Proposal: Commitment to Improving Funding Model


We would like to ask if there is enough recognition of the need to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the way in which treasury funds are awarded so that there is a reasonable expectation that meaningful improvements will be made. In our opinion, benefit to the network can be achieved if additional tools and/or different practices are used in certain cases, specifically tying rewards to observable, measurable benefit to the network in a growing number of cases as opposed to the common current practice of tying compensation to expected future benefits.

In practice, would we like to see more attempts to reward people who have already demonstrated benefits to Dash and the community in ways similar to and ranging from Nobel-type prizes, the Ansari X-prize, Requests for Proposal (RFPs) or Bounties? Would we like to see contributors more often submit proposals as a bill for work already done so that we do not have to always pay up front and take on the risk?

The current tradition of pre-funding efforts could be described as a venture funding model and it is certainly appropriate in some cases, but we believe there is additional value to be gained by exploring other methods that would give Dash more funding tools in its arsenal as well as valuable information about what works best in given situations. We believe escrow is an important and useful tool, but that it has limits due to the need to trust the escrow agent and could be improved and/or supplemented.

Successful passage of this proposal will be a signal to us as well as nervous investors and potential investors that the issue of funding is recognized by a critical mass of MasterNode Owners as one worth addressing in a meaningful way and a timely manner. If you feel likewise, then a "yes" vote will indicate as such. Do you commit or re-affirm your commitment to improving Dash in this area?

No matter what the outcome of this vote, useful information will be obtained with which to make future investing decisions, both for us and others. Thanks for participating.

Asking amount: 5 Dash
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I think this is far too vague.
I'm sure that we all want to improve the funding model if possible, but without a concrete improvement proposal, I don't see a point to this.
I would agree that at the moment it's a little vague, however I do think that the addition of RFPs and post-contribution funding like bounties & prizes makes a lot of sense. Here's how I might approach the wording

With the treasury getting as tight as it has been these past few months, I believe now is a great time to ensure we're getting the most out of it. I would like to raise the following as example actions we can take and invite your views and any further options you can think of.

1) Request for Proposals
There has been a lot of discussion around RFPs but now I think it is essential we push in this direction. If you approve of this then I believe we should signal as such to Nexus and effectively commit to funding the addition of a 'RFP' feature in Nexus if this isn't in their current spec (they have mentioned it but this may not be factored in to the initial budget)

2) Bounties
Bounties will allow us to incentivize the community in the direction we choose. For example, Blake of Dash Bus fame recently secured Dash coverage in a prominent crypto focused Youtube channel. His efforts and effort like his and those aligned with the views of the DAO should be rewarded and incetivized.

3) Prizes
Whilst bounties might be tied to direct results (x dash for y bounty), prizes give us an option to be a bit more general in how we reward those who contribute. For example, a youtube channel that's just started but is making a conscious effort to share the Dash mission, or someone who is particularly vocal across social media.

The benefit of using post-proposal funding (in cases where it makes sense) is that we already know they have delivered and we're encouraging those that support because they believe in Dash, not necessarily just for the financial incentive. Further we also encourage those that do not have the 5 dash proposal fee (or a suitably defined proposal for Boost). In the long term the goal would be to foster a community of action, to reward those who add value and believe in Dash and to see measurable results from our spend.

By voting yes for this proposal you're signal supporting the idea of creating bounties and/or prizes and an RFP section in Nexus. However if you would like to support just part of this proposal then please make your opinions known in the comments. It goes without saying that any future proposals will need the DAO approval to pass, this proposal is purely to gauge and invite your opinions.

I would agree that at the moment it's a little vague, however I do think that the addition of RFPs and post-contribution funding like bounties & prizes makes a lot of sense. Here's how I might approach the wording

Thanks for your input. Obviously I would like to get the 5 Dash back if possible, so if the only people voting yes have to support all RFPs, bounties and prizes, I'm less likely to get this to pass. I just want to know if enough MNOs recognize funding as a big enough problem or area with room for improvement that something meaningful is likely to be done about it. The money we are paying out needs to be tied more closely to the results we are getting. Awareness of the problem is the first step and I need to know if we've made it that far.
The reason I'm not making more specific recommendations is because I don't like flying blind. I don't know what the MNO level of awareness is and I don't think anybody knows for sure until we actually vote on it.

Worried investors and potential investors don't specifically need my ideas to work. They need somebody's ideas to work.They need to know we are trying to get better value out of the money we spend. Unless we really aren't trying and then they need to know that too.

My plan? if this passes, continue to make small experiments and to scale up when they work and to support anyone else working to fix this problem. If this or other or better decision proposals DON'T pass, then the plan is to reduce my exposure to Dash, as in start selling my MNO service rewards and stop recommending it so enthusiastically to others and eventually if nothing is done look for a better project.
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Is there already an RFP form to make proposals simple to read where the community knows where to find what information in the proposal and the proposals are not missing any important parts?