Proposal: Core Development - 12.2 DashDrive Developers

Ryan Taylor

Well-known member
Foundation Member
This is a cross-post from

As previously communicated, we are presently building out the foundational elements needed for Evolution in Dash-Core and Dash-Evolution completely separately to accelerate the process. These pieces will be connected together in a later release for the full realization of Evolution.

On the Dash-Evolution side, we already began funding graphic design and porting of the X11 hash function to JavaScript in the July budget. On the Dash-Core side, we are fast approaching the completion of v12.1. Consequently, we are beginning to plan for the next phase of development starting in August.

Evan has been the workhorse behind the Dash-Core progress to date, along with some support from part-time core team developers. For the 12.2 DashDrive release, we would like to accelerate development by funding additional Dash-Core resources to work for Evan. The specific skill set will be C++ programmers familiar with the Bitcoin and / or Dash code base.

The funding requested will begin in August at ~$3,300 per month and is expected to continue through March. This particular proposal covers only one month of costs. When the 12.1 system launches, we will submit a more permanent ongoing proposal (since all existing proposals will terminate when 12.1 is deployed).

Requested funding is as follows for the August 5th budget cycle:
Total: 430.37 Dash

Note: Any unused funds from this Dash-Core development funding will be directed toward other development expenses.

Manually vote YES on this proposal:

dash-cli mnbudget vote-many af4f2824ac7f9f08e649bfe1ebab9f4632858e0383ea18d124f4902ea03d90fb yes
OR from the qt console:
mnbudget vote-many af4f2824ac7f9f08e649bfe1ebab9f4632858e0383ea18d124f4902ea03d90fb yes

Manually vote NO on this proposal:

dash-cli mnbudget vote-many af4f2824ac7f9f08e649bfe1ebab9f4632858e0383ea18d124f4902ea03d90fb no
OR from the qt console:
mnbudget vote-many af4f2824ac7f9f08e649bfe1ebab9f4632858e0383ea18d124f4902ea03d90fb no
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I just read the DashDrive section of the evo paper. I don't really get it. Is it basically a requirement that each Masternode contributes a certain amount of storage? To what end? And why would that take 8 months to complete?
I just read the DashDrive section of the evo paper. I don't really get it. Is it basically a requirement that each Masternode contributes a certain amount of storage? To what end? And why would that take 8 months to complete?
The amount of storage required is minimal. It is only to store user logins, friends lists, etc. NOT to store end user's personal files or whatever. Eight months is a conservative estimate at this point. The DashDrive system will be a queriable, encrypted, decentralized storage system - a first in crypto. So it is not a simple task by any means. The current roadmap calls for completion in March.
The amount of storage required is minimal. It is only to store user logins, friends lists, etc. NOT to store end user's personal files or whatever. Eight months is a conservative estimate at this point. The DashDrive system will be a queriable, encrypted, decentralized storage system - a first in crypto. So it is not a simple task by any means. The current roadmap calls for completion in March.
I think the dash drive, which is a sharded storage system, will also store all the wallet information of the user. Although anyone can still run a full node wallet, this new system will ensure that Dash users will not lose their funds due to failure to save their wallets or corrupted data. There will be at least 3 layers of safety net. 1. all information on the Dash Drive will be redundant several times over (5 at the moment) 2. Users will be encouraged to keep a copy of their data in a separate cloud storage account, or their home computer (this would only be their own info, not the entire blockchain) and finally, the budgeting system will be used to purchase secure storage space in different parts of the world, which will hold all the information.

Anyway, I'm wondering how you guys are going to go about finding these programmers. Will you have a vetting process? I highly suggest sending the work out to bid??
TL;DR: RAID Bajillion with transparently encrypted writes for DASH itself.

Another way DASH has taken a good/partial idea that was derp on it's own, storj, and made it useful.
I think the dash drive, which is a sharded storage system, will also store all the wallet information of the user. Although anyone can still run a full node wallet, this new system will ensure that Dash users will not lose their funds due to failure to save their wallets or corrupted data. There will be at least 3 layers of safety net. 1. all information on the Dash Drive will be redundant several times over (5 at the moment) 2. Users will be encouraged to keep a copy of their data in a separate cloud storage account, or their home computer (this would only be their own info, not the entire blockchain) and finally, the budgeting system will be used to purchase secure storage space in different parts of the world, which will hold all the information.

Anyway, I'm wondering how you guys are going to go about finding these programmers. Will you have a vetting process? I highly suggest sending the work out to bid??

i hope that storing a copy of wallet key are optional, also that this system can also store other coin wallet key ? lets say that ppl just need to buy and hold 1 dash to keep all their data in dash network ??? or maybe there is a maximum say... 100 char data (btc wallet is 64 char) saved for each 1 dash in the wallet ???