Montreal,Canada introduce us another MMA Fighter that would like to get exclusive sponsorship by DASH ,he's from Ottawa,Canada original from Senegal .
-Project1- Dash Grafitti of Davis dos Santos in the biggest Favela of South America - Rocinha , Rio de Janeiro
Cost: 40Dash x 195$US =7800$USD (Finalized in July of 2017)
(trips,staying,food,refreshment,transport,paints&tools,Drone Video Photographer,videoEditing,3 big days of work for 4 artists )
-Project2- We introduced Davis dos Santos MMA Fighter into Dash and we sponsored his first Fight with Dash on MMA TKO38 in Canada for Davis to introduce himself to the Dash Community.
Cost: 15Dash x 68$USD (Finalized in April of 2017)
Davis dos Santos on DashForceNews
MMA TKO38 Davis Fight ( Dash Logo on the Right Leg )
**The Second Fight (TKO39) was funded by DashForce and community Donations .
-Project3- Dash Sponsored Mauri Fonseca & StarMagic at Expointer 2017 - Arab Horse Competition in Porto Alegre , Brazil from August 23 to 29 2017
Cost : 40Dashx200$usd=8000$usd (Finalized/Paid on August 10th of 2017)
Promotion #MauriEDashNaExpointer2017 Contest Giveway 10X.25=2.5Dash
We have many other marketing projects/ideas in talks right now and we appreciate your support of this proposal so that we move forward with more exciting Outreach Projects.Part of the Funds will also be used to compensate members for there efforts .The Website was started in June of 2017 and it's been temporary hosted on a friends VPS .We also have a Online Store accepting Dash on NMarleys Woocommerce Dash Payment Pluggin almost ready to go live (Pluggin Forked in Portuguese by one of our team members ), we will use it to make a Tutorial in Portuguese on how to set it up and sell Dash Souvenirs .
Our Team :
Our team consists right now of 8 pationed and loyal members ,and volunters of a group created on Facebook @DashBrazil and Telegram @DashBrasil in September of 2015 by the Dash International Outreach Project ( Funded by the Dash Tresory ).
Since then this volunters have contributed to the success of Dash in Brazil and helped alot of new Portuguese Dash users getting to learn and use Dash .
Together let’s get Dash to get more exposure in Brazil and other Portuguese communities around the world ! Thanks to all MNOs for your Support !
hello Masternodes ,
i'm studioz , and i'm requesting funds to support our Dash Brazil Team in Outreach and Marketing Dash to the Portuguese Audience in Brazil for the next 3 months .
Website (15 Dash per Month)
- Journalism
- Translation
- Photo Video Audio + Editing
- Equipement(Camera+Microphone+Light)
- Future Dash Meetings
- Migrating/Improving Website
- SEO Marketing
Ongoing Projects :
-Project4- Sponsor Mauri & StarMagic in Campeonato Nacional de Cavalo Árabe, in Indaiatuba/Sao Paulo from 15 to 19 of November 2017.StarMagic is the fastest Mare in Brazil and Mauri's dream is to buy his next racing mare with Dash and integrate Dash into his name .
Main expenses:national trip,AirBnb_Apartment,transport,food,flyers,banners,jerseys,hats,Horse Transport for 4 members) we're also trying to get to sponsor the Event.**Majority of sponsors are the Banks of Brazil ** Remain Funds will be redistributed has giveways in the event .
We got a positive today reply from the President of the Event (NEW PROPOSAL) ***
Cost so far for this project ~45 Dash (updated 9/22/2017) an estimate
-Project5- Dash Media Marketing inside/outside 10 Buses in Porto Alegre city , Brazil .
-2 Panels Design
- 10 BusDoor(exterior,Back Window ) total estimated of 1.5 Million visualitions per month .
- 10 BusSeat (interior,Back of Bus Seats) total estimated 100000 visualitions per month with a average of ~1.5 hours exposion per passenger.
(Original Proposal)
Cost 22 Dash
-Project6- We're also in talks with Davis dos Santos , MMA Fighter , to get sponsored by Dash on his next MMA TKO Fight.
Negociating ....
Update: Some close friends in Montreal,Canada introduce us another MMA Fighter that would like to get exclusive sponsorship by DASH ,he's from Ottawa,Canada original from Senegal .
- The following is a list of outreach projects we've proudly accomplished that we would like to request a refund :
-Project1- Dash Grafitti of Davis dos Santos in the biggest Favela of South America - Rocinha , Rio de Janeiro
Cost: 40Dash x 195$US =7800$USD (Finalized in July of 2017)
(trips,staying,food,refreshment,transport,paints&tools,Drone Video Photographer,videoEditing,3 big days of work for 4 artists )
-Project2- We introduced Davis dos Santos MMA Fighter into Dash and we sponsored his first Fight with Dash on MMA TKO38 in Canada for Davis to introduce himself to the Dash Community.
Cost: 15Dash x 68$USD (Finalized in April of 2017)
Davis dos Santos on DashForceNews
MMA TKO38 Davis Fight ( Dash Logo on the Right Leg )
**The Second Fight (TKO39) was funded by DashForce and community Donations .
-Project3- Dash Sponsored Mauri Fonseca & StarMagic at Expointer 2017 - Arab Horse Competition in Porto Alegre , Brazil from August 23 to 29 2017
Promotion #MauriEDashNaExpointer2017 Contest Giveway 10X.25=2.5Dash
We have many other marketing projects/ideas in talks right now and we appreciate your support of this proposal so that we move forward with more exciting Outreach Projects.Part of the Funds will also be used to compensate members for there efforts .The Website was started in June of 2017 and it's been temporary hosted on a friends VPS .We also have a Online Store accepting Dash on NMarleys Woocommerce Dash Payment Pluggin almost ready to go live (Pluggin Forked in Portuguese by one of our team members ), we will use it to make a Tutorial in Portuguese on how to set it up and sell Dash Souvenirs .
Our Team :
Our team consists right now of 8 pationed and loyal members ,and volunters of a group created on Facebook @DashBrazil and Telegram @DashBrasil in September of 2015 by the Dash International Outreach Project ( Funded by the Dash Tresory ).
Since then this volunters have contributed to the success of Dash in Brazil and helped alot of new Portuguese Dash users getting to learn and use Dash .
Together let’s get Dash to get more exposure in Brazil and other Portuguese communities around the world ! Thanks to all MNOs for your Support !