Proposal: Core Team Contractors (May)

Ryan Taylor

Well-known member
Foundation Member
This proposal is cross-posted at

This proposal funds the Dash Core Team for the month of May - including all developers, administrative, and support staff - at market rates for base pay, excluding benefits or bonuses.

Back in January, the core team proposed - and the network approved - a proposal to fund an HR firm to assess our HR processes and help us transition to a sustainable organization. The highest priority items in the scope of work were role definitions, and determining the market rate for those positions, along with a plan to transition to market rates for our full-time employees as funds became available. You can view the proposal here:

As of this morning, that effort is now complete, and we have finalized market rates for each of the roles in the organization, including the new positions created and approved in the April budget. As we are still ramping up the team with the new positions, and some positions were filled below budget, we are requesting significantly less budget for the May period than the previously-disclosed projected run-rate.

One of the primary reasons for making a transition to market rates was to enable those working for the project to continue to do so continuously, and also to enable us to attract and retain new talent to continue scaling our operations. We simply could not continue bringing on new resources at market rates without first addressing the significant gap to fair pay for existing team members - the team that helped get us where we are today. We have hired a significant number of new contractors since the April budget was approved. In fact, full-time contractors with start dates in April or May total 12 people so far (all within the development area), with additional recruiting kicking off in other areas.

Why one comprehensive proposal for the existing team?

Core team salary proposals have been highly supported by the network. In fact, the least-supported of these proposals typically receives only ~2% "no" votes among the votes cast. Continuing to break out individual budgets is time-consuming, costs additional resources (proposal costs), and seems to add little value given the current level of support for these expenses. If in the future more than 10% of the votes cast for core team salary are "no", I can solicit feedback on what the network would like separately voted upon, and attempt to provide the requested additional granularity in future budget cycles.

Requested funding is as follows for the May 5th budget cycle:
Total: 2,702.83 Dash

Note: Should any funding remain, we will apply it toward future core team salary expenses.

Manually vote YES on this proposal:
dash-cli gobject vote-many aedd8e6a1b61c540f7f50bc83d472c2f438f601ffa6a0a8108aad368acb8e7e1 funding yes
OR from the qt console:
gobject vote-many aedd8e6a1b61c540f7f50bc83d472c2f438f601ffa6a0a8108aad368acb8e7e1 funding yes

Manually vote NO on this proposal:
dash-cli gobject vote-many aedd8e6a1b61c540f7f50bc83d472c2f438f601ffa6a0a8108aad368acb8e7e1 funding no
OR from the qt console:
gobject vote-many aedd8e6a1b61c540f7f50bc83d472c2f438f601ffa6a0a8108aad368acb8e7e1 funding no
12 new development related hires wow. Great to know that the team is expanding.

Just out of curiosity, how many paid positions will this budget be funding?
There are 27 full time positions... I would need to go back to the spreadsheets to determine the full number including part-time. Off the top of my head, I would estimate the total to be about 60-65 paid positions. We have yet to post the QA, automation, infrastructure, PM, or HR positions, so there are many more coming.
Way to go. I like how everything has been consolidated and simplified into one proposal.

If you're at liberty to say, I'd love to hear about how smooth or bumpy the process is to convert that much Dash into USD to pay salaries for those who want fiat. Do the exchanges and banks treat you ok?
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Way to go. I like how everything has been consolidated and simplified into one proposal.

If you're at liberty to say, I'd love to hear about how smooth or bumpy the process is to convert that much Dash into USD to pay salaries for those who want fiat. Do the exchanges and banks treat you ok?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
We pay almost everyone in Dash, so everyone converts individually. For that reason, we've had no issues so far.
I don't think so. I think that may raise an issue about work motivation between members of the Core team.

So, you say, Core team members are paid unfairly. And we should hide this from them, such that they are not unhappy about it?
So, you say, Core team members are paid unfairly. And we should hide this from them, such that they are not unhappy about it?

No, fair does not mean equal.

I remember a story about William Shockley failure in business because he had public the salary of his employees.